Friday, November 02, 2007
Finally met up with Imelda for the debrief of Logos II (STEP) today. It feels really nice to talk about the ship with someone who has been on board before; you know what you're talking about and it relates. Great afternoon, brough back lots of memories. Beside the fun part, I had a chanel to share my struggles since I've been back. So, it wasn't just me who felt the emptiness and loneliness after coming back from the ship! It really made me feel better that Imelda felt the same as me; even till now.
We talked about lots of things, from my sharings about the ship, life back in Singapore to her own sharings about the ship and her life. I agree with her that wherever God places us, even when we feel out of place, we have to live and give our best. God spoke to me through His words when I'm reading through the book of Genesis too.
It occurs to me that my pastor or anyone from the mission committee hasn't really talked to me about my trip since I've been back. I wonder what they would think and feel if I were to tell them that I'm certain of going back to Ship's ministry again. Actually I feel that my church don't really understand what I'm doing or what I want to do; well this is what I felt. If they don't, I need to explain to them... many people don't really know about the ship's ministry (right?)
After the meeting today with Imelda, somehow I have an idea or maybe should say my plan for the coming few years.
- OM ship - 2 - 3 years
- South Africa (Bible College) - at least 1.5 years
- Working in UK in OM's IT office - ?? years
- Travelling around - ?? years
It would be a while before coming back to Singapore after next year I guess :) To be honest, I do have plans of not coming back after I leave for OM ship next year. Ok, at least I'll come back to visit family and friends.. but staying in Singapore for long? I highly doubt it. So, cherish every moment of me, I am warning you!!