Tuesday, August 29, 2006
There's so much frustration in our lives that we have learned to hide ourself so that we don't get hurt. But the more we hide, the more we run away.. the deeper the wounds, and the pain became so unbearable that we are numb of it. Scary.
It's good to have someone to talk to, someone to pour all your sorrows to, someone or some places that we can vent frustrations at.
God, in times like these.. Hold our hands so that we will walk the way You want us to talk. Hold me close so that the world can't destroy me. Cover my eyes when it's needed and open them up when You need to.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Did I mention my story here before?
You see, I wasn't meant to be here but because of God's grace I remained on earth! My mom had a few abortions and when it was me, she decided to keep me! Must be God's grace, God must have said "Keep the baby!". It's amazing how much effect a decision can cause.
I'm done with SWEN, what's left is my DBSY and CMath1. After tuesday, I will be a free person for a little while before I get busy again. Continue to pray for me!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Nothing serious, it's just projects to hand up this Thursday and Friday. Oh gosh! Proposals, reports, screens shots and uncompleted projects! *Pulling my hair*
How I wished I was doing what I wanted, maybe doing those projects for some people or organisation I want to. What am I talking about? .........
I felt so tied up in Singapore, super tied up. So many constrains and bounded by rules we had to follow. I know there are rules to follow everywhere, anywhere. But won't things be different if... never mind... Exams, exams, projects, projects, test, test, interviews, interviews... When will this ever end? It will still carry on in the working world. Maybe if I had not chosen this course, it wouldn't have cause me so much "sufferings". "Fail your CMath this time and you're out of this course." What the... imagine getting kick out when you're half way into this course already. My family members are so gonna kill me. Skipped so many classes till I got multiple warning letters, Ahahaha..and I can still laught it off... :P
Will things be the same if I move off to else where, will things really change if I drop all this and start all over again? I don't wanna stay at where I am now... I'm a bird locked in a bird cage!!! Arg, let me out, let me out, let me out!! Ahahaha... Grace, chill it... just A FEW WEEKS left and it's 2 months of freedom!!
Dear Lord, you know what's going on inside me. You know what I really wanted and where I want to go... Please guide and walk with me...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Stream of Praise (SOP) ended their Asia Tour in Singapore on the 13th of Aug, by now they should be home or somewhere they were heading to. Once again, they left deep footprints in my heart. Thank God for this year's tour; I was really blessed :) Hallelujah!
Let me have a quick update on what has been going for the past few days.
11 Aug: Cindy and I came out half an hour before 6pm and headed to the PLMC. The normal journey there will take at most half and hour, but because of the jam we were 45 minutes late! We arrived there and helped sell SOP's CD. We were new and it felt weird selling CDs for the first time. When the event was about to start, I notice that the Church hall was already filled! Boy, Cindy and I was so worried that we couldn't join in the worship. But thank God we manage to in the end. Haha, something funny happen; on;y the three of us knows. *Shhhh* We sat on the ground, but it was aye alright. We got the perfect view! The event ended and we continued selling CDs. It's funny how people will ask which CDs are better knowing that the asnwer will be, "All are nice to listen to lah!" We became live radio player, singing songs for the people who wants to know how the song sound like and have to recognise tunes when they humed it to us. We became professional CDs sellers overnight! Meet up with SOP's webmaster, he recognise me! Guess I'm really the cutest BBS members afterall; ahahah!! Went to Bedok for late dinner and saw Jesher and gang. It was Terence's birthday! Celebrated with dinner and had to go off cause it was really late.
12 Aug: Cindy and I went out to shop at Bugis street in the afternoon and at the same time looking for some small gifts. We went around Bugis street before we fixed our eyes on some small Singapore key chains. It was 4 for 10 bucks, a rip off for locals. So then, it was time to excercise my bargaining skills! "Aunty, I want to buy 25 of them (key chains), cheaper can or not? I buy 25 you know, a lot!" And the bargaining went on and on until we got 6 6 for 10 bucks, that makes 25 for 42 bucks. Still, I tried to bargain off that 2 bucks and make it a whole sum. In the end, I won the battle! My bargaining skills improved! But, I think those gifts are still expensive! But anyway, we only buy them once in a while for overseas friends. I hope they like them! After all the shopping in Bugis, we head back for a short while before setting of to another Church for SOP's event. We did what we did the night before and had the chance to worship again! This event was different from the others, there was an Encounter worship and a Celebration worship. I was torn apart by this two choices, but in the end I went for the Celebration service cause most of my Church mates were there. It was a great service and had a chance to catch up with Will. Continued to sell CDs after service and manage to pass the gifts to one of sister to pass to the rest. Thank God at the end of the day, a sister drove me and Cindy home!
