Sunday, July 31, 2005
Living as a released-person was indeed different. Woke up this morning full of relieved and joy. Never had I woken up feeling so fresh and relieved. I sang songs while preparing for church and I knew today was going to be wonderful. Praise the Lord when I listen to the songs on my CD, it didn't affect my mood like it always did. You know, those saddy songs that would often make me think of my past and the pain I have gone through. I thanked God countless times, on the way to church, when I reached church, etc.. A lot of things!
I just felt so relieved, and happy. I can proclaim now to the world and to others: I'm free! I was tempted to throw my temper a couple of times today, but I held on knowing that I am already a changed person. First thing that tried to blow me up; I wasn't inform that the meeting this afternoon was cancelled. I went there after church, waited for sometime before I was informed that the meeting has been cancelled. I was fustrated at first, I could have joined my church mates for lunch and went out to town. I prayed and asked God to calm me down. I kept my temper and didn't blow up. Second thing; when Joycelyn asked me stuff about projects. I didn't know why, but I got impatient with her. But I keep asking God to calm me down and prayed. I manage to answer all the questions she asked. I just hope that she can find what she wants to find.
I personally find that our friendship has distanced. Maybe I'm disapointed with her. Ever since she started playing Maple, things started to change. Her attitude towards school work for example. Last thursday while on the way to school, I asked her if she has finished her Digital Imaging concept proposal. Her reply to my questions just simply shocked me. What happened? 10 marks can make a difference to your grades. Busy playing maple and no time for a minimum three concept proposal? I don't like her attitude she has to certain things, I am just glad gaming hasn't taken the position of God.
I just don't understand, what's so great about games? I don't opposed to playing game, but there's a limit to it. What is the big hoo-ha of getting all those ranks that meant nothing after a period of time? You gain rank in games, does that makes you a better person? Games can sometime ruin lives. I had one friend which who approached me because of this gaming problem he has. He was so addicted to the game, that his results suffers. He tries to stop playing, but it's just simply too hard for him.
Yes, games can trained up your thinking, enhance your I.Q in some way or another. But if one went over the border, it's not doing good at all. You can be an expert in gaming, you can make a profession out of it; provided you know where you are heading. I don't see any meaning in playing game when all you are chasing for is to get high ranks in that game or gatehr all the tresures in them. After a few years, you look back; that game will look stupid to you. You might even ask, "Why the heck did I get so involve in that game?"
I don't really play game, I do once in a while. Gaming is not part of my life, I can live without it. Ask me what's the top ten things in my life, gaming would not even take the last place. I enjoyed playing games as well, but not too much of it. Never let games control you, but you control them.
Lord, guide me and keep my path straight. It will not be smooth, it's going to be difficult; but I know I can fight it through. I'm made a warrior for Christ. After a breakthrough, I'm awaiting for another greater one. Await for more updates and grow with me.
Comments in my blog are solely my opinion.
I just felt so relieved, and happy. I can proclaim now to the world and to others: I'm free! I was tempted to throw my temper a couple of times today, but I held on knowing that I am already a changed person. First thing that tried to blow me up; I wasn't inform that the meeting this afternoon was cancelled. I went there after church, waited for sometime before I was informed that the meeting has been cancelled. I was fustrated at first, I could have joined my church mates for lunch and went out to town. I prayed and asked God to calm me down. I kept my temper and didn't blow up. Second thing; when Joycelyn asked me stuff about projects. I didn't know why, but I got impatient with her. But I keep asking God to calm me down and prayed. I manage to answer all the questions she asked. I just hope that she can find what she wants to find.
I personally find that our friendship has distanced. Maybe I'm disapointed with her. Ever since she started playing Maple, things started to change. Her attitude towards school work for example. Last thursday while on the way to school, I asked her if she has finished her Digital Imaging concept proposal. Her reply to my questions just simply shocked me. What happened? 10 marks can make a difference to your grades. Busy playing maple and no time for a minimum three concept proposal? I don't like her attitude she has to certain things, I am just glad gaming hasn't taken the position of God.
I just don't understand, what's so great about games? I don't opposed to playing game, but there's a limit to it. What is the big hoo-ha of getting all those ranks that meant nothing after a period of time? You gain rank in games, does that makes you a better person? Games can sometime ruin lives. I had one friend which who approached me because of this gaming problem he has. He was so addicted to the game, that his results suffers. He tries to stop playing, but it's just simply too hard for him.
Yes, games can trained up your thinking, enhance your I.Q in some way or another. But if one went over the border, it's not doing good at all. You can be an expert in gaming, you can make a profession out of it; provided you know where you are heading. I don't see any meaning in playing game when all you are chasing for is to get high ranks in that game or gatehr all the tresures in them. After a few years, you look back; that game will look stupid to you. You might even ask, "Why the heck did I get so involve in that game?"
I don't really play game, I do once in a while. Gaming is not part of my life, I can live without it. Ask me what's the top ten things in my life, gaming would not even take the last place. I enjoyed playing games as well, but not too much of it. Never let games control you, but you control them.
Lord, guide me and keep my path straight. It will not be smooth, it's going to be difficult; but I know I can fight it through. I'm made a warrior for Christ. After a breakthrough, I'm awaiting for another greater one. Await for more updates and grow with me.
Comments in my blog are solely my opinion.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
I'm free!
I'm released, yes I am and I'm sure of that. Shouted like I never did before, indeed I never did shouted this much in my life. Went for service today, didn't know Rev. Mike Connell was not the speaker. Service was simply wonderful, God must have arranged it for me.
I sang aloud today as well, throwing away my worries of how Dia and JY will think. Learned a lot at sermon as usual. I've learnt, if you want to impact lives;you must have encounter with God daily and prayer will open heaven for you. Following are a few point I took down, have a look and be blessed!
During sermon, Rev Mike mentioned the alter build inside us, the dark secreats that no body knows, the evil spirit in us. Upon hearing that, my heart beats very fast, I was scared. I know God is calling upon me, to confess my sins and to release the struggle inside me. I was already in tears when Rev Mike called for alter call for non-believers. When he called for those who had struggles inside them that has not been release, I went down without second thought. I was crying while making my way to the front and my hands shaking. I cired like I never did before, I teared and teared, knowing that tonight God is going to release me.
I make my way to the front, Rev Mike has just pass me, but I stood there still. Seconds later, I felt a hand praying for me. I couldn't hear what the pastor said. The moment his hands were on my head, I let out a scream that I had never done before. I shouted and shouted as Rev Mike chase the evil spirit out of me. I fall to the ground, still screaming. I scream and I scream, with tears in my eyes. I was quiet for a while, but I didn't had the strength to get up. I lied there and then a sister came and payed for me. I scream some more, knowing that some evil spirit is still inside me. I screamed and I struggled; the sister kept praying beside my ears chasing the evil spirit away. I screamed like I never did before, the loudest that I could have achieved as the evil spirit depart me. I quieten down, then I stared coughing and I vomitted after that. The sister prayed for me even more, hugging me. I cried in her arms, I was released.
Finally after so many years of struggles, so many years of tormentment, I am released. All along I knew I had something deep inside me that I couldn't let go. Some thoughts that is buried so deep inside me, I don't even know that it existed. The dark secreats I had, which I failed to keep my promised to God, has all been released. All the bad childhood days, all the sorrows and scars, they have left me. No longer are they going to torment me or haunt me. Tonight, God has released me. I am a free person, tonight I can say.. I'm free!
Thank you Lord. You heard my prayers, and you have released your child. I'm renewed and a new book of chapter of life have just begun. My throat are painfull after the shouting, but I'm glad that the eveil spirit that have tormented me for so long have been gone. Thank you Lord.
I sang aloud today as well, throwing away my worries of how Dia and JY will think. Learned a lot at sermon as usual. I've learnt, if you want to impact lives;you must have encounter with God daily and prayer will open heaven for you. Following are a few point I took down, have a look and be blessed!
-I am who God says I am
-There's no failure in God
-What you believe affects how you behave
-God has a plan for you
-Whatever you have, God will use it
-Surrender your plan to God
-Whatever God calls you to do, you can do it!
-Embrace God's purpose into our lives
-Embrance our identity in Christ
-Don't give God left-overs
-Do not make an offering to God that you didn't pay for
-To see something great happens, there's a price to pay
-Giving represents your life
-Nothing is every accomplished without committment
-Commitment is a choice and has a price to pay
-Be willing to repond to make a committment
During sermon, Rev Mike mentioned the alter build inside us, the dark secreats that no body knows, the evil spirit in us. Upon hearing that, my heart beats very fast, I was scared. I know God is calling upon me, to confess my sins and to release the struggle inside me. I was already in tears when Rev Mike called for alter call for non-believers. When he called for those who had struggles inside them that has not been release, I went down without second thought. I was crying while making my way to the front and my hands shaking. I cired like I never did before, I teared and teared, knowing that tonight God is going to release me.
