Tuesday, January 31, 2006
After so long, you are still someone I'll never forget. Don't get me wrong, it's all over. Sooner than I thought; because you never gave me hope. I hope you are doing well.
Some people are just so senseless to play a joke on somebody. Childish behaviour.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
For JY
I didn't come a good way in my life; but I believe that I'm not alone. Well, JY; at least you can be sure that your parents are your parents. I'm not really sure of who I am; but one thing I know, I'm God's child. That's more than enough. I won't be too shock if what I guess came through :) I think if it happen, it's part of God's plan.
"Who is more important, the one who raise you up or the one who gave birth to you?"--- My respond was, the one who raise me up. I don't know why you asked me this; but I can see the worry in you. Once I told myself and I told God; I will not dump you guys. Even if I have to somewhere else, not living with you; I will still do my best to care for you. What you did to me in the past have left scars, it won't go away; but it trained me up. I would like to hear the truth from you some day; or maybe it's better that I don't know anything :)
JY: I believe every parent have feelings and love for their child. Maybe they didn't know how to express themselves; or expressed it wrongly. There's an age gap between our parents and us; it's already hard on them to accept who we are. Not saying that all parents are good; I know there's some that isn't fit to be parents; but everything is in God's plan. Doesn't matter if others don't understand you; what matters most is God's love endures forever. Your parents will leave, your loved one, your favorite band will fade; but God will always be there. To be anoited by God, you have to release the anger in you. Like me, I used to dislike my parents for what they have done to me, for leaving behind scars and not being able to provide me with what others can. But then, I look back and am glad that I went through that path. God's path for each of us may be hard to walk, but the end result is always sweet victory. Release yourself from those chains bonded to you; then you will experience breakthroughs and God in a whole new way. I thought I couldn't do anything when I was younger; but as I grow, God showed me what I can do and will do for Him bit by bit. Pray for your parents, pray for yourself. Clense yourself, make yourself pure when you come to God.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
CNY eve
Dinner is starting soon...
Sunday tomorrow, and it's the first day of New Year! Wow, 2006 is different yeah? First day of the year falls on Sunday, so is last day of the year! Chinese New Year's first day falls on the first day too!! Haa, so many head start on God's day
Friday, January 27, 2006
CNY's eve's eve
Never really encounter failure before; guess I was afraid of failing! But I remembered what EC told me, "One never fails, you fail when you give up." Made sense to me, as long as you don't give up; no one can force you to quit! Life is funny; a moment you're up and the next you might be in the deepest pit. But like what Cindy mentioned in the forum; God will walk me through. Thanks guys from the BBS for praying and the encouragements; it kept me going! Lord will never go through those tough moments alone; He always send his angels.
Chinese New Year Eve dinner tomorrow, somehow I'm not that excited about it. Partly because I was all busy with school work and the part time job. Winnie says she will give me a big red packet in return for all my hard work; she better do! Imagine I have to manage and juggle between work, quizes and projects; all at the same time! Though it was difficult, I complained, I cried, I struggled; but all ended well.
Chinese New Year, haven really plan what I want to do! Visiting? Where to go? Mrs Chan, I haven call her yet! Hmm, what about friends side? I'm just too busy to even keep in contact with them... Ooooo, Chinese New Year is so different this year.
Friends, if you need me to visit you to collect red packets from your parents; give me a ring!
Last day of work before the holidays starts!! I'm gonna be late in class, the lecturer wants to go through everyone's website before letting us go. Glad that he like mine; my hard work not in vain. I was praying to God to let me have creativity to create the website. I'm happy with my webpage too!
Happy New Year to all. Xing Nian Mong En!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Free loader
I may seem aloof this time, not caring enough, not doing my part. I apologise for that. She slept at 3.30a.m, I slept at 5a.m doing all the projects that were meant to be shared by four. Not that I wanna compare who slept the lease; but please understand. I would like, or should I say, LOVE to go home after school, stay in school to do project after lessons; but I can't? How I would love to spend time with my friends before we split, but time don't allow?
Don't see the surface and judge, it's so unfair. I wish I had friends like she had, release her emotions and display her affection like she do; but I don't have that talent. I buried, I kept, I cried; to myself. "Free-loaders"; it hurts. Everyday I go to school, I don't know how to face those people around me; I'm an outcast. I know they are angry, unhappy with me. I'm breaking down inside me. People don't seem to care, they don't seem to know.
