Saturday, September 27, 2008

We went to Macdonald's for breakfast and then back home. Seeing the day was so fine and nice, I poped down East Coast for a walk. Some may find it weird, but I went East Coast alone. What's so weird about it? Some me-time is good :)
Anyway... I think I'm sun burnt even though I had sun block on.. Actually, it's sun tan lotion :P
Walking along the beach reminds me of the walks we used to take during my ship time. What's missing were the friends that walked side by side. After walking for quite some time, I walked over to Katong to get my glasses and contacts done. They should arrive just in time before the training clinic in 2 weeks time.
I'm still nervous about the clinic (WHY?!). Read up some game rules, not that difficult to understand, but still... Oh well, just go along and have fun! (Is it the people? Or people around me asking "Are you sure?")
A simple and relaxing saturday. Some may find it boring, but this kind of saturday is hard to come by. Finally I had time to go down to Katong, take walks and spend some time with grandma.
Main service, youth service, Bible exam, cell group, meeting(s). *Gathering?
Weekend's almost over!!