I make my way to the front, Rev Mike has just pass me, but I stood there still. Seconds later, I felt a hand praying for me. I couldn't hear what the pastor said. The moment his hands were on my head, I let out a scream that I had never done before. I shouted and shouted as Rev Mike chase the evil spirit out of me. I fall to the ground, still screaming. I scream and I scream, with tears in my eyes. I was quiet for a while, but I didn't had the strength to get up. I lied there and then a sister came and payed for me. I scream some more, knowing that some evil spirit is still inside me. I screamed and I struggled; the sister kept praying beside my ears chasing the evil spirit away. I screamed like I never did before, the loudest that I could have achieved as the evil spirit depart me. I quieten down, then I stared coughing and I vomitted after that. The sister prayed for me even more, hugging me. I cried in her arms, I was released.
Finally after so many years of struggles, so many years of tormentment, I am released. All along I knew I had something deep inside me that I couldn't let go. Some thoughts that is buried so deep inside me, I don't even know that it existed. The dark secreats I had, which I failed to keep my promised to God, has all been released. All the bad childhood days, all the sorrows and scars, they have left me. No longer are they going to torment me or haunt me. Tonight, God has released me. I am a free person, tonight I can say.. I'm free!
Thank you Lord. You heard my prayers, and you have released your child. I'm renewed and a new book of chapter of life have just begun. My throat are painfull after the shouting, but I'm glad that the eveil spirit that have tormented me for so long have been gone. Thank you Lord.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Everyone looked tired in the class, guess everyone has been going to bed late; even the computing maths tutor could tell so. Have been going to bed past 1a.m since the start of this week, yesterday wad fortunate enough to be in dreamland by 2a.m. Monday I visited Zzz Monster at around 3a.m and on tuesday 4a.m. I wonder what time would I see Zzz monster tonight, there's Visual Lit waiting for me..
Just when I though I was busy enough, I forgot that someone. or should I say many others, are much more busier than I am. Was working on Digital Imaging sketches last night, ideas were running away when I remembered EC's "star wars museum" I think her collection fited the theme of my prokects. Never really seen her collections personally, seen them on magazines and newspapers. From what I can recall, her room was full of star wars' collection, you can't even find a mirror in her room. But too bad, she is too busy to facilitate time for me to do my shooting. Her time was packed to the brim, not even her sundays are spared. Busy? Who'd busier now, she or me. You know it..
She's a super woman to me, so busy yet her passion still burns strongly. With her time packed to the brime, and I really mean BRIME, she still makes time for God and her passion. What I'm experiencing now is just the start, maybe just 5% of what EC is going through. Take care buddy, must have enough rest or you'll be spending your CNY sleeping away.
It's really hard coming up ideas to fit the recent Digital Imaging project theme. Fetish, what can you think about? Hmm..
IISO part 2, NMM, Digital Imaging, Visual Lit.. All these due dates coming up soon.. God bless me :)
Just when I though I was busy enough, I forgot that someone. or should I say many others, are much more busier than I am. Was working on Digital Imaging sketches last night, ideas were running away when I remembered EC's "star wars museum" I think her collection fited the theme of my prokects. Never really seen her collections personally, seen them on magazines and newspapers. From what I can recall, her room was full of star wars' collection, you can't even find a mirror in her room. But too bad, she is too busy to facilitate time for me to do my shooting. Her time was packed to the brim, not even her sundays are spared. Busy? Who'd busier now, she or me. You know it..
She's a super woman to me, so busy yet her passion still burns strongly. With her time packed to the brime, and I really mean BRIME, she still makes time for God and her passion. What I'm experiencing now is just the start, maybe just 5% of what EC is going through. Take care buddy, must have enough rest or you'll be spending your CNY sleeping away.
It's really hard coming up ideas to fit the recent Digital Imaging project theme. Fetish, what can you think about? Hmm..
IISO part 2, NMM, Digital Imaging, Visual Lit.. All these due dates coming up soon.. God bless me :)
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
NMM just suck at times
" There's broken link" is the last thing I want to listen to from anyone and I mean it. I so darn fraking tired, look at the damn time now; I should be in bed. Freaking hell speaking few hours redoing the whole beta version and now someone tells me there's broken link. Fish!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Java Scrpit, Java, words, letters and numbers.. oh boy all these things are taking up my life! Worked till 3a.m this morning for the sake of NMM project, just the beta version I should mention. The good news is, I will have to edit and redo most of the web pages :) Looks like I don't have to sleep today.
Bombastically, not sure if this word do exist, I dreamed of Dreamweaver whole night long. Oh boy, too much computer stuff. Take for instance just now when we're taking the lift; Farabi actually wanted to say "press the lift button" but he slip his mouth and said "click the lift button" Won't be surprise if by the end of three years my language would mostly be, "Undo, ReDo, Copy, Paste" etc etc etc..
Break now, PRSP tutorial later. Getting back results, hmmm.. Assignment two is to create a game, more Java codes, blurry vision and many late nights to come.
I'm caught in the middle. To leave or not leave? It's a struggle to make a final decision. After years of staying in the church, forging the bonds and the close sense of belonging.. Moving on to a new church is just like starting all over again..
It's irony in one way or another. When I'm not with the youth group, I don't have the urge to leave, but at least the thoughts are in my mind. When I'm with the youth group, the urge to leave is about 70% high. God, guide me.
Boy, I'm tired after the late night yesterday. My eyes are a little tired, feeling it now. I wondered how EC cope with it yeah, having to sleep at almost 2a.m everyday. No wonder she slept through almost the whole day during CNY. Another late night today and may God bless me. Not that tiring afterall when you're doing something you have interest in. If people can play agme till 5a.m in the morning, sleep for mere 1 hour and start the day.. I think I can too! Of course, it's not very good for health yeah? We need at least 5 hours of coffee break for the brain.
Class starting soon.. PRSP, I await your results *Cross fingers*
By the way, I top my class for IISO. *Praise the Lord* If I'm not wrong, my result should stand in second place in IT school and maybe third place in all the schools that takes IISO. Lord, if this is the way You're leading.. Please guide me on.
Bombastically, not sure if this word do exist, I dreamed of Dreamweaver whole night long. Oh boy, too much computer stuff. Take for instance just now when we're taking the lift; Farabi actually wanted to say "press the lift button" but he slip his mouth and said "click the lift button" Won't be surprise if by the end of three years my language would mostly be, "Undo, ReDo, Copy, Paste" etc etc etc..
Break now, PRSP tutorial later. Getting back results, hmmm.. Assignment two is to create a game, more Java codes, blurry vision and many late nights to come.
I'm caught in the middle. To leave or not leave? It's a struggle to make a final decision. After years of staying in the church, forging the bonds and the close sense of belonging.. Moving on to a new church is just like starting all over again..
It's irony in one way or another. When I'm not with the youth group, I don't have the urge to leave, but at least the thoughts are in my mind. When I'm with the youth group, the urge to leave is about 70% high. God, guide me.
Boy, I'm tired after the late night yesterday. My eyes are a little tired, feeling it now. I wondered how EC cope with it yeah, having to sleep at almost 2a.m everyday. No wonder she slept through almost the whole day during CNY. Another late night today and may God bless me. Not that tiring afterall when you're doing something you have interest in. If people can play agme till 5a.m in the morning, sleep for mere 1 hour and start the day.. I think I can too! Of course, it's not very good for health yeah? We need at least 5 hours of coffee break for the brain.
Class starting soon.. PRSP, I await your results *Cross fingers*
By the way, I top my class for IISO. *Praise the Lord* If I'm not wrong, my result should stand in second place in IT school and maybe third place in all the schools that takes IISO. Lord, if this is the way You're leading.. Please guide me on.
Monday, July 25, 2005
It hurts to leave
Woke up this morning and was greeted with JY's SMS. Prayer meeting? Seriously, I don't think it will work. What will we end up doing? Talking, playing and planning what to do next or where to go for lunch. I know you people well, this kind of things will never work out, at least I'm certain now. "If we don't care about the fellowship, who will?" Good question asked, glad this question came into your mind too.
I've given up hope. God, if this "hope" is meant to live, please revive it or just let me go and move on.
"I only called [who,who,who,who and who]"--- Well, the fellowship only consist of the few that you mention? The rest is nothing huh? We are a family, a family in Chirst. Love your enermy as your friends.
It's painfull to leave, to just give up for something that you have hold on to so long. You once held strong vision and hope for it, but now.. I know that it's not going to be possible, I can't see any hope. The feeling is so bad, it tearing inside me. Just like an artist painting an art work. You spend so much time on it, thinking about it day and night, visioning it to be the greatest art work ever done. Then one day you realise this dream of yours is going to be broken, it's not going to be a great piece of work. All the time spend and effort spend just went down the drain..
I tried talking to Dia's mum, Dia and many others. We had prayer meeting, but it lasted for only three weeks. Where's the passion burning for the church? Where's the fire inside us after we've seen the concert? Where's the great visions we once had?
