Monday, November 01, 2010

I couldn't have done it on my own, never. I wasn't even certain if they are going to call me back after that first interview, it was almost hopeless. 90% of the time my brain was blocked and I couldn't even make out what I was saying.. 2 weeks of waiting was torturous, and when the phone call finally came.. I knew it was God's grace and He showed me so. It was the first time I actually did my research online for interview questions and spend days preparing for it. It was also the very first time I was nervous about it, like sitting for an important exam. Thank goodness those butterflies didn't stay long.
I don't know how all this will go, how the journey ahead will be like, who am I going to meet and how well will I adapt to the new environment. Everything is changing, everything that I was so familiar with. The pharse "life goes on" couldn't have made more sense now than before. Perhaps it was a good beginning/ending, everyone has something to move on with.
New life starts in December and maybe now I can sing...
it's good to stay work at the YMCA!