Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It was normal T-shirts and shorts. Then I went to get myself proper sports attire. A great move I should say, it motivates :D
It was running for 10 minutes at first, then 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes. I hope I can reach 4 hours like Goon! Tomorrow is rest day, maybe I could try huh?
Now I understand why Frauke loves to run. Very difficult at first, but once your body gets to it, it's pretty fun though. After each run, you feel so refreshed (and breathless!)
I did some research on power running. Run as far and fast as you can for 2 minutes, stop and rest for 4 minutes. That is one repetition, then you repeat them for 6-8 times. It is said to be most effective means of improving running conditions. Well, I don't hope to run like those marathon runners right now; just lose weight and gain stamina.
Let's see what will happen by the end of the year. Please keep this passion burning.
Saturday, September 27, 2008

We went to Macdonald's for breakfast and then back home. Seeing the day was so fine and nice, I poped down East Coast for a walk. Some may find it weird, but I went East Coast alone. What's so weird about it? Some me-time is good :)
Anyway... I think I'm sun burnt even though I had sun block on.. Actually, it's sun tan lotion :P
Walking along the beach reminds me of the walks we used to take during my ship time. What's missing were the friends that walked side by side. After walking for quite some time, I walked over to Katong to get my glasses and contacts done. They should arrive just in time before the training clinic in 2 weeks time.
I'm still nervous about the clinic (WHY?!). Read up some game rules, not that difficult to understand, but still... Oh well, just go along and have fun! (Is it the people? Or people around me asking "Are you sure?")
A simple and relaxing saturday. Some may find it boring, but this kind of saturday is hard to come by. Finally I had time to go down to Katong, take walks and spend some time with grandma.
Main service, youth service, Bible exam, cell group, meeting(s). *Gathering?
Weekend's almost over!!
You in me
Everytime I look into Your eyes
There's a pleasant surprise awaiting me and amazing me
Somehow I realize I'm so tired of the lies they keep telling me
Telling me I should look down inside in myself to find something greater
When I know I can look at the bright sight and find the Creator
I just need to spend one moment with You
Somehow it's a brand new world I'm passing through
You lift me higher, You let me see
Over the walls that surrounded me
Don't need to prove myself, just need to show and tell
It's You in me
The other day a wolf in sheep in disguise
Told me goodness would buy a day or two for me in Paradise
I could never pay the price, not with a million lives
But it' d done for me
Why should I just depend on myself and pretend I'll find something greater
When I know I can look at the bright side and find the Creator
Youth church camp today. Don't know why, but I'm tired. Lynn say it will be a good day to sleep in, but I doubt so this weekend.. A weird timing to hold camp actually, but oh well. Manage to help solve some IT problem today. Actually, I didn't really help much. Can say, I didn't help at all. The teacher just needed assurance, and I just simply assured her.
Ok, what am I blogging about. Tiredness. Get some sleep.
Thursday, September 25, 2008

During the last night in Malaysia, a few of us went out for dinner and we started talking about a sister that works in Aceh. She recently came back for her eyes treatment due to diabetes. It hit me when I was told she's less than 30 years old. Which means she should have been diagnosed with diabetes at around the same age as me. 10 years and her eyes are already failing. And then I wonder, when is my turn?
Every year I go for check up, every 3 months I go to the doctor's. But when that faithful day come, will I still be as strong? Will I one day go back to insulin and jabs, will I one day be living off a dialysis machine, will I one day be blind, will I one day lose a limb, will I still walk the way I want to walk?
Many times I wonder why, why me at such a young age. I should have a long way to go, I should be healthy and strong. What went wrong, is it even my fault that I inherited that life long illness? Why am I not like the others? As I asked myself these questions over and over again; God assured me time and time again that things are in His plans.
Ming Hua said, "It's is not for us to understand, then we believe. We must first believe, then we will understand."
Of course, looking back at those days living by needles and insulin; it was tough. So tough, I almost gave up. But now I know, I don't give up easily :) I'm a tough cookie! Those days are gone (whether it will come back or not, God has the answer). Whatever happens, I'm sure I will make it through the hurdle.
So, Grace, be strong!