I don't want to leave and I don't want to leave as well. Leaving the church is the last thing I want to do, but it's came to an end. Enough is enough. Lack of discipline, childish behaviors and mistakes committed again and again.. I know we're not perfect, but at least all that we can do is learn from our mistakes. Did we? I don't think we did.
What's all the talks about team bonding for? What's all the camps about closer relationships for? It just pissed me off when I see stupid, sorry to say, but stupid behaviors from some people in the fellowship. Names calling, backstabbing, boycotting, irresponsibilties, lack of spritual discipline etc etc etc..
No point when there's only a few doing their "job".
I've given up hope. God, if this "hope" is meant to live, please revive it or just let me go and move on.
"I only called [who,who,who,who and who]"--- Well, the fellowship only consist of the few that you mention? The rest is nothing huh? We are a family, a family in Chirst. Love your enermy as your friends.
It's painfull to leave, to just give up for something that you have hold on to so long. You once held strong vision and hope for it, but now.. I know that it's not going to be possible, I can't see any hope. The feeling is so bad, it tearing inside me. Just like an artist painting an art work. You spend so much time on it, thinking about it day and night, visioning it to be the greatest art work ever done. Then one day you realise this dream of yours is going to be broken, it's not going to be a great piece of work. All the time spend and effort spend just went down the drain..
I tried talking to Dia's mum, Dia and many others. We had prayer meeting, but it lasted for only three weeks. Where's the passion burning for the church? Where's the fire inside us after we've seen the concert? Where's the great visions we once had?
I don't want to leave and I don't want to leave as well. Leaving the church is the last thing I want to do, but it's came to an end. Enough is enough. Lack of discipline, childish behaviors and mistakes committed again and again.. I know we're not perfect, but at least all that we can do is learn from our mistakes. Did we? I don't think we did.
What's all the talks about team bonding for? What's all the camps about closer relationships for? It just pissed me off when I see stupid, sorry to say, but stupid behaviors from some people in the fellowship. Names calling, backstabbing, boycotting, irresponsibilties, lack of spritual discipline etc etc etc..
No point when there's only a few doing their "job".
Sunday, July 24, 2005
I somehow could sense Che's sadness while I was leading worship today. Sitting alone at the back, all by herself with tears in her eyes. I don't know how she must have felt, because I'm not in her shoes.. It just hurts to see her tears falls, and my words made her cry even more. It's alright to tear, just remember to wipe away those tears and stand up from where you fall. "God know your every thoughts, He captures your every tears and He knows how you are feeling deep inside."
Some people just don't know how to learn from their mistakes. They can forget their mistakes, but at the same time they forgot the lessons that the mistakes taught them. What the point of apologising over and over again, without meaning? What the point, I don't see the end to it. We;ll never learn this way. Is this what friends are mean to be? If you guys have the courage to talk bad about her, tell it in her face. What has she done? Are you that perfect? What if you're the one in her shoes?
Stop pointing fingers and saying that it isn't your fault. You forgotten that when you point one, just one finger at others, you have 3 pointing back to you? Many times when things went wrong, even when it's your fault, you tend to pull others down with you. Human nature I can say.
How far can this church go? I really wonder. What's pulling me back from going? Is it the bonds I shared with the people, or is it the memories? It's a struggle to stay on. All that I asked for, a church with God loving people, hungry to know and love God more. I don't see any in this church. All along we have been going our way, not God's.
All those camps, talks by the teachers or by speakers have all gone to waste. What the point of talking if it went in one ear and when out the other? What the point of coming together when the purpose is wrong?
Sorry to say, but certain people's attitude just pissed me off. Should be called a child of God and shouldn't even be a leader. I'm sorry to say, but that what's in me. As a leader, have you been showing a good example for the others to follow? We are so closely bonded, we didn't allow others to come in. Break this bond, it's not doing any good.
I had great vision for this church, but my effort alone cannot make a big difference. Wake up people, answer to the call..
Saturday, July 23, 2005
I would rather not have you as my parents and lead a normal life. Have you done what you should as a parent? You didn't! You scared me since young, so what do you expect? I know I am in wrong, I have made mistakes, yes I did! What freaking hell, have you been a good parent? Where's my pocket money that you should give as a parent? I can't see any. I have to dig out from my own account and now it's left with 7 bucks. Now you questions me of the money I use. What about transport, food and my own education! You said you wanna get a computer for me? Oh come on, that's going to be a fairy tale I tell you. Wait for you, I might as well beg and ask for help myself!
Come on, what kind of parent are you? Have you fulfill your freaking role as a mother? Where's your love and care for me? Yes, there is, but it's all covered up with your nonsence! You passed that freaking illness to me, I forgave you. You scared me, I tried to forget that. You want a good life, I'm working towards it. Can you just jolly well be a mother like you should be?!
You drop me like a stone, expecting me to survive with nothing, not allowing me to touch the account money. Come on, you think I've got a rich god-mother is it? Freaking hell with you! Keep asking grandma's side to support my education, freak, why do you then keep me when you have me if you don't want to support me? Freak out!
Don't, I say don't, don't make me walk out of you, treating as if I don't know you. I don't want that to happen. If you can't support me in achieving my dreams, don't destroy it? How do I put it in word to you? I can't even communicate well with you. What? You can't understand english or chinese, how do you expect me to tell you what I'm feeling!
Freak out, I just hope I was adopted and you're not my real parents. At least then, the anger won't be so strong. But hell, I think you guys are my real parents.
Measure the stress level in me, you know nothing. What's with that happy face everytime I return home? So that you won't freaking ask me anything. You never understand and you will never!
Having to worry for my school results, my health, my medical bills, my transport bills and so many other things, you don't come and add more in! It's better off I live on my own yeah?
I can't work now, so what? I'm living off the tiny little bit of savings that I have left, so what! Do you care!? Freak off alright, if you know nothing. Don't come and question me and ask me those stupid questions.
I just wish you weren't my parents. I really do.
Come on, what kind of parent are you? Have you fulfill your freaking role as a mother? Where's your love and care for me? Yes, there is, but it's all covered up with your nonsence! You passed that freaking illness to me, I forgave you. You scared me, I tried to forget that. You want a good life, I'm working towards it. Can you just jolly well be a mother like you should be?!
You drop me like a stone, expecting me to survive with nothing, not allowing me to touch the account money. Come on, you think I've got a rich god-mother is it? Freaking hell with you! Keep asking grandma's side to support my education, freak, why do you then keep me when you have me if you don't want to support me? Freak out!
Don't, I say don't, don't make me walk out of you, treating as if I don't know you. I don't want that to happen. If you can't support me in achieving my dreams, don't destroy it? How do I put it in word to you? I can't even communicate well with you. What? You can't understand english or chinese, how do you expect me to tell you what I'm feeling!
Freak out, I just hope I was adopted and you're not my real parents. At least then, the anger won't be so strong. But hell, I think you guys are my real parents.
Measure the stress level in me, you know nothing. What's with that happy face everytime I return home? So that you won't freaking ask me anything. You never understand and you will never!
Having to worry for my school results, my health, my medical bills, my transport bills and so many other things, you don't come and add more in! It's better off I live on my own yeah?
I can't work now, so what? I'm living off the tiny little bit of savings that I have left, so what! Do you care!? Freak off alright, if you know nothing. Don't come and question me and ask me those stupid questions.
I just wish you weren't my parents. I really do.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Goodbye Alice
:) Goodbye PRSP, Alice!
Don't come back again......
I just kick you away, so do not,I say DO NOT come back again!
You're helping the world by doing this great favor!
Thank you for tormenting so many of us, putting us to sleep at 2a.m and hanging us when the project is almost done. Thanks man, thanks!
Just don't let me see you again yeah?
Go,go,go.. go on your way..
Don't come back again......
I just kick you away, so do not,I say DO NOT come back again!
You're helping the world by doing this great favor!
Thank you for tormenting so many of us, putting us to sleep at 2a.m and hanging us when the project is almost done. Thanks man, thanks!
Just don't let me see you again yeah?
Go,go,go.. go on your way..
Sunday, July 17, 2005
I just don't feel like talking to you on the phone anymore, not to say meet you. I don't know why, but I think I'm starting to distant you. Maybe it happend for quite some time, but I didn't admit that I am. Send me an e-mail and ask me to call you? Come on, who are you to me? Am I your girlfriend or what? Report him to the officer if he calls again? What's the big hooha here? Why are you so afraid that I will believe in what he told me, unless what he said is true. You have your freedom to keep things from me, but don't lie. I seriously don't like it unless you have a VALID reason, VALID. You never did gave me one. I don't know why the heck I had those feelings for you, but I'm glad it's gone. You use to hurt me so much that you didn't know, even when you do, you carried on. Now I put it to stop, so don't try it again. I'll smash you upside down and things might gurn else where. You take care, don't have to worry about me. Walk your IT mall and I'll walk my walk.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Alice, please be good
Woke up unwillingly at 8.20a.m this morning, all for the sake of CDS. The system was suppose to open at 10a.m, but the whole darn thing was accessible only at 10.15a.m. The whole lot of us in the lab were grumbling. Fianally someone shouted " Open already!", all of us rush into the system. Hence, the system became laggy. Manage to get into the system and chose the subjects I want.
