Saturday, July 30, 2005
I'm free!
I'm released, yes I am and I'm sure of that. Shouted like I never did before, indeed I never did shouted this much in my life. Went for service today, didn't know Rev. Mike Connell was not the speaker. Service was simply wonderful, God must have arranged it for me.
I sang aloud today as well, throwing away my worries of how Dia and JY will think. Learned a lot at sermon as usual. I've learnt, if you want to impact lives;you must have encounter with God daily and prayer will open heaven for you. Following are a few point I took down, have a look and be blessed!
During sermon, Rev Mike mentioned the alter build inside us, the dark secreats that no body knows, the evil spirit in us. Upon hearing that, my heart beats very fast, I was scared. I know God is calling upon me, to confess my sins and to release the struggle inside me. I was already in tears when Rev Mike called for alter call for non-believers. When he called for those who had struggles inside them that has not been release, I went down without second thought. I was crying while making my way to the front and my hands shaking. I cired like I never did before, I teared and teared, knowing that tonight God is going to release me.
I make my way to the front, Rev Mike has just pass me, but I stood there still. Seconds later, I felt a hand praying for me. I couldn't hear what the pastor said. The moment his hands were on my head, I let out a scream that I had never done before. I shouted and shouted as Rev Mike chase the evil spirit out of me. I fall to the ground, still screaming. I scream and I scream, with tears in my eyes. I was quiet for a while, but I didn't had the strength to get up. I lied there and then a sister came and payed for me. I scream some more, knowing that some evil spirit is still inside me. I screamed and I struggled; the sister kept praying beside my ears chasing the evil spirit away. I screamed like I never did before, the loudest that I could have achieved as the evil spirit depart me. I quieten down, then I stared coughing and I vomitted after that. The sister prayed for me even more, hugging me. I cried in her arms, I was released.
Finally after so many years of struggles, so many years of tormentment, I am released. All along I knew I had something deep inside me that I couldn't let go. Some thoughts that is buried so deep inside me, I don't even know that it existed. The dark secreats I had, which I failed to keep my promised to God, has all been released. All the bad childhood days, all the sorrows and scars, they have left me. No longer are they going to torment me or haunt me. Tonight, God has released me. I am a free person, tonight I can say.. I'm free!
Thank you Lord. You heard my prayers, and you have released your child. I'm renewed and a new book of chapter of life have just begun. My throat are painfull after the shouting, but I'm glad that the eveil spirit that have tormented me for so long have been gone. Thank you Lord.
I sang aloud today as well, throwing away my worries of how Dia and JY will think. Learned a lot at sermon as usual. I've learnt, if you want to impact lives;you must have encounter with God daily and prayer will open heaven for you. Following are a few point I took down, have a look and be blessed!
-I am who God says I am
-There's no failure in God
-What you believe affects how you behave
-God has a plan for you
-Whatever you have, God will use it
-Surrender your plan to God
-Whatever God calls you to do, you can do it!
-Embrace God's purpose into our lives
-Embrance our identity in Christ
-Don't give God left-overs
-Do not make an offering to God that you didn't pay for
-To see something great happens, there's a price to pay
-Giving represents your life
-Nothing is every accomplished without committment
-Commitment is a choice and has a price to pay
-Be willing to repond to make a committment
During sermon, Rev Mike mentioned the alter build inside us, the dark secreats that no body knows, the evil spirit in us. Upon hearing that, my heart beats very fast, I was scared. I know God is calling upon me, to confess my sins and to release the struggle inside me. I was already in tears when Rev Mike called for alter call for non-believers. When he called for those who had struggles inside them that has not been release, I went down without second thought. I was crying while making my way to the front and my hands shaking. I cired like I never did before, I teared and teared, knowing that tonight God is going to release me.
I make my way to the front, Rev Mike has just pass me, but I stood there still. Seconds later, I felt a hand praying for me. I couldn't hear what the pastor said. The moment his hands were on my head, I let out a scream that I had never done before. I shouted and shouted as Rev Mike chase the evil spirit out of me. I fall to the ground, still screaming. I scream and I scream, with tears in my eyes. I was quiet for a while, but I didn't had the strength to get up. I lied there and then a sister came and payed for me. I scream some more, knowing that some evil spirit is still inside me. I screamed and I struggled; the sister kept praying beside my ears chasing the evil spirit away. I screamed like I never did before, the loudest that I could have achieved as the evil spirit depart me. I quieten down, then I stared coughing and I vomitted after that. The sister prayed for me even more, hugging me. I cried in her arms, I was released.
Finally after so many years of struggles, so many years of tormentment, I am released. All along I knew I had something deep inside me that I couldn't let go. Some thoughts that is buried so deep inside me, I don't even know that it existed. The dark secreats I had, which I failed to keep my promised to God, has all been released. All the bad childhood days, all the sorrows and scars, they have left me. No longer are they going to torment me or haunt me. Tonight, God has released me. I am a free person, tonight I can say.. I'm free!
Thank you Lord. You heard my prayers, and you have released your child. I'm renewed and a new book of chapter of life have just begun. My throat are painfull after the shouting, but I'm glad that the eveil spirit that have tormented me for so long have been gone. Thank you Lord.