You don't know how it feels to be lifted up and beaten down. I thought to myself, it will be over soon.. But Lord, how soon is soon?
I don't want to be a free loader, I needed help.. But who will? I don't wanna disturb anyone, exams are drawing near. I dislike the Grace now, who are you? I want the real Grace back, not a free loader.
Hold on to me
I'm losing my grip
I'm losing my sight
Lord, hold on to me
I'm losing my strength
I'm lost without you
Hold on to me
Tell me that I'm yours
Wisper in my ears
That everything will be fine
Wipe those tears from my eyes
Take away the fears
Let me be strong
Let me move on
Allow me to win the race for You
Lord, I'm weak and I'm on the verge on losing my grip. Things are so hard to move on now; there's still chance but it's so difficult. Behind those smiles on my face, Lord you sees the tears that's hidden within. Lord, I don't have to put on a mask in front of you; because you understand. As the tears drop, you catch them on by one; you cleared my vision. You know that I'm lost, my batteries are low; Lord, recharge me, empower me. No body know how weak I am, better than you. No body has the power to change me to what I was meant to be. Lord, it's not the end yet; don't allow me to give up.
4 test, 3 projects and 5 exam papers to take. My work is driving me to the back alley; closing the shop alone just don't feel good. Packing and clearing up is no fun. Thank God that the manager cared; I know that she's tired herself; we are both. Lord, of what I'm going through; if it's in your will may you lighten it? Clueless about projects and subjects. Just a few more weeks, a few more weeks...
Alright, let me motivate myself of what will happen in the holidays. Designing BBS shirt for SOP, planing for Church's easter, church outing during March and my long awaited out-of-Singapore tour...
Hold on to me..
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Many pity me for what I'm going through or what I have gone true. Friends, don't need to pity me, learn with me the values and meaning of life. Most of all, experience God and life with me; allow me to bring you through my journey, so that you may see God's grace. Tears I cried, enough to fill a bathtub, I think. Broken dreams, broken life; but God heal them all. Released from my past, from my sin, from that someone that wasn't me; Lord is just wonderful. I may not be running as fast as some others, have the money like some others, the looks, the figure, the life, the special someone; I have God.
Fellowship talk about who we are today. A pretty common topic, and a lot of 'model' answers. But once again, I ask myself; who am I? I'm God's child, you may say. Ask youself again; do you really believe that? One question asked, " If you were to leave today; are you confident that you'll go to heaven?" I left that question out; I had no faith in answering that. Haven been really reading the Bible and I felt bad. Time and time again I come to God asking for His wisdom and knowledge to guide me and discipline me; but it seems like I'm always breaking those promises I made to God. Many times I wanted to start on the Bible reading program, but each night I will be too lazy or tired to do so. Lord, tell me what to do.
5 exams to take, 3 more projects to hand in and 4 quizes this week. My work partner is leaving this Friday, leaving me all alone. My manager wants me to work this whole week; and I can't turn down. Lord, I need strength; really. I'm not even sure I can carry through all this; I don't want to fail my assignments; most importantly my finals. It's always easy to say, "Do not be afraid of failures." But doing it is tough; I've never really failed before; can I take it? I used to be the best in class, first few position for almost every test; but things changes in poly. Where's my zeal to study? I want to quit working, but the work won't let me go and I myself can't bear to leave as well. I have spend so much effort, gone through so much. Why do I have to go when things are all on track, when I had rise up to where I am now? It's like I have just built a sand castle; now I have to destroy it with my own hands. Life is so, work so hard to achieve somethings; the next moment you might have to destroy it with your own hands.
I felt that class relationship isn't going on well too. Somehow I felt a little left out; not connected any more. Not enjoying myself as I used to be; I'm like an outcase to the various groups. Seeing the strong bond they have; I wish I was in the group too, but I couldn't fit in. Contented now that I have a few good friends that I can talk with. Thanks for being there; you know who you are! Fara, thanks for always calling and talking to me when the others are not. You make me feel my own presence. Thanks Shirly for her SMSes, encouraging me to move on. Will good friendship last? Seriously, I never had any best friends in my life; for a moment, yes. Either we lost contact; or seldom talk nowadays. When you climb higher, it's harder to breath; no one wants to climb with you. And those of the same level is like; age-gap. And I wonder who reads the entry.. When I see the tag in others blog; I wish mine could be flooded too, haa..
