Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Day 1:
So I had a morning flight, arrival in Bangkok was smooth; except for the ride. The landing was bumpy and I was jerked awake; not very nice. Bangkok airport looked different, nicer and a lot more shops. Spend a couple of hours in a cafe while waiting for Frauke to arrive. 8 hours wasn't that hard to past; I was counting down from 6 hours, then 4, then 2 and to the final few minutes. I stood outside the gate for half hours before finally spotting Frauke walking out with her backpack. I couldn't really recognise her at first, she lost weight! Wanted to approach her from behind to surprise her, but didn't manage to. I was so afraid I would missed her with so many people coming out. But in the end, she was delayed with the imigration and was one of the last few to come out. Finally, the long waited hug from her! It was really good to see her again; just so good. Frauke went to change money while I got help about the hotel's location. The taxi driver couldn't understand the english map we had, but priase God we found the place!
The hotel was nice, manage to get a double room on the 7th floor. We rested a little and I brought Frauke to Pratunum street for dinner and visit the night market. Feels good to come back to where I've been again; feels even better to be a tour guide! We walked for quite awhile, bought durian for Frauke to try. Took a tuk tuk back to the hotel; since I didn't manage to ride one the previous time I went.
We wanted to go out somemore, but have no idea where's Bangkok's night life! In the end we checked some emails, watched some TV, chatted and then went to bed.
Day 2:
We woke up quite early for breakfast. It's good that the hotel provides breakfast, we don't have to be out early in the morning searching for food. There's congee available during breakfast and some chilli padi to go with it. I think it's the first time Frauke saw chilli padi, she didn't know it's really spicy. So, unknowingly she ate them... and you can imagine how many glasses of milk she drank :D
We then took a taxi to the Grand Palace. Upon arrival, a guy dresses in tour guide uniform approached us and said that the Palace was close then and had to come back later in the afternoon. He then offered to bring us to other destinations before coming back to the Palace for 40 bath. Not a bad deal we thought, and went with it. In the end, it all turn out to be a cheat! He did brought us to one sight-seeing temple and the rest he brought us to was shopping areas! But me and Frauke don't want to buy what silk, pearls, diamonds or whatever! While being cheated, Frauke manage to buy a leather flip flops for 9 euros and according to her, it's a good catch! So, that's a blessing in disguise! That cheater guide then drop us at a boat centre, after a long disscusion and struggle we went for the boat ride. I went the previous time, this time to accompany Frauke see the river. It's scary how the cheater guide talk us into it. We drop near the Palace and was charged 20 bath, what the?! We manage to get to the palace! All along the guide cheated us, the Palace was open all day long! It was then we realise we were being cheated... Anyway, we got about a good whole hour to see the palace and Frauke was snipping pictures all the way. After the palace, we went to Wat Po, another temple.
In the evening, we decided to drop by Siam Square for dinner and walk around. So, it's back to the hotel to check emails, shower and sleep.
Day 3:
We wanted to wake up at 6.30a.m to check out the tour to Ayuthaya; but in the end we sleep in until 9.30a.m and went down for breakfast before the timing is over. We had 2 choice, to stay in Bangkok for another day or check out ways to get to Ayuthaya. We approached the tour counter and was told we could go to Ayuthaya anytime we want. Frauke and me was both delighted; we get to sleep in and tour at the same time! We met this tour guide, Sunchia, who brought us around Ayuthaya and also to another night market at night. He was nice, except I couldn't really stand his talk about " the services Thai girls offers" We visited a lot of temples, both old and new ones. Seen more temples than I ever did within this few days in Thailand.
The tour took about 4 hours. We manage to get some rest back in the hotel before embarking for the night market. So, Frauke was searching for a matching top for her favorite skirt.. we walked round and round and found one after dinner. The dinner wasn't bad, Frauke made me choose what to eat. I ordered fried morning glory; which supposely meant Kang Kong.. Funny english name for Kang Kong; morning glory??!