13 Aug: Cindy woke up before I did! Haha.. Had to go Church that morning cause I am serving as a backup singer that day. Left after worship and head down to EXPO for SOP's event. Met Elim on the way and we exchanged a few words. It's been a year since I last saw her, I guess. Helped sell CDs and join in the worship once again. Came out during the sermon to help sell CDs. Packed up when the service was over and Sister Jie Lian treated the "kids" and a sister lunch near Eden's office. Went to Eden for a short rest before setting of to the next location for SOP's last event. We reached BC at around 5p.m and there were already people waiting to go in for service! Help sold CDs before joining the service again! This time, we were right in front again, but I sat on the chair while the rest on the floor. It was a great worship with God's presence in the midst of us. The day ended with chats with some SOP's members and help took photographs. Boy, I hope the pictures I took were alright. If any SOP members happens to read this, you guys can still edit the pictures in photoshop if the angle I took was off :P
I was very blessed during this year's tour. God kept talking to me and I'm glad I responded. During one of the song, Precious Cross, God said to me, "Don't walk back on the old path where you left. Don't walk back anymore." Then I realize the old me was long dead, why then am I walking back to my old path all the time? The old me is dead, DEAD!! I was given freedom from my past, why then am I holding back what I should let go? Thank you, Jesus. Plus, the last SOP's event made a huge difference in my life. Rev. Sandy was the worship leader that night, she was sitting at the back as a pianist. I looked at her many times and wondered why. Then, I realize.
Every one should be given a chance. Be it to serve in the Music ministry or to be a leader. I was given a chance when I was young to serve. Then I look at myself, what I have been struggling with. Many time I heard Lydia or other pastors saying that there's a need to train up new leaders to serve, but deep in me I was very unwilling. I gave excuses that non could pass the mark, but I knew that wasn't it. I admit I was afraid of letting go what I have, of passing on what I have learned because I was afraid that the others will be better than me. But I was all wrong. Like what the Bible mentioned, we shouldn’t hide the candle light but let it shine. The ultimate leader is one who is willing to develop people to the point that they eventually surpass him or her in knowledge and ability, they are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players. Sitting there, I finally understood why I was struggling. I took a look at Rev. Sandy and the ones who were leading the service again, she’s the best conductor. Humble, with a heart to just want to serve God. She always has a lot for me to learn from. Sometimes, all we need is a chance. God gives chances, we should to. At the end of the day when I had a chance to interact with Rev. Sandy, her eyes made me understand why she is a great leader.
So, now it's back to school with projects to hand up and exams coming my way. Leading this sunday and I think this sunday is the debate? Oh gosh... lots to do. But nevermind, God is my strength!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006

Sunday, August 06, 2006
简简单单的感觉最好。试过了很多不同的 blog skins, 简简单单的设计还是最美。
现读的网际网罗与多媒体发展系 (Internet and Multimedia development),有好多好多看不懂的 codings 和 SQL codes! 说难也不是很难,是自己懒。不知不觉都读了一年半,还有一年半就毕业了。坚持下去吧。。
Don't understand Chinese? Learn it :)
Especially if you're a Chinese.
背起眼泪 重新出发
从今天开始 再努力吧
虽然考验不会停止 我有信心能坚持
没有挫折能绊倒我 一定继续向前走
我想象有天我能卸下 沉重的包袱 将过去好好看清楚
心中没有所谓后悔失望 因为我早就知道我的方向
活在现在 心却期待
因此 我就小看今天所有的失败
因为我有你 的爱
Because of you Because of your love
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006
I need breakthrough
Thursday, August 03, 2006
"Meaningless, meaningless, all is meaningless if we did it just for the hype, if we just did it just as a performance... All is meaningless if God's name wasn't Glorified. "-- quoted from David's blog. It striked me when I read that line; how true it is! Now I finally understand what's the drain in me. Studying has become meaningless, because my results are not even glorifying God! All the projects that I do, assignments I rushed to complete are meaningless!
I need to find the "meaning" back to my life. STUDYING, the toughest period in my whole life :P And I just can't help wondering why some people are so passionate into studying? Maybe that's there passion but not mine. I know it myself, if it's my passion; I'll do what it takes. OBEDIENCE.
Work and work and work, toil and toil and toil, suffer and suffer and suffer; all will be meaningless if it's not in God's will and purpose. I don't want to take the long way home, Pappa :)