Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You are great
You deserve the glory
and the honor
Lord we lift our hands in worship
As we lift Your holy name
For You are great
You do miracles so great
There is no one else like You
There is no one else like You
What can I say about last weekend? Nothing but miracles after miracles. God is working, all else can be left unsaid and unexplained. God, You are great!
First, everyone gets to check into JW Marriot (KL) and all expenses sponsored by the owner. People came in hundreds with open heart to receive and know what God is doing through OM. Over 650 guests turn up for the gala dinner and the amount we raised was breathless! If God wasn't working, all else is impossible.
It's great to be meeting up with ship's people. Though most were from different ships, but we all came with one purpose and one dream. These few days were simply unforgetable! We all shared with the guests our ship's experiences and testimonies. Many were amazed by what we have gone through during, before and after our time on the ship. All glory to God!
Many times I had tears in my eyes. Ask me why, I don't have the answer either. It's touching to see all the people coming together for God's kingdom. Those who had time gave their time, those who had money gave their money. The moment they announce how much money was raise, boy, the tears almost flowed out! Everyone was so excited and happy!
I thought it would be stressful to talk with those "big potatoes", but all I could sense is humility and willingless to hear us out. God, You are just great!
It was very tiring for the past few days. Working day in day out, walking here and there. Till the last day of the event, I was so tired that I really didn't feel like talking anymore. But God is good all the time, all the time God is good. The sunday worship session was magnificent. Felt as though we were back on the ship! While working together in the Boardroom (office), it really felt like ship's life. We had to wear our badges at all time, all the more it's like ship's life!
One night, we starting sharing our ship's experience and testimonies back in our hotel room. Guess I wasn't alone when I had a hard time during re-entry. The other 2 shared the same! We ordered room service and chatted till 3.30a.m! We stayed there for 4 days, but we manage to make it for breakfast only on the last day. See, how tired and hardworking we were! Anyway, the breakfast wasn't that fantastic for a 5 star hotel either.
For the past few days, God once again assured me that it is His way for me to go back to the ship. All I had to do was wait in His time and trust His name. I can't wait to go back! All these while I had thoughts of posponing my plan to go back on the ship. The ship seems so far away, and the chance of going back seem so out of place. But during the event, God proves and shows that He is not limited by what we think He is. We must believe to understand, not understand to believe. My God is bigger than my problems! If it is to wait, Lord, give me the obedience to wait for You.
I have so much to blog about. But shall leave it to next time.. LESSON TIME!