Friday, October 30, 2009

Rather pissed last night, but I'm glad it's quite over. I wonder how at times I want to try, but there are moments that I didn't want to give a damn. Am I being mean? Girlfriend said it's because sometimes it's just not worth the time and effort.. But I would like to believe that everything is worth some kind of time and effort. Ah well, maybe someday I will be enlighten, like.. "Ting! Ah ha!!"
Maybe I'm biased. No doubt I am to certain things and people. I don't deny I treat some people better than the others, showed more love, displayed more care and concern and whatnot. Come on, I'm human. No matter how saint someone is, there's bound to be favoritism before logic sets in. I can't say I have never dislike someone, but now... I want to at least try. It's on and off. There are moments I am able to squeeze some love out, but also times I just want to roll my eyes and walk away; like damn you, I don't care whatever! It's complicated, really. It's funny how I can give unconditionally (almost) to some and hold back so much to the other some.. Someone press the eureka button.
We've been talking about it for a million times and every time we end up asking why is it so damn freaking hard to do it? With all the prayers that goes, "Teach me how to love like you have loved me..." Is it even possible? Maybe if I try hard enough, it is. I'm sure the problem or the thorn is there for a good reason..
Well... it's the last one. Let it be good, somehow... and then I REALLY need to prepare for Cambodia and off I go, it's slowly kicking in. Thank goodness for the camps to fill up some space. It felt just like how I prepared for Logos II.. that was quite insane. But fun :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tell me that people don't die on land. I guess the number of people dying on land compared to those who died because of diving accident exceed far more. What they can't see, they just assume. Oh mama...
I was suppose to prepare for Cambodia, but somehow nothing much was done today. 2nd day of professional bumming.
Anyway people.. dive season ending. Last dive trip to Dayang this weekend.
We were talking over dinner on how people didn't want the season to end last year, but it's the total opposite this year.. I guess, we are all burnt out. One whole year or events and dive trips every alternate week, it burns. Oh well, let the off-seassion be a good resting period for all and we will come back stronger..
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sexy swollen lips
We were all packed into our
The dives were good. We went to this weird dive site in the middle of nowhere for our 3rd dive, so weird it didn't felt like I was in Malaysian water. It was all sandy, nothing much to expect. Before long I started getting stinging sensation from who knows what on my thigh, then when I looked closer it's jellyfishes' tentacles. I thought I was the only one getting it, when I turn and saw girlfriend covering her face... yes! I'm not alone! Then it strikes.. My mouth and lips area got stung.. So numb I couldn't feel my lips at some point. The rest choose to abort dive after awhile. Girlfriend and I stayed on and saw some really rare creatures never seen before. We came across sea moth, sea angles, tiny hermits, weird looking anemones and many many shrimps. While ascending, I had to look out for jellyfishes while she look at dive computer. We spend a good 10 minutes for our safety stop playing with the sea angels. I looked like I got whipped on my thighs, hands and lips by the jellyfish stings and girlfriend look like she got love bite on her neck by her caddy.
It was fun. We went fishing at night, tried the DPV, saw a million shrimps during the trip, had our very beloved steamboat dinner, watched horror film in between dives, played good old table beat game, volley ball in water, sun tan, melted ice cream, very cold cabin, good company. Nice trip. If this was my season last for Malaysian water, it's a good ending :)
I look sexy with my sexy swollen lips...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
"The secret of life is letting go..."

What's there to be sad about?
Believe me, I keep asking myself that question too. If I had known the answer, maybe I could have delt with it better. Seems like when everything was nice and going, it's slowly fading to grey. I could still hear the laughters, imagined what I would see everytime I turned over and all the random moments. Occasionally feel the pissy mood in the air, rolling of eyes when the kitchen got too noisy and shutting ourselves up in the new found office...Where did all these go? Nowadays I sit alone in the office, no body's on the couch watching tv along, take that long walk home when I'm done. We wanted peace and quiet, but I think I got too much of it. I miss the noise, the action, the home feeling even when how I used to bitch about it. How I had the office to look forward to after work, the random brainless conversations and actions..You suck, Grace. People say things can't always be the same and wouldn't always be the same. I know, I'm trying. It felt like I woke up from a really nice dream and only to realise I'm in an empty house all along.