People need you...... (really?) HAHAHA!
*I figured that my back might be hurting because of my super heavy backpack when I was coming back from Malaysia*
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You are great
You deserve the glory
and the honor
Lord we lift our hands in worship
As we lift Your holy name
For You are great
You do miracles so great
There is no one else like You
There is no one else like You
What can I say about last weekend? Nothing but miracles after miracles. God is working, all else can be left unsaid and unexplained. God, You are great!
First, everyone gets to check into JW Marriot (KL) and all expenses sponsored by the owner. People came in hundreds with open heart to receive and know what God is doing through OM. Over 650 guests turn up for the gala dinner and the amount we raised was breathless! If God wasn't working, all else is impossible.
It's great to be meeting up with ship's people. Though most were from different ships, but we all came with one purpose and one dream. These few days were simply unforgetable! We all shared with the guests our ship's experiences and testimonies. Many were amazed by what we have gone through during, before and after our time on the ship. All glory to God!
Many times I had tears in my eyes. Ask me why, I don't have the answer either. It's touching to see all the people coming together for God's kingdom. Those who had time gave their time, those who had money gave their money. The moment they announce how much money was raise, boy, the tears almost flowed out! Everyone was so excited and happy!
I thought it would be stressful to talk with those "big potatoes", but all I could sense is humility and willingless to hear us out. God, You are just great!
It was very tiring for the past few days. Working day in day out, walking here and there. Till the last day of the event, I was so tired that I really didn't feel like talking anymore. But God is good all the time, all the time God is good. The sunday worship session was magnificent. Felt as though we were back on the ship! While working together in the Boardroom (office), it really felt like ship's life. We had to wear our badges at all time, all the more it's like ship's life!
One night, we starting sharing our ship's experience and testimonies back in our hotel room. Guess I wasn't alone when I had a hard time during re-entry. The other 2 shared the same! We ordered room service and chatted till 3.30a.m! We stayed there for 4 days, but we manage to make it for breakfast only on the last day. See, how tired and hardworking we were! Anyway, the breakfast wasn't that fantastic for a 5 star hotel either.
For the past few days, God once again assured me that it is His way for me to go back to the ship. All I had to do was wait in His time and trust His name. I can't wait to go back! All these while I had thoughts of posponing my plan to go back on the ship. The ship seems so far away, and the chance of going back seem so out of place. But during the event, God proves and shows that He is not limited by what we think He is. We must believe to understand, not understand to believe. My God is bigger than my problems! If it is to wait, Lord, give me the obedience to wait for You.
I have so much to blog about. But shall leave it to next time.. LESSON TIME!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Alright, enough! I know I've been hao-lianing a lot about it; actually not a lot. Anyway, pictures to prove how comfy our rooms is! We are hopefully looking forward to a 6 hour spa at the end of the stay *cross fingers*
Of course, it's not all comfy as I mention way earlier on. It's lots of hard work, walking around, talking to people and sharing our testimonies. Looking at it, it's not that tough. 2 more days!
Friday, September 19, 2008
JW Marriot Hotel! 5 stars!
But it's not all about enjoying life here. We got tons and tons of work to do and always on stand by for changes. So fascinating to meet so many OM "old birds" and the "big potatoes". I think I'll only have time for shopping on Monday..
Don't worry, I'll at least get the chewing gums for some of you out there ( that I said I will buy nothing but chewing gum for you :D)
Alright, time to enjoy my 5 star breakfast then it's work the whole day. I didn't come here to enjoy ok!
Anyway, we went for the rugby match on Wednesday. We left school at 6.30p.m and reached like 7.50p.m. We caught only the last 2 quaters. It was great though! My friends' team totally trashed the other team to 75-0! Enjoyed the action, and yes... I think I will go for the training clinic. They seem like funny and nice people. Hopefully. Can't wait for 3 weeks later! I need more information, I only know that it's 11th October and nothing more.. :P
Runniny late, got to go.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Last night before concussing into dreamland, I have a sudden urge to just sit up and be quiet. It has been some time since I last had my quiet time, even if I did, it was all so short and "un-quiet". A quick prayer before I sleep, a quick prayer before meals, the only time I reflect was during communion. So, I just sat on my bed in the dark, plug in my MP3 and had the song above playing. And I could just feel God near to me, so near that I believe He was holding me close.
