Saturday, January 05, 2008

This conversation made my day :)
"u noe, somehow i always feel God has destined u for great things. perhaps, not great in man's terms or perspectives but of great worth in His sight. yea, jus wanna encourage u to cling on to Him esp when the going gets tuff.
psalms 105:4
ur sharing on sunday made think, u noe, after some pondering i feel tt if u'd lived like everybody else...with ideal parents and all. perhaps it mite not have shaped u to be who you are today for Him. but circumstances had it such tt itoday you're strengthened for Christ. and u were saying at the podium tt bein on board made u realise u had to forgive them. my thoughts were perhaps...this realisation from the holy spirit is taking u back full circle reconciling what's deep in ur heart with your past, given your passion and direction for Christ today. maybe God desires u to forgive and mend this wound sure, u'll feel better more i'm certain its part of His process of makin u more effective for Him .yea,'s jus my thoughts"