Tuesday, November 09, 2010
It's not a mopey post, really not. A nostalgic one, maybe. Even with Jay's 回到过去 playing in the background, I'm determind to not let it be emo. Pictures really do bring back memories, memories that you have forgotten and chucked aside. I was just looking through the Bali photos on Facebook, it sure made me miss that trip. Not that it was anything very fascinating, not very adventurous (compared to the ones with Gloria) or extreamly exciting... but it was a good trip. Very simple, very simple and very simple. Maybe that's why it's urber memorable. Being the youngest on that trip, not having to worry about where to sleep, where to go or what to do during the trip... it was the most relaxing bo-chub trip. I didn't even know where we were staying, how much the whole thing cost or when we were returning. More of such trips should come my way.
I guessed everyone have moved on, willingly or unwillingly. It's a strange feeling to see how people that I've spend most of my time with these 2 years have found new groups to hang out.. The place that we used to gather at is nothing much but an empty normal house now. It's not a dive center anymore, it's a house. It's dead quiet without the bustle of random divers moving in and out, a dead town without random laughters and lifeless without the usual happenings. I am missing those dinner times, movie nights, festive gatherings and occasional drinking sessions. As much as I try not to show it, I'm still not use to how things are now.. But as the saying goes, life moves on and I'm moving on... bit by bit. How would Christmas be like this year? No usual Church groups, no dive groups... no more other groups...
December would be a busy month, with 18 out of 31 days out of town.. reports to write, job orientations, lots and lots to learn and not to mention Christmas season... Quite the exciting!
Thursday, November 04, 2010
So, finally at this age now... yeah, this dream was nice.
I don't know what kind of partner I'll be. Will I be paitent, open, possesive, easy to anger because of expectation, accomodating or... ? It seems like so far Mr. Right hasn't arrive, or I haven been looking. Perhaps I've never felt good enough, still waiting for the right moment (which never came) or simply, afraid to commit. As much it doesn't seem like it, yeah.. I think I do have this afraid of commit trade within me. Not that I'll be a player, having flings one after another... Maybe I'm afraid of giving too much and getting hurt. Maybe I'm afraid of the expectations I will develope. Perhaps. I could come up with a million other reasons why, but seriously... heh!
So, what am I looking for exactly? I guess it's the model answer that everyone will give.. But I believe I will know, when "Amos" finally appeared.. I think maybe I don't have the priviledge of having a 10 years relationship before settling down.. Well, priviledge or not, it depends on individuals. Hahaha... My oh my..
It's going to be quite eventful tomorrow. Meeting at YMCA, final theory e-trial test and then final theory test.. I hope I'll just have to do it once :D and that YMCA will be fine with whatever I wanna meet them for..
I should travel this November before I start work...
Monday, November 01, 2010
I couldn't have done it on my own, never. I wasn't even certain if they are going to call me back after that first interview, it was almost hopeless. 90% of the time my brain was blocked and I couldn't even make out what I was saying.. 2 weeks of waiting was torturous, and when the phone call finally came.. I knew it was God's grace and He showed me so. It was the first time I actually did my research online for interview questions and spend days preparing for it. It was also the very first time I was nervous about it, like sitting for an important exam. Thank goodness those butterflies didn't stay long.
I don't know how all this will go, how the journey ahead will be like, who am I going to meet and how well will I adapt to the new environment. Everything is changing, everything that I was so familiar with. The pharse "life goes on" couldn't have made more sense now than before. Perhaps it was a good beginning/ending, everyone has something to move on with.
New life starts in December and maybe now I can sing...
it's good to stay work at the YMCA!