The class was co-opperative and considerate, after finishing registering for our CDS, they called up others who were not here. Haa, they got so anxious when Joshua was still sleeping and AS forgotten to register for CDS. After helping all of them, we decided to head down for early lunch. On the way down, we run into Michael Shaw. We were "amused" and keep looking at Sheena and Shaw while we were in the lift. Sheena should know what that meant!
Went to the bookshop before we set off for Design canteen. Had grilled fish with butter rice. Wasn't bad, shared fries with Dino and AG as well. I went back to the lad to do my Alice animation while the rest went home. Thanks Azri for teaching me parameters, but in the end, I still can't get it. I really need ya help when school reopen.
Spend quite a number of hours in the lab and I think I make progress in my project! Haa.. I had no idea on how to start on my NMM. I was so lost at what to do last night when I opened up Dreamweaver. Hmmm, I better start tonight, generate some ideas and start on.
Tomorrow I'm gonna be so darn busy. Late morning there will be PaceSetters' meeting, late afternoon is video shooting for Si Yun's production and in the evening is church service. Packed up for the day.
I think I will be back to Alice again, please lady, don't hang on me. It's darn irritating to work with you. Please, for once, let me finished off my project and *hOoLaAlAaA* I won't bother you again. I've got to work on NMM and MindChic's logo as well... Darn...
The class was co-opperative and considerate, after finishing registering for our CDS, they called up others who were not here. Haa, they got so anxious when Joshua was still sleeping and AS forgotten to register for CDS. After helping all of them, we decided to head down for early lunch. On the way down, we run into Michael Shaw. We were "amused" and keep looking at Sheena and Shaw while we were in the lift. Sheena should know what that meant!
Went to the bookshop before we set off for Design canteen. Had grilled fish with butter rice. Wasn't bad, shared fries with Dino and AG as well. I went back to the lad to do my Alice animation while the rest went home. Thanks Azri for teaching me parameters, but in the end, I still can't get it. I really need ya help when school reopen.
Spend quite a number of hours in the lab and I think I make progress in my project! Haa.. I had no idea on how to start on my NMM. I was so lost at what to do last night when I opened up Dreamweaver. Hmmm, I better start tonight, generate some ideas and start on.
Tomorrow I'm gonna be so darn busy. Late morning there will be PaceSetters' meeting, late afternoon is video shooting for Si Yun's production and in the evening is church service. Packed up for the day.
I think I will be back to Alice again, please lady, don't hang on me. It's darn irritating to work with you. Please, for once, let me finished off my project and *hOoLaAlAaA* I won't bother you again. I've got to work on NMM and MindChic's logo as well... Darn...
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Sand, Fun, Laughters, Water, SENTOSA!!
Went out with grandma just now, the sun was horrible. My hands hurt when the sun shone on me. Sun burnt after yesterday's class outing. Had a really great time, first outing as a class, though not all came.
Meeting time was 10a.m, but I reached like 10.05a.m. Well, there's 15 minutes grace period right? Haa, but there were a few that were much later. The guys went to have their breakfast, I didn't eat but sat there eating my own potato chips. PeiQi, the AS, bought some stuff from JollieBean. She bought some really green tea, "green tea" Hmmm.. I guess it's really "green" to be called green tea yeah? After so, we took the bus to Sentosa.
It was aye crowded in Sentosa, Joycelyn bought all the tickets for us. It was such a long line for the bus service and Joshua suggested walking. It was a long walk, but I had a great view of Sentosa. Joycelyn was walking beside me when she suddenly jumped! It was like... "Lalala.. Arg!" That kind of thingy. Haa, why? All because of a worm. Heh, you can never go to the forest like that. If you do, I'm very sure you'll be jumping through out the walk. It was not long after we discovered we were lost. We then decided to take the green line which will bring us near to Siloso beach. One stupid thing happen while we were on our way to take the bus. You see, the green line bus arrives and I shouted to Lex, “Hey DB, run to catch the bus!!" Lex really did run and the rest of us started to run as well, while running, someone actually shouting "Fleeting moments!" Oh come on.. Lee Leong must have tormented us a lot with that topic. Upon boarding the bus, the driver actually announced that there's 4 minutes waiting time. We'll like.. "Why did the heck we run for?" Oh well, it was funny..
Along the way, Lex shouted at any people walking by. He's one funny and weird guy. We reached Siloso and took pictures before starting the day. We found a spot and the first thing the class did, buried Nicholas' legs in the sand. Nicholas, Joshua, Farabi, Lex, DJ and me went canoeing. Nic and I took the single canoe and the rest took the double one. While canoeing, Lex, DJ, Farabi and Joshua sat at the wrong end of the boat. No wonder, they were slow in canoeing. We canoed for quite a distant and sun tanned in the middle of the sea. That's my first, sun tanning in the open sea! Haa. The rest of the days were Frisbee games, water dipping and volleyball game. Of course, there's a lot of munching as well. A lot of pushing were done to the guys and girls, those who didn't want to get into the water had no choice, because we pushed everyone into the water! Farabi got strip half naked as well! There's a lot of name calling too. Now, there's PS1, PS2, ASAP and AG. Haa, well this class is quite fun to be with.
We wanted to catch the water fountain, but it rained in the evening. We dropped the idea and went to Harbour Front for Dinner. The class wanted Fish n Co, but there isn't any at Harbour Front. They actually wanted to travel out of Harbour Front, but I guess everyone was too tired to travel and settle down for foot court. Oh boy, you don't want to know.. My curry noodles were full of oil. Both I and AG scoop up about half a bowl of oil, yuck!
A wonderful and tired day spent, but it was enjoying. My skin was burning red then, now it's still the same. It's painful, and I don't think I wanna go sun tanning any time this week.
Projects have yet to be completed, and I didn't even start on NMM. Took some pictures in Sentosa, but all not all of them. Come on, yesterday was a day for fun, not for projects! That explains why I didn't take as much pictures as I want to.
Going back to school on friday and on saturday. Friday was to settle the CDS things and Saturday was to meet up with PaceSetters' main committee. After meeting the main committee, I will be helping Si Yun with her video production. Acting as a boss, scolding her.. *Evil grinnn* after that will be youth service. Do I want to go? Hmmm..
Holidays coming to an end, some how this is the best holidays I had all these years. Yes, there's work and assignment, but it's a lot better than secondary school years. Enjoy poly life now; three years will pass by fast.
Thanks Farabi for the drink yesterday and yeah, let's work hard for our dreams and goal! You go, PS2!!
Alright, this was yesterday. Now about today. I woke up at around 12.30p.m. Woken up by Pace Setter's call. She (can't remember her name) called to inform me of the meeting time on Saturday. I sounded horsed as I was sleeping. I hope that didn't spoil my image in her mind. She was asking me, "You'll be coming right?" Of course, what makes you think I won't be, can I anyway? I sounded kind of lost in the conversation as well; I was trying darn hard to be awake. Had lunch, went out with grandma as she wants to buy a chair. Didn't manage to get any, but she bought a lot of tibits for me! Thanks, she always gets me the things I like to eat and want. Thank you Ah ma for loving me :) I treated her Roti Boy in return. Now, she's too full to eat for dinner. She's a light, very light eater.
I think I will work on my projects later on.. Time for my injections and dinner time!!
Meeting time was 10a.m, but I reached like 10.05a.m. Well, there's 15 minutes grace period right? Haa, but there were a few that were much later. The guys went to have their breakfast, I didn't eat but sat there eating my own potato chips. PeiQi, the AS, bought some stuff from JollieBean. She bought some really green tea, "green tea" Hmmm.. I guess it's really "green" to be called green tea yeah? After so, we took the bus to Sentosa.
It was aye crowded in Sentosa, Joycelyn bought all the tickets for us. It was such a long line for the bus service and Joshua suggested walking. It was a long walk, but I had a great view of Sentosa. Joycelyn was walking beside me when she suddenly jumped! It was like... "Lalala.. Arg!" That kind of thingy. Haa, why? All because of a worm. Heh, you can never go to the forest like that. If you do, I'm very sure you'll be jumping through out the walk. It was not long after we discovered we were lost. We then decided to take the green line which will bring us near to Siloso beach. One stupid thing happen while we were on our way to take the bus. You see, the green line bus arrives and I shouted to Lex, “Hey DB, run to catch the bus!!" Lex really did run and the rest of us started to run as well, while running, someone actually shouting "Fleeting moments!" Oh come on.. Lee Leong must have tormented us a lot with that topic. Upon boarding the bus, the driver actually announced that there's 4 minutes waiting time. We'll like.. "Why did the heck we run for?" Oh well, it was funny..
