Thursday, November 04, 2010

So, finally at this age now... yeah, this dream was nice.
I don't know what kind of partner I'll be. Will I be paitent, open, possesive, easy to anger because of expectation, accomodating or... ? It seems like so far Mr. Right hasn't arrive, or I haven been looking. Perhaps I've never felt good enough, still waiting for the right moment (which never came) or simply, afraid to commit. As much it doesn't seem like it, yeah.. I think I do have this afraid of commit trade within me. Not that I'll be a player, having flings one after another... Maybe I'm afraid of giving too much and getting hurt. Maybe I'm afraid of the expectations I will develope. Perhaps. I could come up with a million other reasons why, but seriously... heh!
So, what am I looking for exactly? I guess it's the model answer that everyone will give.. But I believe I will know, when "Amos" finally appeared.. I think maybe I don't have the priviledge of having a 10 years relationship before settling down.. Well, priviledge or not, it depends on individuals. Hahaha... My oh my..
It's going to be quite eventful tomorrow. Meeting at YMCA, final theory e-trial test and then final theory test.. I hope I'll just have to do it once :D and that YMCA will be fine with whatever I wanna meet them for..
I should travel this November before I start work...