Yeah, go ahead and say I'm being too sensitive or whatever you wanna label me as. Or even if I'm being all self-centered, it's the mememe-kind of feeling and thoughts. I tried, but still it hurts somehow. Now, why the heck is it even hurting? Someone enlighten me. I don't quite get over things fast, I still can't let go as it is. Maybe the Cambodia trip would really do good. Maybe I should even stop dreaming of people sending me off, the early morning Macdonalds breakfast and the goodbye hugs... Might just have to scoot off on my own!
Months before when I thought about the crew trip, I pictured us doing the visa dance that we have always wanted to, Jerry's good old steamboat, getting all hyped and all the random things that we could be doing. Right now... I don't know what to expect anymore.
With my things in school all packed, I hope. I'm ready to go. No sign of replacement coming and I really shouldn't care less. Wanted to step out for breakfast, but I just lost the mood. Smack me, somebody.
Last night, half the time I was dreaming about Tuol Sleng prison. It's one of the last dream I want to have. It's funny how I would wake up and forget what I dreamed, but everytime I dreamt about Tuol Sleng, it's imprinted so deeply. I remembered Imelda was with me in Cambodia and I was at the entrance of Tuol Sleng with my parents. They wanted to go in and I had to. I stood outside the prison, fear striken. Until someone told me I didn't have to enter actually and wait outside for them to come out.
It's been 3 years and I'm still scare of going back to that place. Everytime I dream about that place, it always brought fear. This time I'm going back and I know I don't have to visit the place again, but why is this fear surfacing again? It's the kind of fear that drives you to the corner, making you all helpless, wanted to scream but the voice wouldn't come out. I never had such fear before, nothing could instill such fear except for this place. I need to get over it, seriously.
Oh well, I hope it doesn't affect the day so much when I get to the office later. Let me dwell over it for awhile. I still miss having you around, even if it didn't make a difference to you. I guess, I just miss having you as a company; doing everything random; bitching, talking, teasing...without feeling awkward..
Oh mama.
"The secret of life is letting go..."
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Completely - Ana Laura
The secret of life is letting go
The secret of love is letting it show
In all that I do
In all that I say
Right here in this moment
The power of prayer is in a humble cry
The power of change is in giving my life
And laying it down
Down at your feet
Right here in this moment
Take my heart
Take my soul
I surrender everything to your control
And let all that is with in me lift up to you and say
I am yours and yours alone
This journey of life is a search for truth
This journey of faith is following you
Every step of the way
Through the joy and the pain right here in this moment
Right here, right now,
And for the rest of my life
Hear me say
I am yours and yours alone
Last week Eugene was asking me if I felt anything about leaving work. My reply then was a straight no; I didn't feel any belonging or attachement to the place, or so I thought. Maybe in years to come, I would eventually forget that I have taught at KC even. The feeling of leaving didn't quite sink in until yesterday. As I sat in lab, sorting my things till today to finally packing them... the feeling is kicking in. It's not a sad or happy feling about leaving the job, I reckon it's a normal thing when you leave a place after some time; whether you liked it or not.
As I took down the pictures on the wall, slowly go through things that I'm bringing back, leaving behind and throwing away.. It brough me back to the time when I first set foot in this school. I didn't know what to anticipate, it was afterall my very first full time job. The once barren wall was covered with photographs, the once empty table was filled with my things, the once silent lab echoed my Christian radio; now I guess it will be back to square one again, at least for a little while.
With each photograph that I removed, it brought back memories of why it was on the wall. Pictures of Iggy, Logos II days, my first open water dive, church people, family, Laos trip with girlfriend... Man, all these actually happened!?
Serene was telling me to write a hand-over report to the replacement if he/she didn't show up by tomorrow, at the end of it put "Good Luck". Well, I guess that person really needs it if he/she is not coming when I'm still around. So many things to hand over, typing a report wouldn't be enough. Whatever lah, I couldn't care less now.
It occurs to me this morning that I have a good week of professional bumming to do before running camps for JBP and setting off to Cambodia. The idea of making a trip back to Malaysia is very tempting... Finances wise, I'm still contemplating..
