Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Addicted to Facebook?
facebook facebook facebook
facebook facebook and i want you as my friend
and e-mail to you
they will send same at you
have a friend request
on facebook facebook
and i want you to confirm my friend request
and determine if you’ve ever seen me then you will say YES
facebook facebook
i could then poke you
you can poke me too
anytime night or day
only trouble is
facebook i’m wasting my life away
i need you so facebook
i want you so
that’s why i woo whenever i stalk you sorry ’cause it’s true
and facebook facebook facebook facebook
facebook facebook
won’t you be my friend
Monday, October 29, 2007
Cool ways to tie your shoelance
Check this out... try it if you're bored on a long bur ride, train ride, flight... or simply nothing to do at home. After you try it, try it on my shoes too..
Saturday, October 27, 2007
It gets lonely at times; ever since I've been back. The emptiness is getting lesser but still there lingering around. Ahhh... I know what I want, but is it what God wants? People have been telling me "we have to go through changes... it's a test... you'll get use to it..." But like what Shireen said, "Life would never be the same again." Indeed, I don't want it to be the way I used to live too. I left as a worn out, tired student... I came back refreshed and renew.. Please, please, please... I don't want to be worn out yet!
Frankly speaking, I did get a little culture shock when I'm back. Though I'm away for only 2 months, but that 2 months was enough to change a huge part and perspective of life.
Changes in church, the usual old and familar faces are gone.. I miss those good old times.
Some have lost contact.. or maybe we did contact.. once a year maybe.
Graduating and going our seperate ways soon..
When will we meet again?

Changes, changes, changes. People come and go. I've calculated, the time I spend with the people on board is = a year's friendship back in Singapore. We see each other everyday, almost every hour, every meals... Can't blame me for missing them so much. It was during my last few weeks on board the friendship between me, Frauke, Gerdien, Josanna, Nadia and many others grew.. I really enjoyed the time spend together.. So short, yet seems like so long. True friendship, real sharings, deep concerns... I don't seem to feel and see that since I've been back.
I miss hugging people.
I emo, and don't really know what am I blogging about.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Finally after being away from Temasek Polytechnic for 6 months, it's back to school! Actually, I've been away for nearly 8 months. First it was the 2 months holiday, then the 4-month long attachment to OCBC and finally 2 months on Logos II.
My time table this semester wasn't that packed. Class starts at 3 in the afternoon on Monday and on Friday I'm free from lessons.
Walking in school makes me feel old. Seeing so many freshies and juniors; and now I'm a senior. Being away for so long, I felt like a new student too!
Went to the library to read some comic, cause I went to school too early. Then WAD lab wasn't that bad; first time I finished a lab exercise on my own.. HAHAHA!
Oh well. It's a good start for the first week. Things will be even better and challenging!
Major project, DBMM, WAD, CMSK 4, Entrepreneurship.. It'll be alright lah!

Oh well. It's a good start for the first week. Things will be even better and challenging!
Major project, DBMM, WAD, CMSK 4, Entrepreneurship.. It'll be alright lah!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The walk home from the bus stop wasn't lonely, at all. Along the way I could feel this peace within me, as though I could feel Jesus as a human walking home with me. Nice dinner with some school mates and catching up. Been so long since I last had nice, sweet, pop corns! However, eating them without Frauke seems so different. I took so long to finish and in the end had to bring the tub home after the movie.
Baked a chocolate cake this morning before I left house. Then decided to drop by Changi Village. Been so long since I went there, not much changes. Still as nice. Wanted to take a walk since I was there, but ended up some where near school. Went back to school to the library awhile and then headed home when it's closing time. Took the reservoir way home, a perfect place for a walk. Wasn't feeling that nice after using the computer..
Life felt too calm, bored is the word. Maybe I've rested too long.. The walk home was like the last walk I had in Kiel, just that Frauke wasn't there and the weather wasn't cold. Had some quiet time while walking home; it's sure nice to take walks especially in a busy city. That was my first walk back home after 2 weeks.
I felt much better after the walk!
Introducing to you people, Faroe Islands. Located in between Iceland and North of Germany. Look up the map!