I need lots of prayers :) Lord, guide me through like how You used to; I know you will. Behind those expressionless face of mine; is those feelings and thoughts you can't get through. Don't judge me as aloof, it's unfair; it's just that I don't show it. I don't want to pretend that I'm happy and acted like I'm happy when I'm not. I don't have to jump around, shouting on top of my lungs when I'm happy; that's not me. Don't ask me to be what I'm not; it's so fake. If you expect me to be someone else to fit into you; maybe you might want to re-consider me as your friend. I don't know how to express myself; I'm still learning.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Shoo Singapore~
Sometimes it's hard to choose, between the world and God. When we so much wanted to go out and shop for New Year, we have a fellowship togo to. Which place would you choose to go? When you have a gathering with your friends, and a church service togo to, which will you attend? Depends, I know; but weight the importance. Talk about bringing people to church, so what if people come? Will things change? Will our attitude change? Who actually bothers talking to the new friends; can count with toes! Why, in front of that person one can treat him/her like the best buddy; but on the other hand had so much negative comments on him/her? So, this is what God taught us, to love one another; in this manner? I'm not cut for arguing, there's always excues to back those questions ask; tired of hearing useless explanation and promises that was broken time and again. Lord, I'll do and give my best to you.
Seriously, if I am able to leave this country now; I would pack my bag and fly right away. Good country, good security, everyone is well taken care of; that's just the good piece of cake you see. Talk about the stress involve, the judging, the comparing; it just puts one off and makes me feels disgusted about the good image one nation holds. Today, I understand why some student(s) chose to end their short-lived life. 4 project, 1 lab test and 5 examination coming my way. Not to much actually; I know some has more. Yeah yeah yeah, all this is to train us to be the best in the world, and won't get looked down. But in the end, we are lifeless zombies listening to big shots instructions! If you were not told what to do next, will you know what to do? I wonder, if this country really got bombed, can we react to what was expected? I hear songs singing of wonderfull morning, with the sun shinning and the birds chipping. But heck, when I step out of the house, the noisy roads greeted me, air filled with don't know what gas was the present I got, crows flying in the sky! And those advertisement that made this country look so nice, haa.. tell me where you got the shots from; I wanna see.
Didn't want to skip lecture today, but still did so :P During C Maths, some morons just couldn't stop talking. If you are not interested, kindly make your way out of the lecture hall and make space for others. If not, don't stay in the room, and waste oxygen! Don't deprive others who are trying to learn. Talk, you can; but keep your volumn down and please, don't talk like you have never talk in your whole life. Sorry to use the word "morons", but it's the best that I could think off.
Gotta start on my website, lots of studying to do and yes, plan my day well. Off for the next two days, better make full use. If this post offended anyone reading, go get a class of ice water to cool down, grap a tissue to wipe away your tears, or simply you need to think harder. But once again, I DIDN'T mention names, don't asumme that it's YOU I'm talking about, if you think so; ask yourself, am I the one that fixed in to what she say?
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
I repeat...
Church BBQ yesterday; fun in the end. Was so pissed off in the start! I was reaching Parkway at 11.30a.m when Sam called and say that there's a change of plans; BBQ will be in Church instead of East Coast! Wasted trip to Parkway and have to go all the way back to Hougang Mall. I'm guilty of blaming God for that kind of weather, but in the end everything turn out fine. Few unhappy moments, but that's part of it. Had a talk with Sam after the whole thing end; after that talk I sort of have finalise my decision to wanna join the discipleship course. Tough, but like what Shirly said; it's a chance not to be missed! Furthermore, it will help me in my spiritual growth and may be help others in the end! Remember my dream of all time? To become a missionary; that will come in handy. Glad that Chi Lian Lao Shi have high hopes on me :)
May be part of the human thinking; I'm still growing yeah. But I think that some people just aren't suppose to be in some committee; and I have no idea why they are in it. Yes, they do have potential; but potential is one thing.. What about the ability to influence or maybe make a difference? With with those kiddy behaviours and comments when they are suppose to show others that they are the leaders, leading them? So, the counter effect; the kids learn from the kids? The blind leading the blind? It always happens. Not to pin point at anyone, but some people got into "ranks" because of personal relationships; in my opinion. For example, if you're some company's director's son's best friend, getting a job in the company MIGHT not be a problem. That person might not even have to go through those interviews! A little bit unfair to those outside the circle? I don't know what about you; but sometimes I think it is. Well, just a thought here; so don't think too much, don't come asking me if I'm talking about you or whoever. Just a thought, I repeat.