Along the way, Lex shouted at any people walking by. He's one funny and weird guy. We reached Siloso and took pictures before starting the day. We found a spot and the first thing the class did, buried Nicholas' legs in the sand. Nicholas, Joshua, Farabi, Lex, DJ and me went canoeing. Nic and I took the single canoe and the rest took the double one. While canoeing, Lex, DJ, Farabi and Joshua sat at the wrong end of the boat. No wonder, they were slow in canoeing. We canoed for quite a distant and sun tanned in the middle of the sea. That's my first, sun tanning in the open sea! Haa. The rest of the days were Frisbee games, water dipping and volleyball game. Of course, there's a lot of munching as well. A lot of pushing were done to the guys and girls, those who didn't want to get into the water had no choice, because we pushed everyone into the water! Farabi got strip half naked as well! There's a lot of name calling too. Now, there's PS1, PS2, ASAP and AG. Haa, well this class is quite fun to be with.
We wanted to catch the water fountain, but it rained in the evening. We dropped the idea and went to Harbour Front for Dinner. The class wanted Fish n Co, but there isn't any at Harbour Front. They actually wanted to travel out of Harbour Front, but I guess everyone was too tired to travel and settle down for foot court. Oh boy, you don't want to know.. My curry noodles were full of oil. Both I and AG scoop up about half a bowl of oil, yuck!
A wonderful and tired day spent, but it was enjoying. My skin was burning red then, now it's still the same. It's painful, and I don't think I wanna go sun tanning any time this week.
Projects have yet to be completed, and I didn't even start on NMM. Took some pictures in Sentosa, but all not all of them. Come on, yesterday was a day for fun, not for projects! That explains why I didn't take as much pictures as I want to.
Going back to school on friday and on saturday. Friday was to settle the CDS things and Saturday was to meet up with PaceSetters' main committee. After meeting the main committee, I will be helping Si Yun with her video production. Acting as a boss, scolding her.. *Evil grinnn* after that will be youth service. Do I want to go? Hmmm..
Holidays coming to an end, some how this is the best holidays I had all these years. Yes, there's work and assignment, but it's a lot better than secondary school years. Enjoy poly life now; three years will pass by fast.
Thanks Farabi for the drink yesterday and yeah, let's work hard for our dreams and goal! You go, PS2!!
Alright, this was yesterday. Now about today. I woke up at around 12.30p.m. Woken up by Pace Setter's call. She (can't remember her name) called to inform me of the meeting time on Saturday. I sounded horsed as I was sleeping. I hope that didn't spoil my image in her mind. She was asking me, "You'll be coming right?" Of course, what makes you think I won't be, can I anyway? I sounded kind of lost in the conversation as well; I was trying darn hard to be awake. Had lunch, went out with grandma as she wants to buy a chair. Didn't manage to get any, but she bought a lot of tibits for me! Thanks, she always gets me the things I like to eat and want. Thank you Ah ma for loving me :) I treated her Roti Boy in return. Now, she's too full to eat for dinner. She's a light, very light eater.
I think I will work on my projects later on.. Time for my injections and dinner time!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Starting up is difficult, Keeping it going is even tougher
I have decided, instead of travelling to school to complete my projects, I might as well download the programs and do it at home. I just simply dislike the crowd and can't produce good work in environment as such.
Downloading Alice, guess after I finish with the project, I can delete away the program. Finally, I won't get to see Alice again. Guess I'm just not cut for animation? Haha, maybe I do.. Just that I'm not putting in enough effort.
My darling handphone is still dead, yet to send for service..
How am I spending my holidays? Guess it still going on right, nothing too stressful and tough. Grace can handle it :)
Suddenly this came to mind.. " Starting up is difficult, but keeping it going is even more tougher" I think EC mention this before, so do many other entrepreneurs. Yeah.. as I dream about my future, my goals and my visions, I know it's ain't gonna be easy. There's a easier path to choose from, but I don't want to be normal. Why be normal when there are so many people who are "normal"? I want to live my life, fulfill those potentials of mine. I want to be an entrepreneur, make it big like EC and outbeat her. I'm sure many others have dreams like mine.. But do you guys even consider the journey ahead and the price to pay? Starting up is hard enough already, but keeping it going is even tougher. One classic example, Elim Chew, founder of 77th street. She fought hard for more than 10 years before she achieve the results that she have today. 10 years, how long or short is that to you? Will anyone be able to hold on for 10 years. She did it, so can you.. if you have the passion and zeal.
When I first got to know about Elim, I though this woman is simply wonderful. 16 years of business, who could have hold on till now? Even as the managing director, she still works more than 10 hours a day. She could have just slag at home, shake her legs and wait for money to come in. But she didn't. Why? Because she got her passion with her and I think she wants to watch her "child" grow. I would want to be the same, but I know everyone has a different path to walk. I'm someone in the making..
I did shared about my childhood and my unique life. How every one look down on me. Haa, I guess I'm those underdogs! Look down on me, mock me, laught at me.. We'll see who gets the last laught.
By the way, a few days ago I was reading the Bible when I came across David, a famous figure in the Bible. I was amazed at how David handled his enermy, Saul. Saul was hunting down for him, wanting David dead. But after Saul died, David took great care of his grand children. The one who killed Saul and his family members were treated hashly by David.
Are you able to treat your enermy well when they are trying darn hard to get you? Do you have what it takes to really forget and forgive?
I better start on my projects..
Enjoy today :)
Downloading Alice, guess after I finish with the project, I can delete away the program. Finally, I won't get to see Alice again. Guess I'm just not cut for animation? Haha, maybe I do.. Just that I'm not putting in enough effort.
My darling handphone is still dead, yet to send for service..
How am I spending my holidays? Guess it still going on right, nothing too stressful and tough. Grace can handle it :)
Suddenly this came to mind.. " Starting up is difficult, but keeping it going is even more tougher" I think EC mention this before, so do many other entrepreneurs. Yeah.. as I dream about my future, my goals and my visions, I know it's ain't gonna be easy. There's a easier path to choose from, but I don't want to be normal. Why be normal when there are so many people who are "normal"? I want to live my life, fulfill those potentials of mine. I want to be an entrepreneur, make it big like EC and outbeat her. I'm sure many others have dreams like mine.. But do you guys even consider the journey ahead and the price to pay? Starting up is hard enough already, but keeping it going is even tougher. One classic example, Elim Chew, founder of 77th street. She fought hard for more than 10 years before she achieve the results that she have today. 10 years, how long or short is that to you? Will anyone be able to hold on for 10 years. She did it, so can you.. if you have the passion and zeal.
When I first got to know about Elim, I though this woman is simply wonderful. 16 years of business, who could have hold on till now? Even as the managing director, she still works more than 10 hours a day. She could have just slag at home, shake her legs and wait for money to come in. But she didn't. Why? Because she got her passion with her and I think she wants to watch her "child" grow. I would want to be the same, but I know everyone has a different path to walk. I'm someone in the making..
I did shared about my childhood and my unique life. How every one look down on me. Haa, I guess I'm those underdogs! Look down on me, mock me, laught at me.. We'll see who gets the last laught.
By the way, a few days ago I was reading the Bible when I came across David, a famous figure in the Bible. I was amazed at how David handled his enermy, Saul. Saul was hunting down for him, wanting David dead. But after Saul died, David took great care of his grand children. The one who killed Saul and his family members were treated hashly by David.
Are you able to treat your enermy well when they are trying darn hard to get you? Do you have what it takes to really forget and forgive?
I better start on my projects..
Enjoy today :)
Monday, July 11, 2005
Cheer up Grace. Smile :)
I teared just now, because I lost something. I still remember how much I wanted it when i didn't had it. When I had it, I didn't have the courage to use it. Now that it's gone, never will I get it back. Will I?
Lost two of it. I didn't know it meant so much until I lost it. It has been sitting there for so long, every time I sees it.. I could only pause and look at it. I can't even look at it now. Gone..
I lost my mood to talk, not to say even chat.. Sorry guys..
Just like when I lost my granpa, the feeling was so awful. What made it worser then was, grandpa was actually waiting for me to visit him. I didn't make it. Sorry.. I know you cared, you loved me, but you didn't show it. I admired you grandpa, for being so courages and loving. I visited you everyday, hoping that you'll be well again. That day, you seem better, I thought you will be out of the hospital soon.. But, you left 2 days later. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you for the last time. Everyone was there, except me.. and you were waiting for me. I missed those days that we fought for the sofa seats, the chinese papers.. food. But you always gave in to me..
I lost something.. something small, but it mean so much. Maybe not to the person who gave it to me.. But it meant a lot to me. Though I won't use it, but it serve as a memory..
I wished I had remembered it..
I teared just now, because I lost something. I still remember how much I wanted it when i didn't had it. When I had it, I didn't have the courage to use it. Now that it's gone, never will I get it back. Will I?
