Monday, July 11, 2005
Cheer up Grace. Smile :)
I teared just now, because I lost something. I still remember how much I wanted it when i didn't had it. When I had it, I didn't have the courage to use it. Now that it's gone, never will I get it back. Will I?
Lost two of it. I didn't know it meant so much until I lost it. It has been sitting there for so long, every time I sees it.. I could only pause and look at it. I can't even look at it now. Gone..
I lost my mood to talk, not to say even chat.. Sorry guys..
Just like when I lost my granpa, the feeling was so awful. What made it worser then was, grandpa was actually waiting for me to visit him. I didn't make it. Sorry.. I know you cared, you loved me, but you didn't show it. I admired you grandpa, for being so courages and loving. I visited you everyday, hoping that you'll be well again. That day, you seem better, I thought you will be out of the hospital soon.. But, you left 2 days later. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you for the last time. Everyone was there, except me.. and you were waiting for me. I missed those days that we fought for the sofa seats, the chinese papers.. food. But you always gave in to me..
I lost something.. something small, but it mean so much. Maybe not to the person who gave it to me.. But it meant a lot to me. Though I won't use it, but it serve as a memory..
I wished I had remembered it..
I teared just now, because I lost something. I still remember how much I wanted it when i didn't had it. When I had it, I didn't have the courage to use it. Now that it's gone, never will I get it back. Will I?
Lost two of it. I didn't know it meant so much until I lost it. It has been sitting there for so long, every time I sees it.. I could only pause and look at it. I can't even look at it now. Gone..
I lost my mood to talk, not to say even chat.. Sorry guys..
Just like when I lost my granpa, the feeling was so awful. What made it worser then was, grandpa was actually waiting for me to visit him. I didn't make it. Sorry.. I know you cared, you loved me, but you didn't show it. I admired you grandpa, for being so courages and loving. I visited you everyday, hoping that you'll be well again. That day, you seem better, I thought you will be out of the hospital soon.. But, you left 2 days later. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you for the last time. Everyone was there, except me.. and you were waiting for me. I missed those days that we fought for the sofa seats, the chinese papers.. food. But you always gave in to me..
I lost something.. something small, but it mean so much. Maybe not to the person who gave it to me.. But it meant a lot to me. Though I won't use it, but it serve as a memory..
I wished I had remembered it..