Wednesday, September 17, 2008

在祢光中 帶著盼望 祢領我出 黑暗入光明
A child of light, a child of hope. Adopted from darkness into life
張開雙臂 帶我回家 我屬於祢是祢的最愛
With open arms, You welcome home. I am your child, you call me as Your own
天父 擁抱我 祢愛的雙臂
Father, hold me, in your arms of love
使我再一次 成為愛中的孩子
Where I’m safe to be a little child who’s made for love
當祢擁抱我 我可以自由 活出祢旨意
When You hold me, I am free to be who I’m meant to be
天父我永遠屬祢 祢的最愛
Father, I’m Your child, our own, Your beloved

Last night before concussing into dreamland, I have a sudden urge to just sit up and be quiet. It has been some time since I last had my quiet time, even if I did, it was all so short and "un-quiet". A quick prayer before I sleep, a quick prayer before meals, the only time I reflect was during communion. So, I just sat on my bed in the dark, plug in my MP3 and had the song above playing. And I could just feel God near to me, so near that I believe He was holding me close.

When was the last time someone hugged you? When was the last time you felt so beloved? When was the last time you felt that you weren't alone? When was the last time you felt overwhelmed?

Sitting in the dark, I thought about quite a lot. I have came a long way (though not as long as some others). Looking back from where I came from, God has placed a lot of testimonies that I can share. Testimonies that might touch lives, stories that may inspire, experiences that may motivate others. I have so much to tell, now it's just up to me if I want to keep in all in me or share them. (I want to share them, all)

I took the same bus home with Lynn, a new found friend in school. Some would call "them" people-you-work-with; I prefer to call all of them "friends".

Anyway, during our journey we shared about quite a lot. Mostly me sharing my experience on the Logos II and those times plaing rugby. There are much more to tell; next time :) I enjoy such conversations, meaningful yet not too taxing.

The school that I work now is a good learning ground. Learning from the students and people around me. For as long as I'm in the school, I want to fulfill the purpose of being there. Give more than just a IT trainer, give more than just a teacher, give more that just someone with IT knowledge. I want to give, even if it will hurt sometimes.

Will I receive in the end? I believe I will, somehow.

My ship's mum said, "Remember, your ministry starts right now in your school."

Am I going to the match tonight?

Off to KL tomorrow. Packing; not done :P

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