And the week goes by, it's coming to an end again..
This was my testimony that I shared on the 1st of January. For those who can't hear me because of the sound system; here's a copy for you! It will be better with "祷告" playing at the back.. Haa..
Kelvin Cheng 2005赞美之泉版权所有
祷告 因为我渺小
祷告 因为我知道我需要
明了 祢心意对我重要
祷告 已假装不了
祷告 因为祢的爱我需要
祢关怀 我走过的祢都明白
4月份,我去做 polytechnic admission 检查时,医生发现我的尿里有糖份,初步怀疑我有糖尿病。因为当时血液里的糖份指数高达200多点,医生必须让我到医院作更详细的检查。当我知道这消息时,我心里非常害怕;也不知道要如何跟家人说。我第一个开口的是我奶奶,张英娘姐妹。因为当时已经心烦意乱,不想在听到他人多问;庆辛奶奶只安慰和叫我不要害怕。那晚当我把消息告诉妈妈时,她哭了。我以为那连我名字都记错的妈妈只会怪我没照顾健康,但看到她落泪,叫我更加难过。当晚我向神祷告。我说如果可以我希望能不要患上糖尿病。但如果是祢的指意,我是否能不要打针?
Sandy Yu, Grace Tseng
主 求祢复兴我
主 求祢复兴我
Monday, January 09, 2006
God's grace
Another area I see God's grace is on the fellowship. There's a last minute BBQ on tuesday and a first I thought it would be pretty hard to get new friends to come. But, the Lord is good; 43 and counting people will be coming. Pray for the weather and safety of all of us.
Thinking of quitting my job; but on the other hand I had develope feelings for the place and people there. Still can remember the times I shed tears and night prayers for the manager that I thought I wouldn't love. I would love to carry on working, but primary purpose of my life now is on my studies! God has given me a chance to further my studies and this might be my last stage; ought to give my best. But... pocket money wise; if I continue working I will have more than enough and able to save for rainy days.. on the other hand; my school work.. There's additional tuition on sundays; but that allows me to earn less than $30 per month! O God, teach me what to do. I don't want to sacrificed my time with you and with the people around me. Each time after work; I will be too tired for quiet time; even prayers..Lord, open up the way for me.
The cycles comes again; projects, assignments and examinations coming my way. However, after last term's lesson I find myself getting more organised and focused. Lord, guide me with your wisdom. I don't just wanna do the things I want to do, I want to do the things You want me to do.
I remembered my goals and missions in life and that will always be the primary factor in my whole entire life.
Let me update on what's going on too. Proud to be part of the Will@TP marathon event. The last time I met Dr Willian Tan personally was 3 years ago and 3 years later; he's still going on strong. Saw him face to face again after his 24 hour marathon; he's sun burned. The weather was bad; rain and shine.. poor Dr Tan. Eden resources called me too; regarding to the invitation I send to SOP. Was sad and happy when they called. I was in tears when they told me that SOP couldn't accept my invitation; but at the same time happy cause their event this year is bigger. Not to forget the workshop that I missed last year is coming back! It's humble of SOP to make such arrangement of having ER to call me; thanks David! Im sure a chance will come where I'm able to meet up and them and share; God will lead me. Also wanna gave thanks for having Shirly too; been a part of my everyday life; constandly encouraging and keeping me company through SMS.