Lost two of it. I didn't know it meant so much until I lost it. It has been sitting there for so long, every time I sees it.. I could only pause and look at it. I can't even look at it now. Gone..
I lost my mood to talk, not to say even chat.. Sorry guys..
Just like when I lost my granpa, the feeling was so awful. What made it worser then was, grandpa was actually waiting for me to visit him. I didn't make it. Sorry.. I know you cared, you loved me, but you didn't show it. I admired you grandpa, for being so courages and loving. I visited you everyday, hoping that you'll be well again. That day, you seem better, I thought you will be out of the hospital soon.. But, you left 2 days later. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you for the last time. Everyone was there, except me.. and you were waiting for me. I missed those days that we fought for the sofa seats, the chinese papers.. food. But you always gave in to me..
I lost something.. something small, but it mean so much. Maybe not to the person who gave it to me.. But it meant a lot to me. Though I won't use it, but it serve as a memory..
I wished I had remembered it..
Just in time
I made it just in time. Made a dash from the taxi to IT block, up the slope and into the lift I went. It was already past 1700. Search high and low for Lee Leong's name and found it right at the bottom. Peek in and saw that the rest of the projects were still in there. *pheW* What a day! First, I woke up late and didn't manage to meet up with the rest. Went to school and found out that the iMac Lab was closed! The normal lab can't burn CD!! So, I had to rush back home to burn the CD. Thank God I met Dino at the bus stop, borrowed money from her and took a cab home. Lord has cleared the way for me, I'm sure! First, I couldn't draw money from the ATM machine, because they don't "produce" $10 notes and I don't have $50 in my account. My wallet was nearly empty and time was really running out. Met Dino at the bus stop and she offered to borrow me money. Rush home, the computer function properly and finished the burning in a nick of time. Went down to get a cab and the moment I got into the cab, it rained! *PheW* Reach school at 1700 and I was praying hard that Lee Leong won't be on time to collect the projects. Meet a few course friends along the way and asked where was the place to drop the CD, I really had no idea where. *WoOwooW* I made it in time, the projects were still in the box! Praise the Lord! It was like a race man.. But thank God I won.. Haha.. Anyway, while I was in school earlier on, Aisah and the rest came. Didn't notice them at first until Aisah came and hug me.
Went and checked PaceSetters notice board, as usual my name was first on the list. Why? Because I binded my interview form and the whole committee remembered me? So that says it guys, if you want to be remembered, bind your stuff. LoL! Kinda sad that Adeline didn't get it. Oh ya, saw her from the bridge as well. Think she was rushing off to somewhere.
Went back to bedok and on the way, watched TV Mobile. It was airing a show about a little boy that is so talented in playing drums. Mind you, he's really talented and he's only 6! EC showed me his picture before; I think it was the last time I met up with her. Yup, I think he is the one. He has a young brother, plays the drums as well and he's only 2! Oh my gosh! Haa..
Wednesday's class outing, so what are we gonna do there huh? Hmmm..
Went and checked PaceSetters notice board, as usual my name was first on the list. Why? Because I binded my interview form and the whole committee remembered me? So that says it guys, if you want to be remembered, bind your stuff. LoL! Kinda sad that Adeline didn't get it. Oh ya, saw her from the bridge as well. Think she was rushing off to somewhere.
Went back to bedok and on the way, watched TV Mobile. It was airing a show about a little boy that is so talented in playing drums. Mind you, he's really talented and he's only 6! EC showed me his picture before; I think it was the last time I met up with her. Yup, I think he is the one. He has a young brother, plays the drums as well and he's only 2! Oh my gosh! Haa..
Wednesday's class outing, so what are we gonna do there huh? Hmmm..
Suddenly, just so suddenly, I feel that I need someone to push me.. HmMm.. what's wrong? EC where are you? Darn, my sim card is a goner, can't use my handphone now. Can't sms, can't contact and the worse thing is I got to gather all my contacts again. Second time.. Oh man..
Dear darling friencies, my precious sim card has committed suicide on Sunday and I hereby pronounce it dead. If you really needa contact me, call my house phone or meet me in MSN. Darn, will get back to you guys soon.. *AwwWwW* Can't sms, damn it! I hope I still remember EC's number. Oh my gosh!!! I just realise, I don't remember Enlw's number! God, did you arrange it? Gosh, I'm gonna cry man.. I lost so many numbers and so many numbers I can't recall.. *BaWawaAWaw*
Enlw, EC, SC, Prawn Prawn.. So many people.. I can only remember a few.. Oh.. *Sour*
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Elim Chew
She is the prime mover in popularising street wear amongst the young and trendy in Singapore; the owner of the highly successful 77th Street fashion chain; she was named Most Promising Woman Entrepreneur by The Association of Small and Medium Enterprises in 2001; winner of "Mont Blanc Woman Award" 2002, and in 2003 winner of the "Young Woman Achiever Award" by Her World and "Leadership and Mentoring Award" by Research Communications International - yet for all her success and glory, Elim Chew shares that it is purpose and passion rather than the pursuit of money which propel her to scale new heights in business.
Necessity EntrepreneurWhilst
it was necessity that drove Elim to embark on the path of entrepreneurship, it was out of passion and her love for street wear that 77th Street was born. Not long after Elim returned from London upon completing a hairdressing course, her father passed away. To sustain herself, she poured her entire life savings of $1000 into starting a small salon in 1987 whilst her mother and sister Sulim relocated to London in search of work.
"My love affair with street fashion began in London. Punk rock was 'in' and my friends and I emulated Cindy Lauper's dress style. But when I returned to Singapore, I could not find any funky apparel, so I got Sulim to buy and send them to Singapore," said Elim.
The 'far out' clothes and accessories caught the eye of some of her hairdressing customers and they soon began to ask Elim to bring in the fashion items for them. So in addition to her hairdressing business, Elim managed to eke out extra income from selling some of the street wear she asked her sister to send over.
"My love affair with street fashion began in London. Punk rock was 'in' and my friends and I emulated Cindy Lauper's dress style. But when I returned to Singapore, I could not find any funky apparel, so I got Sulim to buy and send them to Singapore," said Elim.
The 'far out' clothes and accessories caught the eye of some of her hairdressing customers and they soon began to ask Elim to bring in the fashion items for them. So in addition to her hairdressing business, Elim managed to eke out extra income from selling some of the street wear she asked her sister to send over.
Self-Reliance the Way to Go
The self-reliant young entrepreneur did not have the luxury of financial support from banks or venture capitalist. Through scrimping and saving, she managed to amass a small wealth which she used as capital to start 77th Street. Said Elim: "To start a business, you need money. When you don't have it, you need to work very hard to achieve it. I started 77th Street with just $15,000. With what I managed to make from it, I ploughed back into the business and then when I made more money, I put back into the business again." That was how 77th Street was organically grown.
Dare to Swim Against the Tide
A lack of capital was not the only obstacle Elim had to overcome. Elim shared: "People thought I was crazy. I even had friends who told me 'why don't you close shop and do something else?' " Determined to prove her skeptics that she had what it takes to succeed in business, Elim persevered with an unrelenting passion and swam against the current of mainstream fashion to introduce a new era in fashion wear.
"People would come in and laugh at what I had then. They looked at Doctor Martens and said what ugly looking bulky shoes," recalled Elim. But Doctor Martens soon took the market by storm and as the punk rock movement began to dominate the music industry, street fashion became the rage amongst the young in Singapore. At that point, business for 77th Street took off.
Recognizing the market readiness for street wear and its boom potential, Elim decided to sell off her hairdressing business in 1994 to focus her energies in building up 77th Street. Her mother and sister returned to help her with this promising venture. Without formal business training or a mentor to guide them, Elim and her sister faced many setbacks in the early years of building 77th Street. Going through the school of hard knocks, they learnt the hard way how to run a business and successfully grew the business. Today, 77th Street has 11 outlets in Singapore, 3 joint venture outlets in Malaysia and grosses over $12 million in revenues.
Beside the expansion of her fashion retail businesses, Elim has also been carving out other niches and creating possibilities in the youth market. She started The Young Entrepreneur Mastery (TYEM), to inculcate entrepreneurial skills to the youth; the 'Get-a-Life!' membership program, to connect to youth the latest in fashion, fun, entertainment and education. Other forays into the business include expanding into the distribution business of men and ladies wear under Ethics Apparel. Elim also went into the manufacturing of skincare products and spa services under Elvie's Grace; and the formulation of Antibac 2K, which successfully eliminates 99.999% of viruses and bacteria through her R&D laboratory under Wei Yang Cosmetics International.
77th Street is also set to manage a 40,000sqm cutting-edge underground youth shopping complex in the No.1 shopping belt in Beijing, XIDAN, conceptualising all levels B1, B2 and B3.
Money Simply a Means to Fulfilling a Greater EndOn what fuels her entrepreneurial endeavours, Elim shares: "Money is not an end in itself. What motivates me to succeed in my business is that it enables me to impact lives and to make a difference in society. Be it building orphanages or supporting charities, you can't do anything without money. That I would be able to look back one day and see all the lives I have touched and the people I have helped keeps me going."
