Thursday, January 31, 2008
My mobile phone is dead. D-E-A-D. Period.

So, I'm uncontactable if I'm not home checking my emails. If by any means you need to contact me, send me an email or call my house phone. Even though I'm NOT ALWAYS home, but there's a possibility you may get me through that number.
When will I reactivate my mobile phone?
After Chinese New Year when I get enough money to pay off the remaining of my HUGE bill. So now I'll leave as mobile-phone-free person!
Maybe I'll get a prepaid just in case.. Then I'll let people know my number.
I can't receive any incoming or sms anymore.. too bad :S
Then I after I completed the inside of the brochure, I went to work on the outside. To save time, I use back the same template.. I was nearly done with the outside of the brochure too.
How stupid can I be? Now the inside of the brochure, which I spend 1.5 hours on, is being saved over by the stupid outside of the brochure which I only spend half hour on. WTF!
Now I lose sleep over it. Just wonderful. What am I going to show the lecturer tomorrow?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
My look-a-like??

Do I look like her?
Someone said I might just look like her if my hair was longer.
To me, she look like a mixture of Chia Chia (OCBC Supervisor) and my cousin Shireen. The more I look, she look like a mixture of Olinda Cho ( Singapore Idol 1 participant) + Chia Chia + Shireen.
Yeah, I like her hair in the first picture. Maybe I shall keep my hair longer and curl it like hers.
So, do I look like her?
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Doesn't feel like Chinese New Year at all... maybe because we have been so busy with school work. I haven even purchased my Chinese New Year stuff!!
Busy, busy, busy Chinese New Year... and this might be the last one.. and the last one is sooooooo busy.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Josh Groban and The African Children's Choir
I'm so touched by this video. Though it happened quite some time ago, I've watched it before... but still it touches my heart everytime I view it.
I hope you enjoy this video too.. Take a moment to look at the innocent faces of the children.
Someone said.. " Give all that you can, give till it hurts.."
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Doctor Evil, 快点联络我啦!

Friday, January 25, 2008

It's crazy how we as a team can agree on something and then in the end someone would do something else. Why would you want to pull your own group members down the drain? You'll be happier that he/she get lower marks then you?
Cut the crap giving excuses that you were just stating the truth. So, you think you did a lot of work huh? It's very smart of you to allocate the harder task to us and then you doing the simplier ones. I could be that smart too! I could be that cunning to act as though I'm doing ALL the work and my group members were lazy slackers who lack passion.
Oh, so you are the hardworking one and the rest of us are pigs? All the time spend in front of the computer debugging codes are shits? Pushing all the blame to us, as though we are the fault and never you? That was so smart of you!
All these time trying to be nice to you just seems like a waste of my time. You have your groups of friends, don't have to care about us.
I just want to finish off everything and be done with you.
Thanks for the stab on our backs. We appreciate it :)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Schließlich arbeiten Sachen!
Finally, things works! ( MP, to be precise. Although not really working but something worked :) )
Schließlich arbeiten Sachen!
마지막으로 것은 일한다!
τελικά εργασίες πραγμάτων!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Don't watch CLOVERFIELD, give me the ticket money instead.