Headed back to the hotel to pack and then lights off. We had to wake up real early for the airport.I didn't buy anything for myself this trip, except for a flip flop for my mother. Spend most of the money on tours and food. But I really enjoyed this trip!
Day 4:
Finally I woke up first before Frauke did. We were early and manage to sleep somemore when we were all done. Reached the airport at 7a.m. I went to check it, took more than 45 minutes. The counter don't open early and the row was so slow. Simply just taking away precious time! Frauke and me then went for breakfast at the cafe I spend 3 hours in while waiting for her on day 1. Our last meal together, not the last but in a good couple of months or maybe even years. She then walked me to my gate.. Final hugs and then goodbyes. I held my tears back while I hugged her and walking in. It's bitter sweet. Sweet that I met Frauke again and spending those few days with her, bitter to not know when will be the next time I'm seeing her again. I kept my tears all the way till Singapore, because I was too tired on the plane. Couldn't hold it anymore and went to the toilet when I landed.
Arg, let this be the 'details' post, I shall have another post on my feelings..
She's on her way to the border of Mayanmar-Thailand now. I pray that she will have a good trip.. I know God is watching over you :)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I survived the wedding, the gatherings, the meetings and manage to complete about 70% of all the projects that needs to be submitted. Thank you, Jesus!
Janice's wedding was simply I guess, not as overwhelming as I thought it would be. So nice to be catching up with the old kakis again. Talked, shared and joked. Being away from each other do help to make the friendship better.
Now, I better make my way to the washroom and then to my gate. Bangkok here I come!! Had too much BBQ last night, I hope the stomach doesn't run and I need some sleep!!
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ice skating picture last Sunday. The wedding went well, food was not bad. I need to sleep now. Waking up earlier tomorrow to finish my reports and project. Add oil lah!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
My brain died facing the computer for so long.
My mom thought that facing the computer too long could make us go crazy.
Maybe it's true.
Brain dead.
Such a busy week too...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Crazy enough to make a decision like this
Maybe some may say it's stupid
Am I being too rush?
Am I taking things into my own hand?
Am I not obeying God's plan?
I don't know, but it all seems so overwhelming now!
I'm broke to the max and yet making a decision like this?
I think I'm the poorest kid around
yet still making decision like this..
In situations like this,
I can't help but wonder...
Is this from God?
Well, I know in the end there are lessons to learn.
So, Grace, just trust and learn even if you fall..
Good attitude.
Monday, November 19, 2007

The sky was overcasted when I woke up and then it rained in the afternoon. It was very tempting to just stay at home and waste time away. I know I have to be discipine, so I got my butt out of the sofa and headed to school. Along the way, I was day dreaming of how I could have lazed the day away at the library or somewhere else.
I was 30 mins late for class; but then the class barely just started. Sitted at the back at first, but the teacher was sacastic enough to make me move right in front. The codes today did work somehow, but in the end it didn't! Who the hell invented computer programing? You either love it or hate it; I hate it.
Being the only girl in WAD class is horrible. Teacher dying to go home early and his jokes are all so cold. Man, if it's not for graduating... [whatever]
11 more weeks to go and then I'll be a free woman! This whole week is gonna be so busy and stressful. BUT NO, I'M NOT GIVING UP. School is like a prision to me; studying for subjects I didn't like make it look like a concentration camp...
So for people out there still making a decision on what course to choose.. THINK WISELY and it will be good if you can experience the course before hand.. We have such programs in TP; so do other school. Now, I'm smarter when it comes to choosing my next major in life :)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
But now I'm feeling the tiredness of the skate.. Lessons can be learn while skating. I think, we just need to overcome the fear of falling and we can skate.
Rainy in the afternoon, had a very late lunch then went to play pool. Today was catching up on activities I haven done so in many years or months.
Yes, we can ice skate in Singapore! Though the ice is man made and indoor.
It's gonna be a busy week in school! Week 5, project rushing period! Week 6 is interim submission and then term test. I aim to finish my projects this week!!