To young aspiring entrepreneurs, Elim offers the following advice: "Find that passion and fire burning within you and just go for it. Just do it. Of course, it is important to take calculated risks. I know of many entrepreneurs who 'just do it' without doing their calculations and they end up with a huge debt when the business fails. If you can, find a mentor - somebody who is in the business who you can then look up to and ask questions. Last but not least, find the purpose of what you want to do. For me, it is not the money, but the purpose - in my case, impacting lives - that drives me to do what I want to do."
Nothing but the truth!
Inspired by Samuel/Jun Hao,who wrote a very true article.
Hope this article will be passed down to those who realise it's the truth.
Hope this article will be passed down to those who realise it's the truth.
You see, people in friendster are like NUTS, Guys and Girls, no offence but,girls especially.You guys use the word me as miee, you as euu. 'diao' so damn frequently like using your grandma's lawn.Do you guys know the meaning?Guys too, listen up.Diao - meaning a male's genital or rather, manhood strong and powerful,robust and sturdy.You guys use it as if it's some -_-statement. Acting cute while you are at it.Like what Samuel said, Friendster profiles are chewed up and spit out like bad bacon.Next point.I know for you youngster reading this at the age of 10-13.uP aNd DoWn is WaYyYY cOoL. ReAlLY uBeR aNd 1337. No, if you grow up,you'll find it real lame.Unless you have a nickname which was like this till now. Try completing a resume using aLtErNaTe cAps. I bet the person reading it will laugh his lungs out.It's wayyyy gh3y. YES, GH3Y, pronounce it and it becomes GAY. Notes to add :GH3Y is in h4ck3r's language.I'm done with the first half, take a break.Drink some coffee. Done? Read on.
75% of the girls always have this or something similiar in their profiles.dUnCh MeSsAgE miie iN fWeNsTeR tWoo aDd eUu. yOU aDd miEe oNlY.dUnCh aDd miIe JusT beCuZ eUu wAnT mOrE fRiEnS.OH COME ON. I've seen many girls advertise on irc like this.. example. no offence now.This one's from the channel #teens[02:57] add miee in fwenster . asap pls. .! thx!Her profile which i went to, had the message.>>>> if u msg muee to add muee in2 ur acct, sowie. im NOT interested.just dun eva try ta add muee jus bcus uwan more fwens or u wan feel popular in fwenster.i dunch entertain to this kinda lame shiet.<<<
Anyways. Many people just add to raise some social status.Especially those with 400-500 friends and need another account.Since you have SOOOOO many so called 'friends'. How many actually talk to u? do you all talk to each other?All 500 of them? even msn messenger cannot hold 500 contacts.There are sure to be people with 2 account or more, let's take 500 as 400 then.Still, MSN MESSENGER can only hold150 contacts, unless u r a premium member.I hope i'm not inflicting any pain to you if your one of those like stated above,it's just the painful truth that shows how retarded and imbecile singaporeans can be.So girls, stop euuu-ing and miieee-ingand pwease, ish bery irritating to shee tat.
Such english, go rot in hell ^^. And it isn'tcute at all. People would laugh at your stupidity instead. We would love to minimize the spellings in a word, like reducing you to u. Which retarded would wanna type u as euu? Either you're childish or just stupid.The reason why Singapore isn't very much improving cause of US,we singaporeans have become laughingstock of society actually.So if you actually read here, I'm glad you did :)
Left!! Want me to show you where's your left?!
Aye.. What's wrong with my darling handphone?? A moment it was alright, the next I can't even access it! SIM card problem, oh boy.. But I just replace the SIM card not too long ago! I think this time will cost me $30, and not to forget my precious time.
Went to church today and off I rushed off for a meeting in the office. Am I smart to find my way there? Rod brought me there once and I remembered the way there! Met a few new people today, there's a guy which I think I might have seen him somewhere before.. Rings a bell..
Anyway, on the way home I realize something. Singaporeans have forgotten their left and right directions! It was clearly stated that, "Please Keep To Your Left" But yet some smart people just simply stand on their right, blocking ways of others who want to make a fast move. Come on, you need me to teach you where's your right and left? Talk about good customer service in Singapore..I had my experience of a lousy service today. Was dining at V8 cafe, some waiter with the reduntent hair came and take order. If you are darn not having a good mood, please do not come to work. Do not spoli your clients mood and the boss' mood. Oh well, forget it..
Have yet to finish my projects.. Arg!!!
Haa.. I'm tired man.. and missing people in my life.. Let me name some: Carman ( Just-turn-goth), EC, SC, Enlw and.. who else must I miss? And of course.. 4E(2004)
Went to church today and off I rushed off for a meeting in the office. Am I smart to find my way there? Rod brought me there once and I remembered the way there! Met a few new people today, there's a guy which I think I might have seen him somewhere before.. Rings a bell..
Anyway, on the way home I realize something. Singaporeans have forgotten their left and right directions! It was clearly stated that, "Please Keep To Your Left" But yet some smart people just simply stand on their right, blocking ways of others who want to make a fast move. Come on, you need me to teach you where's your right and left? Talk about good customer service in Singapore..I had my experience of a lousy service today. Was dining at V8 cafe, some waiter with the reduntent hair came and take order. If you are darn not having a good mood, please do not come to work. Do not spoli your clients mood and the boss' mood. Oh well, forget it..
Have yet to finish my projects.. Arg!!!
Haa.. I'm tired man.. and missing people in my life.. Let me name some: Carman ( Just-turn-goth), EC, SC, Enlw and.. who else must I miss? And of course.. 4E(2004)
Saturday, July 09, 2005
What a camp..
I think the moment I touch my bed, I'm gonna fall into a deep deep sleep. Came back from church camp not too long ago, uploaded the potographs from my digital camera and here I am blogging. Camp site was at Chuan Walk, near Serangoon Gardens. A three story terrance, not as big as I thought it would. But, BUT, climbling up the stars to the rooms to sleep or simply get your things was tiring. Three flights of stairs before I reach the second floor. Imagine if I stay there, I get to exercise every day.
Didn't really sleep well last night, even though I had sleeping bag.. Oh boy, the ground is simply way way too hard. The aircon was cold, very cold.. But no one got up, just simply way too lazy. Oh well, I can stand the cold, just that my nose was a little blocked when I woke up. The camp started off with my ice-breaking game, my leading, message from Fa Wang Lao Shi, Night games, supper and lights off. A short few hours, but we had a great time! I enjoyed the night walk to the park! Although I wasn't blind folded, but it's fun. Me and Normand got lose when we return from setting up the game in the park. We were like running back, when we came to a dead end. Praise the Lord, we met someone and asked for way. Thanks Normand for being there as well, I would have been so afraid to walk alone.
Woke up like 6.40a.m this morning, because I really can't stand sleeping on the floor. Did my morning devotion and camp started. Had water balloon game in the par, but I didn't play. Have to become the medic and camera person. Jia Ming had a fever and I had to sent him back early. Took a few fleeting moments pictures in the park. The estate is a nice play, quiet and peacefull.. Fixs my theme well. Took a bath, was getting tired by then already. BBQ in the gardens, chatted and now I'm really tired. *Eyes are closing*
While BBQing, I so happen to walk into the living room. A handphone rang, but I didn't realise it was mine. Didn't recognise the ring tone you see.. Haa, oh my gosh!! Anyway, it was some body from PaceSetters. I made it and now I can officialy tell people that.. Yes, I'm a PaceSetter! I hope Farabi made it too.
Meeting tomorrow, oh.. tired arg!! Haa.. have yet to complete my Digital Image as well. I;m too tired to miss anyone now.. Haa, not that bad lah.. I sm still missing people in my life. *EC, now I know how it's like for you to climb stairs everyday!* It shall be a training, cause next time I will be climbing stairs to go to my room :)
Friday, July 08, 2005
Words to Lead By--- Elim Chew
Real leaders are ordinary people -? With extraordinary determinations
1. Looking for leadership? Look in the mirror.
2. A Leader is - A dealer in hope.
3. Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.
