Friday, September 05, 2008

We always have training every Wednesday and Friday, I think. There's the Floorball Team, Frisbee Team and the Touch Rugby Team. As you know, I was in the Touch Rugby Team. I remember enjoying all the trainings, passing the ball, doing drills, physical exercises, the real game. Touch is not as violent as Contact Rugby though. When someone touches you, you stop and put that damn Rugby ball down between your legs.
For someone not girly like me, rugby is a nice game :)
I wanna play rugby again. Should I join a club?
These few days, I ran a total of 50 mins. I lost count of how much time I spend on the machines.
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Hi! So you actually used to play rugby. Nice one. Do you know that our school has two teachers in a rugby club? Maybe you should ask them if you can join their club. It would be better if you join with someone that you know. Just in case you do not know who the teachers are, they are Ms Humphries and Ms Lenden. They are from a club called Blacks Rugby Football Club (BRFC). They have touch rugby too. I want to know more about rugby too. I don't even know how do you play it. Maybe we could get to know each other better and you could one day tell me the rules of rugby. I'm very interested in it.
I think I know who's the PH you are so in love with... HAHA~
Yes, I did talk to Pris about her Rugby too; but at that time I didn't know that she's in blacks. I will consider joining her club..
Yes, I did talk to Pris about her Rugby too; but at that time I didn't know that she's in blacks. I will consider joining her club..
Please do not tell her anything about my so called love for her ok. I actually more of admire her than love her.
I know that she is for sure God sent. She had impacted my life greatly this year. And i guess she will continue to. I have became more hardworking because of her ok.
That I did not even realise until lately when i got my results. Haha.
She's a great teacher. Maybe you could get some tips from her. And don't let her know that i told you all these. I'll be so dead, cause i'm trying very hard not to reveal my feelings to everyone around me.
Btw, did you happen to read my blog or something?
I know that she is for sure God sent. She had impacted my life greatly this year. And i guess she will continue to. I have became more hardworking because of her ok.
That I did not even realise until lately when i got my results. Haha.
She's a great teacher. Maybe you could get some tips from her. And don't let her know that i told you all these. I'll be so dead, cause i'm trying very hard not to reveal my feelings to everyone around me.
Btw, did you happen to read my blog or something?
I saw your profile. Your blog is private, so no entry for me :(
Yes, I know what you mean. I have 2 of such teachers when I was in secondary school. They really made my life in school better; they were also my motivation to achieve beyond.
It's always good to have someone to look up to.
Yes, I know what you mean. I have 2 of such teachers when I was in secondary school. They really made my life in school better; they were also my motivation to achieve beyond.
It's always good to have someone to look up to.
Haha. I put my blog private on purpose. I only occationally change it to non-private.
True! It's good to have someone to look up to. But it has to be a correct person. For me, I think I've found the right person.
At least I know that whenever I need some help, someone is always there for me, to guide me(besides GOD).
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True! It's good to have someone to look up to. But it has to be a correct person. For me, I think I've found the right person.
At least I know that whenever I need some help, someone is always there for me, to guide me(besides GOD).
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