Thursday we are having a ex-Logos 2 people gathering at Lau Pat Sat! Exciting to be catching up again. Tuesday is Janice's wedding's rehearsal and Friday is the actual day. And I might be flying over to Bangkok this weekend. No, not for shopping or holidaying. "I have serious matter to attend to"--- yeah!
Finally I can stop worrying for my dear Frauke, manage to send the email to the RIGHT address. I was really happy when she replied, as in REALLY happy! Wow, I didn't thought that the poem I wrote about her was being read by her; it wasn't meant to be. Anyway.. just happy that she's kicking alive.
Saturday, November 17, 2007

相思 相助 相契
就是人间最温柔 最惬意
朋友是扎根在你脑海中想摔也摔不掉的人 !
That's so true about 朋友! I'm feeling much better!
Friday, November 16, 2007

I remembered the dinner we had
I remembered how we scream and laugh on that ride
I remembered how scare you were of me pokking you
I remembered the way you smiled
I remembered how your eyes would roll
I remembered your smell of your laundry
I remembered your voice when you speak
I remembered the stories you shared
I remembered that hot chocolate we had
I remembered your hands in my pop corns
I remembered you taught me salsa
I remembered that scrabble game
I remembered the good night hugs
I remembered how we first met
Most of all, I remembered you.
Oh, come on! I'm worried for you; just how have you been? So near yet so far away. At least, let any of us know your situation now. You frighten me, so don't add in the worrying part...
If I were to see you anywhere; I'll dash and give you a tight hug. (And I don't care if I'm sweaty, sticky, smelly, dirty or whatever)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's a great book to read, almost nothing is hidden about this woman. From things that I wouldn't want to tell just anyone, to insights that people can't see or understand. You have to be open to read this book, it's not 'innocent'. I prayed before reading this book, seriously!
I enjoy such reads; it's really encouraging to see how someone start to dream, process of making the dream come through till the success they enjoy today. Behind all the dramas, awards, wealth; I read a different story about that person. It's like getting to know a friend, reading a friend's blog. In which I doubt I'll ever meet Melissa in person or to even say befriend her. But, who knows?
I think most part of my life I'm attracting such people into my life or me being attracted to them. Which, I think is good and cool! I get to know that I'm not at all alone feeling like this and I gain some knowledge from there. Most time I could actually feel that a particular might just have went through a lot in their life when we first met; and naturally I want to know them and learn from them. I see a lot of myself in Melissa's too.
I foresee myself writting my own biography one day, HAH! I better start thinking of a suitable title for it now; any suggestions?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Heard from Si Yun that Cleo wanted to send me off to Germany the other time; but she didn't know when I was leaving. She isn't the kind who'll call, me either. HAH! So, by the time she knew I was gone, it's too late. I promise to let her know when I'm going next time!
Si Yun and me talked about almost everything. My sharings with her on my experience on the ship made her even more certain of her dreams; which is encouraging to me. I mentioned to her my farewell party next year, she volunteered to organize it for me. Just the right person, someone who knew and undertood what I want from the farwell. Heh, I'm looking forward to that day..
Recently I'm caught up with this singer, Melissa Etheridge, a very popular singer in the 80s and still popular now. I'm just so amazed by her vocals and the songs she wrote. Songs like "I need to wake up", " This is not goodbye", "I run for life" and many more touches my heart. I admire people like her. Their works are meant to touch lives! Her life story is encouraging too. Dared to be different and took the road less traveled by others that made all the difference. I'm attracted to strong woman like her.. I guess I can tell if they are, even before I know them.. For instance, Frauke. HEH! My sixth sense. They have so much stories to share, and their stories will help lives. Some people may not like her (if you know what I mean), but I think we shouldn't judge. God says love EVERYONE, including them.. We shouldn't "hate" or "anti" them, as what some would say.. Embrace them, but not be influence by them in a wrong way. You're who you are.. get me? HEH! They need acceptance and love too.. This is sensative, but that's my view. Not saying that I agree with their life style.. but.. yeah.. hard to explain.