4. Where there is no vision - The people perish.
5. Study the past - Live the moment - Plan the future.
6. Leadership is action - Not position.
7. There are no shortcuts - To any place worth going.
8. Don't wait for your ship to come in -? Swim out to meet it.
9. Most things are difficult before they are easy.
10. Act like you're invincible -? Know that you are not.
11. Fail to honour people - And they will fail to honour you.
12. Blame softly. Praise LOUDLY.
13. The more you say - The less they remember.
14. Be grateful for luck? - Don't bet on it.
15. It's not when happens when you're there. It's what happens when you're not.
16. Think with your heart.
17. Authority is a poor substitute for leadership.
18. Hold everyone to high standard. Hold yourself to high standard.
19. Listen - And lead.
20. Remember -? There's always room at the top.
21. But even more room at the bottom.
22. So - Seek out people better than you. Different than you. Braver than you.
23. The time is always right -? To do what is right.
24. Keep your promises. Keep your confidences. Keep your temper.
25. Why not go out on a limb? Isn't there where the fruit is?
26. Be out - And about.27. Enjoy the process - But crave the goal.
28. We will either find a way? - Or make one.
29. Be not afraid of greatness.
Real leaders are ordinary people -? With extraordinary determinations
Snow White
Just finish my last bit of fruit *YumMm*
Isn't it great if you are able to study overseas or stay there for a period of time? Not as in holiday, but.. You know just stay over at the country. I would loveee to do that, really! Gone for a few months or years, when I come back, you guys are gonna see a brand new Grace. Many times I wanted to do that, but where can I go when I'm stuck here in Singapore? I would sure like to have the experience of living overseas.. I believe it will come by, someday.
Someone will be travelling today, for a period of a few months I guess. All the best for that someone yeah..Take really good care of yourself. God bless :)
Why? Why do some people desperately search for love on earth? In the process of it, they have to go through so much hurt and down moments. Worth it? Well, when the time is right, that someone will appear. Looking at them, you thought they are some happy people, inside them, they are some emotional wreak. Smiles? Haa, you'll never know what's going on deep inside. Ok, and now.. That doesn't apply to me yeah? Don't get the wrong message. I'm perfectly normal :)
Yeah, sometimes I get my down moments as well. But I make it a point never to let it bother me for long. The longest I think is a month? That was the toughest period in my life. But, Praise the Lord.. I overcome it and grew from it. Took me such a long time to wake up. Walking in the darkness, floating about, lost in the mist.. You don't want to know how it feels.
Certain times, we think and even feel that the Good Lord is not there for us. As if He has left us. Never, He didn't. Some times the Lord kept quiet, so that we can learn how to seek Him. The Lord has always been wonderful in my life and in many others as well, I believe. You won't know how I feel, untill you experience the Good Lord, yourself.
Snow white.. Haha, I know who this "snow white" is.. Haa.. Indeed yeah..
Isn't it great if you are able to study overseas or stay there for a period of time? Not as in holiday, but.. You know just stay over at the country. I would loveee to do that, really! Gone for a few months or years, when I come back, you guys are gonna see a brand new Grace. Many times I wanted to do that, but where can I go when I'm stuck here in Singapore? I would sure like to have the experience of living overseas.. I believe it will come by, someday.
Someone will be travelling today, for a period of a few months I guess. All the best for that someone yeah..Take really good care of yourself. God bless :)
Why? Why do some people desperately search for love on earth? In the process of it, they have to go through so much hurt and down moments. Worth it? Well, when the time is right, that someone will appear. Looking at them, you thought they are some happy people, inside them, they are some emotional wreak. Smiles? Haa, you'll never know what's going on deep inside. Ok, and now.. That doesn't apply to me yeah? Don't get the wrong message. I'm perfectly normal :)
Yeah, sometimes I get my down moments as well. But I make it a point never to let it bother me for long. The longest I think is a month? That was the toughest period in my life. But, Praise the Lord.. I overcome it and grew from it. Took me such a long time to wake up. Walking in the darkness, floating about, lost in the mist.. You don't want to know how it feels.
Certain times, we think and even feel that the Good Lord is not there for us. As if He has left us. Never, He didn't. Some times the Lord kept quiet, so that we can learn how to seek Him. The Lord has always been wonderful in my life and in many others as well, I believe. You won't know how I feel, untill you experience the Good Lord, yourself.
Snow white.. Haha, I know who this "snow white" is.. Haa.. Indeed yeah..
Camp today, and I have yet to pack my bag. Wanted to get a hair cut today, but darn.. I'm a little lazy and it's not that long anyway. Just a little puffy :) Lunch for me now.. Taa..
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Thank you...
Just when I was getting all stuck up searching for a lyrics that I can't find, no matter how.. God place a friend in my life, in the midst, to talk with me. Instead of being nice, I was there showing my attitude. Sorry Farabi, and thank you for always being there.
Didn't manage to find the lyrics for "You're Everything" But I found another wonderful song. Sang by Christian City Church, "Thank You". Heard this song in City Harvest Church before and it's meaningfull and touching. If I were to be in the worship hall that evening, I think I will be moved to tears. Study the lyrics, yoiu'll know what I mean.
Thank you Lord..
Went to Rod's office today. Wasn't totally ready yet, but it's a great start up. Helped by doing some calling, which I have gotten use to in while in TYEM. Wasn't that difficult for me, had a few distributors who are interested in us. Great :) Finally had a feel of what it's like to start up something from the beginning. Now I can fully understand what EC meant when she said, "Starting up is difficult, but keeping it going is even more tougher." After today, I know what it mean, fully. Met Kelvin and Ren Hao, two nice people. Got the chance to met Richard as well. He was totally different from what I expected. Well dressed and looked professional, but.. I don't seem to have a nice impression on him.. Hmmm..
Rod says I should smile more, because I look darn serious and fierce when I'm not. Oh what to do? God, why my face like that? Haa.. Alright, I shall smile more. Don't say that I have gone bonkers. Rod, happy? :)
Church youth camp is tomorrow. Kinda looking forward to it. Though it is going to be a 2 day 1 night camp, but I think it's gonna be fun.
My heart is full of praise now.. Jesus, thank you for loving me as who I am. And because You love me too much to leave me as I am. Thank you for forgiving me of all my wrong doings, for understanding me. No one, no one in this world can understand me like You do. You know my every thoughts, every ideas, every struggle. You sees every tears that falls, You know the price that I have paid that have gone unnotice by others. I know my effort has not been in vain. The tears I cried, blood I shed and moments I've been down.. You sees them, Lord. Nothing I can hide from you.. When I tried to hide something from you, I know I can never succeed, because You didn't allow that. Thank you Lord.. Thank you.. Hallelujah.
I'm not ashame to be God's child, do you?
I love you, Lord.. More than anything.
4 days, and I'm going strong..
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Holidays are here!
Term test are finally over! *WooHoo* This was the shortest examination period in my life. In all that I can remember, test or examination period usually last for weeks! Ain't I glad that it's over and done. The next nightmare coming up, the results.. *OoOooOoo* PRSP is a flop, I don't even know what was I writting. I was simply stareing at the question, mind went blank.
Sleep till 2p.m before I finally got out of my bed, Hah.. Simply wonderful!
Now the holidays are here, time for me to start work! Got to do up Rodville's logo, find out about certain things and not to forget my own school's projects! Monday will have to make a trip back to school to hand in the Digital Image projects. Darn, I have yet to complete my photo taking..
Pacesetters results coming out as well, will I make it? Beats me.. But I do know Farabi wanted to become one. Me? Well, if it happens it happens. If it don't, it don't. Just that simple :) At least I went for the spirit of it!
Meeting this sunday with Rodville. First meeting with the company, am I excited to meet these people? Yeah, somehow I am :) New people and not to forget they are people who are motivated and "different". I had always like to mix around with people older than me or much more matured than me. I'll always grow and learn.
Tomorrow's a new day.. and hold on.. I've got work to do now..
Sleep till 2p.m before I finally got out of my bed, Hah.. Simply wonderful!
Now the holidays are here, time for me to start work! Got to do up Rodville's logo, find out about certain things and not to forget my own school's projects! Monday will have to make a trip back to school to hand in the Digital Image projects. Darn, I have yet to complete my photo taking..
Pacesetters results coming out as well, will I make it? Beats me.. But I do know Farabi wanted to become one. Me? Well, if it happens it happens. If it don't, it don't. Just that simple :) At least I went for the spirit of it!
Meeting this sunday with Rodville. First meeting with the company, am I excited to meet these people? Yeah, somehow I am :) New people and not to forget they are people who are motivated and "different". I had always like to mix around with people older than me or much more matured than me. I'll always grow and learn.
Tomorrow's a new day.. and hold on.. I've got work to do now..
Sunday, July 03, 2005
I will be still..
Everytime I listen to "Still", I can really feel myself soaring high up in the sky, spreading my wings like an eagle. Take time, listen to the whole song. Maybe you will get how I feel.
God called us to be strong, to be His light and salt. He didn't call us to hide ourselves.
I'm on my way.. Are you?
Standing on a high cliff, looking towards the sky. The ocean rised and thunder roared. I stood alone at the claff, strong wind blowing. The air so fresh, the current so strong. The dark clouds gathered, the sky turned dark. Yet, I'm not afraid. Fixing my eyes at Heaven, I smiled. I lifted up my hands, and I soar up high. Like an eagle, I spread my wings and I flew high. I can feel the power of God renewed, His presence ever so strong. Rising up, standing tall. I am, the light and salt of the world. With powers given to me, I stand up against all that come against me. With knowledge and wisdom given to me, with my faith as small as a mustard seed.. I shall shine for God..
"I will soar with you above the storm.."