When was the last time someone hugged you? When was the last time you felt so beloved? When was the last time you felt that you weren't alone? When was the last time you felt overwhelmed?
Sitting in the dark, I thought about quite a lot. I have came a long way (though not as long as some others). Looking back from where I came from, God has placed a lot of testimonies that I can share. Testimonies that might touch lives, stories that may inspire, experiences that may motivate others. I have so much to tell, now it's just up to me if I want to keep in all in me or share them. (I want to share them, all)
I took the same bus home with Lynn, a new found friend in school. Some would call "them" people-you-work-with; I prefer to call all of them "friends".
Anyway, during our journey we shared about quite a lot. Mostly me sharing my experience on the Logos II and those times plaing rugby. There are much more to tell; next time :) I enjoy such conversations, meaningful yet not too taxing.
The school that I work now is a good learning ground. Learning from the students and people around me. For as long as I'm in the school, I want to fulfill the purpose of being there. Give more than just a IT trainer, give more than just a teacher, give more that just someone with IT knowledge. I want to give, even if it will hurt sometimes.
Will I receive in the end? I believe I will, somehow.
My ship's mum said, "Remember, your ministry starts right now in your school."
Am I going to the match tonight?
Off to KL tomorrow. Packing; not done :P
Monday, September 15, 2008

So sad to be running alone... I should run before I go KL. Should I bring my running shoes along in case there are gym in the hotel? Thursday hurry come! Wednesday hurry come! What if no one is coming with me on Wednesday for the match, do I still go, alone? My college still haven confirm with me if she's going. Exam period coming, all the teachers are fairly busy except for me!
Do I still go for the rugby clinic? What am I wondering about? Why huh? No confidence? 11th October hurry come too! Keep the "fire" burning!! I'm restless about playing actually.. I just want to run like mad in the field and bang someone or some people. AHH!!! RESTLESS!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Anyway, today was the nosiest day of the whole school week. One of the class nearly drove me to the wall; they made me angry but at the same time making me laugh all the time. What a challenging class. Naughty students trying to molest me.
Vivien finally bought the coach tickets for me! It was so kind of her to go all the way to Golden Mile to get the tickets. She do things, I can trust! Sure no problem. To thank her, I'm buying ONE chewing gum back. So nice of me :)
This morning was kind of crazy. Thought I can have a quiet morning but quite a lot of things to settle. Booking system cocked up, so have to re-check the rooms booked and make arrangments for classes that clashes with each other. Then my HOD emailed say a teacher needed help with the HD video that is submitting for competition. Could have emailed to ask the teacher for details, but damn it I forgot her email address. I was so dedicated to my job that I wrote a note, went all the way up to the upper staffroom to pass it to the teacher (eh, upper staffroom on the 4th level, my office on the first leh!). The funny thing is, I saw the teacher outside the staffroom! She said "Hi" (or maybe it was "hey"), but I was still panting from climbing 4 flights of stairs, so I didn't have time to reply. All I could do was wave my hands like mad at her to get attention (cause she was half way entering the room).
Me: Eh.. (panting).. since I wrote it.. (tear my note off).. might as well..(pass the note to her)
Teacher: (took the note).....(reading)... Oh, ok! Haha! I shall write another note to reply you then..
Me: (stunt)... (smiling).. yeah, ok :) *it didn't happen lah huh..
Before that I already had some funny/interesting conversations with her and some other teachers as well. I think the best conversation was with cafe-cartel-lunch gang during the holidays. Laugh till I nearly dropped.
I have funny teachers in school :D Such people make my working life enjoyable. They add entertainment and colours. At least I know now there are quite a few fun-loving adults, else when you're always surrounded by crazy students and serious adults; I'll go mad and lose touch.
Dreamweaver haven install in the lab I'm teaching, next week don't know how to teach.
Free period lah!
The school will kill me.
It's the weekend, why am I thinking about work?!
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Before I start playing rugby, I should go watch the match first. Get the feel and view. Witness the violence and decide if I still want to play. Although I know I still would love to play, maybe now is to decide to continue with Touch or try Contact for a change.