Got to go; lesson is over and work is waiting.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
2006 Goals and Missions
Relation with God:
-Understand God's word deeper and apply them in my daily life
-Experience God like never before
-Create breakthroughs in my walk with Him and in life
-Understand more of God’s will in my path this year and years to come
-Love God deeper
With Church:
-Serve Church selflessly
-Giving my best to the Church
-Give God what belongs to His house and to Him
-Build and enjoy a closer relationship with fellow Church mates
-Grow together mentally and spiritually with Church and Church mates
-Use the gifts and talents the Lord has given me
-Serve well in Youth Fellowship committee
-Continue to improve in leading Praise and Worship
-Pass down Praise and Worship skills to fellow Church mates
-Play the guitar well
-Have better vocals
With Family:
-Create and build a better relationship with family members
-Constant prayers for them
-Spend quality time together
-Have a deeper sense of understanding among each other
-Do well in school, giving my best in all subjects
-Ace in both academic results and CCAs
-Enjoy better and build better relationship with school mates
-Maintain the temper of God
-Keep the temper clean and healthy
-Diabetes to cut down and gone eventually
-Be a even more presentable temper for God
With Myself:
-Become a better servant leader
-Learn new skills
-Achieve dreams and dare to dream big for God
-Speak out, less shy
-Improve on speaking and communicating skills
-New image for God
-Learn to save more money
-Bank to have $1000 savings
-Touch lives, motivate hearts
Monday, January 02, 2006
New hopes
Cycling in the rain makes me think about it. Strange but true, the Lord has once again guided me. On the way to the park, Lord reminded me that hopes on humans can't last, so don't pin all of them on people. I was thinking of heading to Fishermen village, but somehow took a longer way that expected. The paths were all dark and most of the time I'm alone. Scared, but I know Lord is protecting me from all harm. I went round and round at the same place, before finally figuring out the right way to where I'm heading. Before I could even reach the destination, the rain came. I turn back and cycled on. Cold, lonely-- I asked God, "What's all this about? You know that I'm feeling awful. Why send the rain?"
However, God is good. As I head back, I reach where I came from shorter than I expected. I thought I have taken the wrong way and stop to check. After much thinking, I finally understood what God wanna tell me.The road to achieve what I hope to acheive might be long and maybe in times, taken the wrong path and wasted time. The rain represented the sorrows in between. God sometimes send us trials, so that we can experience Him and when we overcome them; we are made into a better person.As long as I hold on to Him, I will reach where I want to go. Though there may be pain and sorrows; but Lord will guide you till you reach your point. Cycling in the rain; a whole new kind of experience for me. God send the rain, but at the same time; He send his comfort and healed my wounds. Though it's cold, but God's love is enough to keep me warm.
A new year has began; brand new start. Forget what's behind me and time to move on. I trust that the Lord will guide me though this year and many more years to come. Storms can come crashing into me, stones on my path can cut my feet; but Lord I pray that my faith in you will not be shaken, but instead to be even firmer. Many things I wanna do and acheive; Lord, let it be in your will and not mine.
I wanna grow to love God more, I can't never stop loving Him and understand Him more. Teach me through Your words, talk to me personally and show me the way you want me to take. Lord, my way may be tougher, longer and harder than many others; but Your grace is ever sufficient for me. When You have taken away something from me, You replaced them with Yourself, more than what I could ask for. Give me a humble heart, to serve You more than what You have ask from me. Let me do what You want me to do and not only me doing what I want to do. Lord, the chance to live isn't from me; but from you. Use me, I'm here.
As the stories unfold, friends; once again you will experience life with me :)
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Christmas Class BBQ

Happy 2006!
People "crashing" into people and for a moment; I thought I'm in Little India. Those guys are *tsk*tsk*, trying to take advantage of girls. Lucky enough we have the few body guards with us; surrounding us, allowing no "aliens" to touch us. Bad enough, I was "molested" by some aliens; so do the guys! Snow sprays in our hands, counting down outside don't-know-where (come on, it's way too crowded and the place is full of dark people), spraying at whoever is there, laughting and enjoying ourselves with fake snow all over the sky. This is New Year in Orchard Road, we don't care who we sprayed the snow at; you sprayed me, I spray you back, Haa! Not to forget, pictures taking and melting those stress blocks away. The walk to Heeren was like fighting a war; close body contacts, have to be on guards for sprays that come on top of you or right into your face! By the time we reach a safe place, we could have taken a bath with all the sweat and soap from the spraying.
Pop down to a near by pub at Heeren, called the Balcony. Got free drinks and that's when I found out I can't really drink. If I were to stay and finish those red wines, boy.. I'll gonna hang over. Dancing and merrying, Farabi was way high; shaking his bon bon! The whole group of us just stood up and dance! *Shake*Shake* Others were looking at us, "How come we can affort those drinks?" Haa, *shhhh*. Not a bad pub, not too many people and not too messy; just right.
Took a cab home, brushed up on Sunday's testimony, print and woah lah!-- Typing out what happened. Good new year start out, party on!
Happy New Year people!