Monday, October 26, 2009

Sexy swollen lips

Last weekend's LOB really felt like a holiday. Maybe because I just officially left my job, no worries about Monday. But I think mainly because it's with the people I'm familiar with. Took our time to pack, move off, no insane head counts and keeping time in check. I remembered standing at the top deck after 3rd dive on Saturday, looking across the vast open sea and felt relieved. It was after all my 3th or 4th leisure trip.

We were all packed into our squeeze cozy little van, fed on Jerry's big bag of candies that drove many of us hyper, played volley ball inside the van while waiting for Zac's visa to clear, late supper at Kota Tinggi, Tokyo Drift and Yesterday as pee song from DJames and gPod for Grace, danced to Billy Jean when we just got on board, pillow snatching with Lynn until it's bed time, tucking girlfriend in to sleep.

The dives were good. We went to this weird dive site in the middle of nowhere for our 3rd dive, so weird it didn't felt like I was in Malaysian water. It was all sandy, nothing much to expect. Before long I started getting stinging sensation from who knows what on my thigh, then when I looked closer it's jellyfishes' tentacles. I thought I was the only one getting it, when I turn and saw girlfriend covering her face... yes! I'm not alone! Then it strikes.. My mouth and lips area got stung.. So numb I couldn't feel my lips at some point. The rest choose to abort dive after awhile. Girlfriend and I stayed on and saw some really rare creatures never seen before. We came across sea moth, sea angles, tiny hermits, weird looking anemones and many many shrimps. While ascending, I had to look out for jellyfishes while she look at dive computer. We spend a good 10 minutes for our safety stop playing with the sea angels. I looked like I got whipped on my thighs, hands and lips by the jellyfish stings and girlfriend look like she got love bite on her neck by her caddy.

It was fun. We went fishing at night, tried the DPV, saw a million shrimps during the trip, had our very beloved steamboat dinner, watched horror film in between dives, played good old table beat game, volley ball in water, sun tan, melted ice cream, very cold cabin, good company. Nice trip. If this was my season last for Malaysian water, it's a good ending :)

I look sexy with my sexy swollen lips...

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