Saturday, October 27, 2007
It gets lonely at times; ever since I've been back. The emptiness is getting lesser but still there lingering around. Ahhh... I know what I want, but is it what God wants? People have been telling me "we have to go through changes... it's a test... you'll get use to it..." But like what Shireen said, "Life would never be the same again." Indeed, I don't want it to be the way I used to live too. I left as a worn out, tired student... I came back refreshed and renew.. Please, please, please... I don't want to be worn out yet!
Frankly speaking, I did get a little culture shock when I'm back. Though I'm away for only 2 months, but that 2 months was enough to change a huge part and perspective of life.
Changes in church, the usual old and familar faces are gone.. I miss those good old times.
Some have lost contact.. or maybe we did contact.. once a year maybe.
Graduating and going our seperate ways soon..
When will we meet again?

Changes, changes, changes. People come and go. I've calculated, the time I spend with the people on board is = a year's friendship back in Singapore. We see each other everyday, almost every hour, every meals... Can't blame me for missing them so much. It was during my last few weeks on board the friendship between me, Frauke, Gerdien, Josanna, Nadia and many others grew.. I really enjoyed the time spend together.. So short, yet seems like so long. True friendship, real sharings, deep concerns... I don't seem to feel and see that since I've been back.
I miss hugging people.
I emo, and don't really know what am I blogging about.