Monday, November 19, 2007

The sky was overcasted when I woke up and then it rained in the afternoon. It was very tempting to just stay at home and waste time away. I know I have to be discipine, so I got my butt out of the sofa and headed to school. Along the way, I was day dreaming of how I could have lazed the day away at the library or somewhere else.
I was 30 mins late for class; but then the class barely just started. Sitted at the back at first, but the teacher was sacastic enough to make me move right in front. The codes today did work somehow, but in the end it didn't! Who the hell invented computer programing? You either love it or hate it; I hate it.
Being the only girl in WAD class is horrible. Teacher dying to go home early and his jokes are all so cold. Man, if it's not for graduating... [whatever]
11 more weeks to go and then I'll be a free woman! This whole week is gonna be so busy and stressful. BUT NO, I'M NOT GIVING UP. School is like a prision to me; studying for subjects I didn't like make it look like a concentration camp...
So for people out there still making a decision on what course to choose.. THINK WISELY and it will be good if you can experience the course before hand.. We have such programs in TP; so do other school. Now, I'm smarter when it comes to choosing my next major in life :)