Another end-of-world movie I thought, and such movies should be nice and meaningful to watch. Well, it's one of the best movies I've ever watch. My eyes was fixed on that show and didn't dared blinked for a second. The actors were great, the graphics were the best. The best camera angle ever and for $8, it's really worth the money. I'm willing to pay double the price to watch it again.
Just reversed what I mentioned above. You won't want to watch this piece of s**t. Why did I even pay money to get dizzy and cursing at the movie all the time.
The film begins like The Blair Witch Project with an explanation that what we are about to see is found footage of some terrifying event. The titles imply that Cloverfield is some government code name for the site of the destruction we were about to witness. A tape begins to play. The date burned onto the image tells us it’s April 27. Rob (Michael Stahl Stahl-David) is videotaping the morning after with his new girlfriend. After a few cute shots, the tape jumps to May 22. Now it’s Rob’s going away party. He’s leaving for Japan. (This made me hopeful, the reference to Japan meant that maybe the film would pay appropriate homage to the great monster movies from the land of the rising sun.) Rob’s friend Hud (T.J. Miller) has been tasked with videotaping reactions and good-byes from everyone. Hud takes his job seriously, and it’s a good thing because he’s the one who is about to diligently document the terror to come.
When something like an earthquake hits Manhattan, Hud runs out to film the chaos, including the now famous Statue of Liberty headshot. Something is tearing up the city but no one can figure out what. All Hud catches on camera is a glimpse of something big moving through the city. And how far into the movie are we? Some twenty minutes and still no sense of what the creature is. All we know is it’s big and destructive. It will take quite some time before we get a good glimpse of the creature.
So, the monster did not appear in the first ten minutes, and yes, ultimately, Cloverfield sucked. When it ended, a bare 80 minutes after it began, you could hear a collective sigh of disappointment from the audience. Many of us even waited until the last end credit rolled by in hopes of some post credit kicker that would redeem the mess. But no. All we got was some heavy breathing, possibly implying that not everyone was as dead as we thought.
Not only did it take half the film before we got to see the creature but the many minutes leading up to the reveal were painful. The shaky-cam was not only annoying but it called so much attention to the contrivance of the device that it pulled us out of the story. Handheld camerawork can be effective — in small doses and when used for effect. Paul Greengrass made excellent use of the “shaky-cam” in Bloody Sunday and to lesser effect in United 93. he used it to give a sense of immediacy. But as used in Cloverfield, the handheld camera conveys less a sense of immediacy and more a sense of this being a realty TV take on the monster genre. That means it feels like no one is writing and no one is in control of the material. It’s just being thrown out there “uncut.” And oh boy does this film need some editing and the sense that someone is in control. Just because it’s meant to look like home video doesn’t mean it has to look like crap! Some people, even drunk ones, can actually hold the camera still and get someone within the frame. Plus we don’t buy that Hud would shoot as he’s trying to climb from one sky scraper to another or as the girl he’s been hot for is attacked and in need of help. At least The Blair Witch Project was a genuine low budget movie and its rinky-dink look was justified. But Cloverfield had money and could have made the film look better. The only redeeming factor here is that Hud sometimes provides amusing running commentary. It’s like having Harold and Kumar or Seth Rogen dropping into a horror film to provide comic relief to the proceedings.
For Cloverfield, this creative team spends way too much time setting up characters that we don’t really care about, and far too little time with the creature and its destruction. Personally, I liked the creature far more than the humans. The monster looked very cool and it seemed able to spawn little winged creatures (bat-like tarantulas with lethal bites) that provided the film with one truly scary attack in the subway. But we are given no information about what the creature is, where it might be from, or any speculation at all about it. Abrams has said that he wanted to create an American monster movie that would provide a legendary figure like Godzilla and be a metaphor for our times. Well his nameless beast does neither. Godzilla had personality! You can make fun of the fact that he was a man in a rubber suit, but that man in the rubber suit gave Godzilla a personality, just like King Kong had a personality. A monster without some kind of identity will never become legendary. As for the notion of a metaphor – what, America is destroying itself? A metaphor for 9/11? Okay, maybe that works, but not very well. This film seems so designed for an audience that’s plugged into the web, electronics and itself that there’s no humanity in sight. Those who liked the film were probably texting their friends while the movie was still going on. But for me, Cloverfield has about as much human interest and suspense as an episode of survivor.
After seeing Cloverfield, I was so frustrated and disappointed that I felt like I needed a palate cleanser.
Friday, January 18, 2008

Seriously, they should get those students on Attachment to do it. They have no other subjects, they are supposed to work on it 8 hours a day. Some intelligent lecturer say that my major project is an easy one. Of course.. this would be fairly easy when you have a degree in programming.
Did I mention I have never liked programming? Not before, not now and maybe not ever. I head literally went blank when I see codes. Lines and lines and lines and lines of alien codes. Ok, maybe it has always been me trying to run away. Ok, it's me.
Oh my goodness~ This is so difficult. How am I going to produce the whole system in 3 days time? I just want to pass, pass all my subjects and graduate.
I want to believe. I want to hang on there. Last few weeks, can't kind the bucket now. I can do it, I must do it.
If I can deal with math, I can deal with PHP.
Just pray for me, will you? No matter who you are. Doesn't matter I know you, you know me, or not.

To all MP students. It's a hard time.. let's just not give up now.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I'm trying very hard to finish them before dateline; so I slack earlier~ Anyway, I will be slacking earlier cause Entrepreneurship doesn't have final paper! WAHAHAHA!!
I'm looking forward to the OM meeting next Saturday; will be very good to be seeing Steven and Imelda again + opportunities to see other Singapore STEPPERS and catch up.
Oh well, got to leave school and continue my quest of finishing projects tomorrow.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
MP, DBMM, WAD, Entrepreneurship, CMSK 4...
I face the computer for more than 6 hours a day looking at codes. Which smart guy invented such things? And the client keep adding and adding requirements. I should have taken a design course. I doubt I will be a super IT professional. I'll treat this as a skills I've picked up...
Actually being an IT person can turn you into a loner. You face the cold cold computer, you don't communicate to people ( except through MSN) and you need to be alone to think about the codes. Your eye sight fails, your brain blocked, your fingers get blistered from typing and you grow fat by sitting down all the time.
IT, Office, Desk and those indoor jobs are just so not in my blood.
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Saturday, January 05, 2008