Let's see what will happen tomorrow :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Save you

Take a breath
I pull myself together
Just another step until I reach the door
You'll never know the way it tears me up inside to see you
I wish that I could tell you something
To take it all away
Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there're so many things that I want you to know
I won't give up till it's over
If it takes you forever I want you to know
When I hear your voice
It's drowning into whispers
It's just skin and bones
There's nothing left to take
No matter what I do I can't make you feel better
If only I could find the answer
To help me understand
Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there're so many things that I want you to know
I wont give up till it's over
If it takes you forever I want you to know
That if you fall, stumble down
I'll pick you up off the ground
If you lose faith in you
I'll give you strength to pull through
Tell me you won't give up cause I'll be waiting if you fall
Oh you know I'll be there for you
Hey you,
Hang in there, I'll wait like the other time. You'll be back, I believe, pretty soon. You have always been my tough cookie. Would really like to do something or say something to make you feel better. My presense wouldn't do much good, my words have never been smooth and could never out talk you and in actual fact, there seems to be nothing I can do to cheer you up. As much as I want to, I can't. I'm sorry... But if you need some extra hugs, I promise I wouldn't charge. Haha!
I could only offer up my prayers and if that is not enough, I could still bring you your favorite candy, tea, make you toast and make you another sunflower if I have to. Be back soon...
Remember my ice milo and towel ya... hang in there..
Monday, October 12, 2009
Somehow the perception changed after that 2 full day camp at bird park. They are still noisy, forever will be, but I see another side now. They are cute, even though some chicks look very retarded like the blue-eyed cockatoo.. hurhur! It amazes me how the birds adapted to their environment from their body structures, the way they behave, how they looked, how they eggs looked... everything! I remember how girlfriend said she could never look at diving the same again and not believe there is a God who created all things. Now I share her point of view, through the birds!
The camp was enriching, they load you with tons of information and it's overwhelming. Having 3 hours of sleep the night before didn't help, I gave up after reading one section of the notes. Even Lynn's coughing and the penguins' quarrels didn't wake me up. The humidity could also kill, never a moment I walked around the park without sweating. Night walk in bird park was fun too, though 80% of the time I don't know where we are passing through. Felt like I was out of Singapore during the weekend, perhaps being at the other side of Singapore contributed to it.
Had a really long chat with Lynn on the train, all the way till we finished dinner. Sometimes she irritates me, but her words do give me new insights every now and then. Maybe because our birthdays are a week apart from each other, our thinking and characters cross paths sometimes.
Doulos came back in Singapore, now still is but closed to the public already. I missed being on the ship, I say the same thing every time I visit the ship... Looking at all the crew, memories of Logos II flooded my mind again. Days before, I keep replaying the moments on Logos II... I really do miss Logos II. I was so surprise to see Ilona on Doulos! It's been 2 years since we last met and it never cross my mind that we could see each other again. Meeting Benjamin and Daniel again was great, they were still so young when I saw them on Logos II. They could barely speak proper english then, but now they speak so well! I could still remember how Daniel came up to me with Bob the builder in Faeroe; with his full confidence of a 2 year-old and baby-ish english said, "You know what this is? It's Bob the BUILD!" And when I said, "It's Bob the BUILDER..." He stood his ground and went, "NO! It's Bob the BUILD!" And how when I asked how old is he, he would raise 2 closed fingers up beside his face and said "Too!" Benjamin is still as cute and hansom, very vocal now and even manage to exchange conversation with me.
Cambodia is drawing near, but the feeling hasn't kick in yet. I still lack funds, didn't have enough to cover the fees payable yet. I've never worried about finance, I don't want to this time. God, please let me trust you like I did for Logos II, if not even more. I'm really looking forward to Cambodia, I needed the time away. Time away from people I've been spending so much time with, time away to sort out the thinking, time away to prepare for 2010 and time away to "grow up". Let this time away be good, good for You and for me.
I really don't know what to do.. Well, let go, let God... It will be well in Him.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
As I take the back seat, slowed down my pace and took some time to think about what happened; everything played back like an old movie. I couldn't walk pass things and stop the flashbacks from playing, I couldn't not remember events when I hear familiar sounds, and I couldn't be in the same place and not feel the difference.