Sunday, July 10, 2005
Nothing but the truth!
Inspired by Samuel/Jun Hao,who wrote a very true article.
Hope this article will be passed down to those who realise it's the truth.
Hope this article will be passed down to those who realise it's the truth.
You see, people in friendster are like NUTS, Guys and Girls, no offence but,girls especially.You guys use the word me as miee, you as euu. 'diao' so damn frequently like using your grandma's lawn.Do you guys know the meaning?Guys too, listen up.Diao - meaning a male's genital or rather, manhood strong and powerful,robust and sturdy.You guys use it as if it's some -_-statement. Acting cute while you are at it.Like what Samuel said, Friendster profiles are chewed up and spit out like bad bacon.Next point.I know for you youngster reading this at the age of 10-13.uP aNd DoWn is WaYyYY cOoL. ReAlLY uBeR aNd 1337. No, if you grow up,you'll find it real lame.Unless you have a nickname which was like this till now. Try completing a resume using aLtErNaTe cAps. I bet the person reading it will laugh his lungs out.It's wayyyy gh3y. YES, GH3Y, pronounce it and it becomes GAY. Notes to add :GH3Y is in h4ck3r's language.I'm done with the first half, take a break.Drink some coffee. Done? Read on.
75% of the girls always have this or something similiar in their profiles.dUnCh MeSsAgE miie iN fWeNsTeR tWoo aDd eUu. yOU aDd miEe oNlY.dUnCh aDd miIe JusT beCuZ eUu wAnT mOrE fRiEnS.OH COME ON. I've seen many girls advertise on irc like this.. example. no offence now.This one's from the channel #teens[02:57] add miee in fwenster . asap pls. .! thx!Her profile which i went to, had the message.>>>> if u msg muee to add muee in2 ur acct, sowie. im NOT interested.just dun eva try ta add muee jus bcus uwan more fwens or u wan feel popular in fwenster.i dunch entertain to this kinda lame shiet.<<<
Anyways. Many people just add to raise some social status.Especially those with 400-500 friends and need another account.Since you have SOOOOO many so called 'friends'. How many actually talk to u? do you all talk to each other?All 500 of them? even msn messenger cannot hold 500 contacts.There are sure to be people with 2 account or more, let's take 500 as 400 then.Still, MSN MESSENGER can only hold150 contacts, unless u r a premium member.I hope i'm not inflicting any pain to you if your one of those like stated above,it's just the painful truth that shows how retarded and imbecile singaporeans can be.So girls, stop euuu-ing and miieee-ingand pwease, ish bery irritating to shee tat.
Such english, go rot in hell ^^. And it isn'tcute at all. People would laugh at your stupidity instead. We would love to minimize the spellings in a word, like reducing you to u. Which retarded would wanna type u as euu? Either you're childish or just stupid.The reason why Singapore isn't very much improving cause of US,we singaporeans have become laughingstock of society actually.So if you actually read here, I'm glad you did :)