Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My mom freaked out when she knew about the diving accident in Aur last weekend. I guess my dad too, but he just didn't show. I don't know, to them diving is a dangerous sport and I'm sure to many people too. Teachers in school went "waaaaaah! You dive ah? Very adventurous huh!" when they know that I dive. They shake their head when I ask them to try, saying that they would rather stay on land then go underwater. To them, diving is an extream sport.

Tell me that people don't die on land. I guess the number of people dying on land compared to those who died because of diving accident exceed far more. What they can't see, they just assume. Oh mama...

I was suppose to prepare for Cambodia, but somehow nothing much was done today. 2nd day of professional bumming.

Anyway people.. dive season ending. Last dive trip to Dayang this weekend.

We were talking over dinner on how people didn't want the season to end last year, but it's the total opposite this year.. I guess, we are all burnt out. One whole year or events and dive trips every alternate week, it burns. Oh well, let the off-seassion be a good resting period for all and we will come back stronger..

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