Sunday, November 04, 2007
I took the road less traveled by and that has made all the difference
Have you ever wonder why people are always negative before they are positive? Is it always safer to take the road traveled by many because you somehow know the outcome? Why is it people only believe in things that can be seen?
Maybe it's the Asian culture that we must take the safest way, walk the smoothest road and run the easiest race.
I'm disgusted, disappointed and dishearted. It's always the negative things that comes out, never encouragements. It's always prove-that-you-can-do-it-first attitude. It hurts even more when it came out from someone you thought that believed in you.
But hey, guess what? These words that cannot destroy me, made me stronger.
I know my dreams, I know my focus, I know what I want. If you don't believe in me, then don't have to; keep all the negatives words and actions to yourself. Thanks for making me stronger with your negative words. One day, I'm sure I will look back and thank all these people who didn't believe in me... Because that will be what pushes me on.
There's always surprises from me; remember?