We were there for 4 days. It's mostly cold and wet all the time.. But it's a nice place!
Baked a chocolate cake this morning before I left house. Then decided to drop by Changi Village. Been so long since I went there, not much changes. Still as nice. Wanted to take a walk since I was there, but ended up some where near school. Went back to school to the library awhile and then headed home when it's closing time. Took the reservoir way home, a perfect place for a walk. Wasn't feeling that nice after using the computer..
Life felt too calm, bored is the word. Maybe I've rested too long.. The walk home was like the last walk I had in Kiel, just that Frauke wasn't there and the weather wasn't cold. Had some quiet time while walking home; it's sure nice to take walks especially in a busy city. That was my first walk back home after 2 weeks.
I felt much better after the walk!
Introducing to you people, Faroe Islands. Located in between Iceland and North of Germany. Look up the map!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Introducing to you people.. Kiel, North Germany!
I wondered why yogurt and milk was so cheap in Germany. Now I understand.
Beautiful sky of fall's evening.
Port of Kiel.
We dorked near here!
Woooo... Germany, I'm coming back!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Father, what does it means to you?
Mother, what does it means to you?
Childhood, what does it measn to you?
Mine could never be erase. The scars will always be there. I just want the hurting and the scarrings to stop; let it remain as what it is and not get worse. If I have to walk away, I would.
Daddy, Mommy... do you see the picture you have painted yourself of the family? It sucks.
Monday, October 15, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Welcome to my Logos 2 cabin!!
Since I'm jet lagging, I shall do some blogging about my cabin. I've been waking up at the wrong time and sleeping at the wrong time. Wrong time as in Singapore's time; but I'm sleeping and waking up correctly according to the time in Germany. Gosh, the fact is I'm back in Singapore for 5 days already!!
The tag outside my cabin door to indentify your own cabin; cause everything looks the same.
The view of my cabin door with notes to welcome me. Nice people.
Mini shelf in front of the bed.
At first I bunk on top. When Lizzie left, I shifted below. The cool thing is (If you notice) I don't have a ladder to climb up! So every night I needa do some gym to go to bed. During sailing, I face the risk of rolling out of the bed if it's rough sail. Head space is very limited; can't sit straight up.
The sink area to wash up. We don't have a washroom inside the cabin, it's shared. Thank God the washroom is beside my cabin. The bad thing was I can hear people going in...
The picture above is what happen after a night of rough sailing. I woke up in the morning and this is what greeted me. My mobile landed on the floor, the cloths fall from the cardboard, the life jackets flew off... BIG MESS. But we didn't really borther cleaning up since we were still sailing then. I actually woke up in the middle of the night and saw the roller chair dashing towards Lizzie's face... thank God she manage to stop it before it crash into her face!!
Since I'm jet lagging, I shall do some blogging about my cabin. I've been waking up at the wrong time and sleeping at the wrong time. Wrong time as in Singapore's time; but I'm sleeping and waking up correctly according to the time in Germany. Gosh, the fact is I'm back in Singapore for 5 days already!!
I miss the cabin. Although there's no window; you can't tell day or night when you wake up. The ventilation wasn't the best in my section. The toilet smells for a period of time. We were near the engine room... But overall, I like it! However, I think I like Frauke's cabin best. Nice window view, good air ventilation and huge for a single cabin.. The only bad thing is it's near the walk way and beside the showers.. You can hear everything. I remember when I first woke up after returning to Singapore... "it's so bright!" Weird to have sunlight into the room again..
Awwwww!! I miss Logos II, my cabin, the people, bookfair people, dinning room, ministry day, the kids and close friends...
Anyway, it's back to meetings and preparation for school. Meetings for major project (seems like a big one), prepare my heart for school and WAD..