I'll be dropping by a match this Wednesday, anyone interested to come watch with me? Some womans' rugby season finals at patong pasir. I should be going with some school colleges after work. I forgot the timing though... 7pm I think.
Kind of exciting, my first time watching an official rugby match. I was told that the club I'm interested to join will be holding training clinic on the 11th October; the time and chance has finally come by!! Let's see, maybe soon you'll see me playing for club :)
Grace from slacky becomes sporty.
I'll be in K.L from the 18th to 22nd this month. Taking part in Logos Hope's Fund Raising Event. If you need anything there from chewing gums to their local food; just drop me a sms or something.
Prepare for gym now.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I had a weird dream last night, dreamt of someone totally new and unexpected. In my weird dream, she did funny things to me. HAHAHA! But in my dream, I enjoyed talking to her (minus the funny things she did).
Met up with Vivien after work yesterday. Pass her my "thoughtful" gift, hopefully it will cheer her up. We had a long chat, catching up on the past, updates on what has happened and planning for the future. She say she's meeting me for lunch today, let's see if it's true...
Monday, September 08, 2008
What the heck lah, Grace.
Friday, September 05, 2008

Nice class gathering :)
Rugby, anyone?

We always have training every Wednesday and Friday, I think. There's the Floorball Team, Frisbee Team and the Touch Rugby Team. As you know, I was in the Touch Rugby Team. I remember enjoying all the trainings, passing the ball, doing drills, physical exercises, the real game. Touch is not as violent as Contact Rugby though. When someone touches you, you stop and put that damn Rugby ball down between your legs.
For someone not girly like me, rugby is a nice game :)
I wanna play rugby again. Should I join a club?
These few days, I ran a total of 50 mins. I lost count of how much time I spend on the machines.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The morning crowd has died down a little, but yet the atmosphere of breakfast hour still lingers in the air. Walking through the crowd, I still remember familiar faces of the store owners. The same uncle that sold $1.50 chicken rice is still there (no more $1.50 though), the short uncle that sold carrot cake, the only uncle that I will buy fried kway tiao from... I didn't stay for long, I got the pan cakes and went back home to get my cellphone. Things have changed. The old market that held memories was burnt down years ago.
Something is still missing from the breakfast table. I decided to stop by the wet market near the school. It was like some memory walk as I made my way into the market. I cut through fish mongers, vegetables aunties, pork uncles and the mama shops. Familiar wet and dirty flooring, noisy dialects and steaming good food. Cruising through it eventually brought me back to those times I used to visit the wet market with my parents when I was really young.
It will either be a weekend's morning or some day when school wasn't on. I will be woken up early from bed, take my cold shower and within minutes we'll be down at the wet market. Mom would do her grocery shopping first, Dad and me would be sitting by a table. Dad would be sipping his hot kopi-o, while I drink my cold chin chow. Mom would join in later and usually we would order wanton mee for breakfast. I still remember mine would always be soup based. We'll return home at around 10a.m. Mom would get busy with the shopping she had just done, Dad would be reading his papers and I will drift into my own world.
Of course, wet market memories didn't just stay with my parents. I have a few good ones with grandma and maybe grandpa as well. Grandma would wake up really early, before day break. She say to get the best and freshiest from the wet market, we have to go early. I would push her trolley to the market, enjoying the morning breeze. I remember following grandma through the market, going to each different store to get the things she need. It's always so crowded, it's always so wet. After shopping, we would always drop by to get some soy bean milk and breakfast before heading home to unpack.
This morning as I set foot into the wet market again; flashes of memories, sights and sounds flooded my head. It all seem so familiar yet so far away. Those simple feelings would never be the same again, those food that I had wouldn't taste the same anymore. Those times we spent wouldn't come back.
As I leave the market, I wonder to myself when's the next time I'm coming back. Or should I say, when's the next time I will feel this way again?
Didn't know we have one teacher here that's in national's womans' rudby team.
Didn't know that some P.E teachers here are marathon runners.
Didn't know we have one teacher here who's a trilathon racer.
Many more stories to "dig" out.