Well anyway, I'm excited to be meeting Imelda tomorrow!
Friday, November 09, 2007

Arg!! Projects coming. Due dates are out.. Meeting Si Yun tomorrow afternoon and Imelda on Sunday's afternoon. Work, Grace! Don't repeat the same mistake of putting work till the last minute.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
I took the road less traveled by and that has made all the difference
Have you ever wonder why people are always negative before they are positive? Is it always safer to take the road traveled by many because you somehow know the outcome? Why is it people only believe in things that can be seen?
Maybe it's the Asian culture that we must take the safest way, walk the smoothest road and run the easiest race.
I'm disgusted, disappointed and dishearted. It's always the negative things that comes out, never encouragements. It's always prove-that-you-can-do-it-first attitude. It hurts even more when it came out from someone you thought that believed in you.
But hey, guess what? These words that cannot destroy me, made me stronger.
I know my dreams, I know my focus, I know what I want. If you don't believe in me, then don't have to; keep all the negatives words and actions to yourself. Thanks for making me stronger with your negative words. One day, I'm sure I will look back and thank all these people who didn't believe in me... Because that will be what pushes me on.
There's always surprises from me; remember?
We took a 5 mins walk out of Bugis to a coffee place; a nice and quiet place to catch up. Those short conversations really made my day. Shared with the two of them how I felt after I came back, what I miss and my plans. I really miss those days on the ship where conversations like these are fairly common. How often do friends talk about such things nowadays? How often do we have quiet times like this? I'll learn to tresure them.
After coming back for a month; I finally realize and admit that I will never get use to "normal" life again. Let it be; cause I think it's good :) For these past few weeks I thought I can get back to normal again; but... it doesn't prove so. Pardon me, cause I'm still adapting. It's funny that it's only 2 months. Now you know why after 2 years, coming back to Singapore is scary? HEH, you'll never.
It occurs to me that most people around me don't really understand what OM does and how the ship's ministry can be useful in a person's life. Many thought that going on board the ship for 2 years is a waste of time; like my grandma. Though she supported me for STEP, she is a little unsure about me going for 2 years. She told me today to go for Bible College first, then consider the ship.. I think I really need to explain about OM and the ship's ministry to my family and I think even the Church.
Or maybe they don't understand why I want to leave Singapore so much... ask me lah! Sharing my heart out with friends is so easy; with family.. it's really REALLY hard.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Finally met up with Imelda for the debrief of Logos II (STEP) today. It feels really nice to talk about the ship with someone who has been on board before; you know what you're talking about and it relates. Great afternoon, brough back lots of memories. Beside the fun part, I had a chanel to share my struggles since I've been back. So, it wasn't just me who felt the emptiness and loneliness after coming back from the ship! It really made me feel better that Imelda felt the same as me; even till now.
We talked about lots of things, from my sharings about the ship, life back in Singapore to her own sharings about the ship and her life. I agree with her that wherever God places us, even when we feel out of place, we have to live and give our best. God spoke to me through His words when I'm reading through the book of Genesis too.
It occurs to me that my pastor or anyone from the mission committee hasn't really talked to me about my trip since I've been back. I wonder what they would think and feel if I were to tell them that I'm certain of going back to Ship's ministry again. Actually I feel that my church don't really understand what I'm doing or what I want to do; well this is what I felt. If they don't, I need to explain to them... many people don't really know about the ship's ministry (right?)
After the meeting today with Imelda, somehow I have an idea or maybe should say my plan for the coming few years.
- OM ship - 2 - 3 years
- South Africa (Bible College) - at least 1.5 years
- Working in UK in OM's IT office - ?? years
- Travelling around - ?? years
It would be a while before coming back to Singapore after next year I guess :) To be honest, I do have plans of not coming back after I leave for OM ship next year. Ok, at least I'll come back to visit family and friends.. but staying in Singapore for long? I highly doubt it. So, cherish every moment of me, I am warning you!!