This conversation made my day :)
"u noe, somehow i always feel God has destined u for great things. perhaps, not great in man's terms or perspectives but of great worth in His sight. yea, jus wanna encourage u to cling on to Him esp when the going gets tuff.
psalms 105:4
ur sharing on sunday made think, u noe, after some pondering i feel tt if u'd lived like everybody else...with ideal parents and all. perhaps it mite not have shaped u to be who you are today for Him. but circumstances had it such tt itoday you're strengthened for Christ. and u were saying at the podium tt bein on board made u realise u had to forgive them. my thoughts were perhaps...this realisation from the holy spirit is taking u back full circle reconciling what's deep in ur heart with your past, given your passion and direction for Christ today. maybe God desires u to forgive and mend this wound sure, u'll feel better more i'm certain its part of His process of makin u more effective for Him .yea,'s jus my thoughts"
Friday, January 04, 2008

Nope. Logos II did not stop sailing! The news is out – for another six months, Logos II will continue to bring knowledge, help and hope! A decision to send the ship on a literature promoting voyage to the Caribbean was made.
Wow, looks like another opportunity to see Logos II again! Of course I would like to join! 6 months in the Caribbean! I've never been there, Jo said Caribbean is nice. After finishing my diploma in mid-feb, Logos II should still be in Caribbean.. Well, let's pray about it!
Actually my plan when I am finished with school was to find a part-time job till end of August, earn enough money to pay off my polytechnic fee and save for trip. I hope to start application to Logos Hope/Doulos by March and will have about 6 months to prepare. To start having serious talk with Church and family towards the end of Jan/ start of Feb about Logos Hope. Gather support for Logos Hope from March onwards. And a farewell party in August!!
Application for Logos Hope might take up to 3 months or more, before getting confirmation.. Another waiting period!! I hope I won't get "surprise" like what Logos II did to me :P
By faith, by faith... I can wait, I can wait!! If God wants me to go, He will!!
Logos II, will I see you again? I hope so...

Check out this singer! In the case of Mary Gauthier (pronounced 'go-shay) , four words are worth a thousand pictures. "Between Daylight and Dark", her new Lost Highway album, finds her aiming her compass at sky and searching for home. It is from this longing from home that this group of songs has emerged, and they fill Gautheir's new album with both hope and anguish, with faith as well as fear.
Mary Gautheir knows these places well, having traveled through a night that had stretched into years, from a turbulent Louisiana childhoos through odd juxtapositions of accomplishment and devastation. The result is reflected in the music, starting as a trickle of songs almost from the moment of her sobriety and swelling into the stream that fed her first two self-released albums, and her stunning Lost Highway debut.
Mary Gauthier is an American folk singer-songwriter. Given up at birth by a mother she never knew, Mary was adopted by an Italian Catholic couple in Thibodaux, Louisiana. At age 15, she ran away from home and stole her parents' car, and spent the next several years in drug rehabilitation, halfway houses, and living with friends; she spent her 18th birthday in jail. These experiences provided fodder for her songwriting later on. Later on, she enrolled at Louisiana State University as a philosophy major, but after five years there, dropped out due to drug problems and moved to Boston. After working as a dishwasher and eventually being promoted to manager of the restaurant where she worked, financial backers paid her way to Cambridge School of Culinary Arts and she opened a Cajun restaurant in Boston's Back Bay neighborhood, Dixie Kitchen. She wrote her first song at age 35. After the release of her first album, she sold her share in the restaurant to finance her second album, Drag Queens in Limousines. The summer of the release of this album, she was invited to play 11 major folk festivals, including Newport Folk Festival. Her third album,"Filth and Fire" was named indie CD of the year by Jon Pareles of the New York Times. She moved to Nashville,TN and secured a record deal with Lost Highway, a division of Universal Music. She also secured a publishing deal with Harlan Howard Songs. Her first major lable release' "Mercy Now" was on the top 10 list for the year 2005 in dozens of publications, including The New York Times, The LA Times, New York Daily News, and Billboard Magazine, she was awarded New Artist of the year by The Americana Music Association. Her second Lost Highway release,"Between Daylight and Dark" came out Sept. 2007.
Great woman! Though she started late in her music career, but she's making it. Listened to some of her songs, really cool and meaningful. But right now I still prefer Melissa Etheridge. She sound almost like Melissa.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

It's really really fast... Sometimes it felt scary, sometimes it's ever so exciting.
2008 --> The year of breakthroughs?
Will I leave for Logos Hope this year?
Happy New Year, anyway.