Sunday, June 25, 2006
It's back to the lecture halls, tutorial rooms and projects tomorrow. Where did my holidays go? The other day Gerald and me was talking about holiday and he said our holiday ended in Cambodia. Quite true, it ended the moment we landed in Singapore. Once we were back, there's so many things to do! Well, I think it didn't even start; we were still "working" in Cambodia. It's kind of saddening to know that the 6 hours video that me and Gerald took will have to be cut into a 15 minutes short clip; what's the running, burning under the sun, tired and late night charging batteries for? Haha, at lease we captured some unforgetable side of Cambodia.
On the way home from giving tuition just now, some thoughts ran through my mind but I can't really recall them now.. *Shoot me*
What does it takes to be a good worship leader? Sometimes I really wonder, how? Praise and worship are meant to worship God and all for Him; but how many times is it really for Him or for the people that's sitting down and singing? I find myself struggling with that. Whenever I lead, I tend to think of what the people will think of that day's worship, why aren't they singing, is it boring, are they touched? Questions just run through my mind, even today. I closed my eyes, but my heart is still thinking about it. Oh Lord, how? How can I obtain a quiet heart, mind and soul? So many questions are running through. Once I read something about how satan used to be the angel of music back when he was still in heaven. So, whenever we worship it will disturbed him cause it reminded him of the "good old times" he once had. When that guy is disturbed, he will come disturbed us; people who are worshipping and trying to bring people close to God. Bad guy.
As worship leaders, even musicians or even technicians; we have to be close to God and understand His will for our serving. How can we offer our best if we don't even know God and His purpose for us well? God alone is worthy, give Him our very best!
Do you realise that many times we made certain promises to God and can only keep a few but God kept all His? God just love us so much. Each promise broken must have hurt God a lot. Imagine your Dad or Mum promise to bring you on a trip to let's say USA but didn't; it's gonna be so sad. But God never hurt us, He love us way too much to do that. Then sometimes we ask, "How come I can't feel God is around when I needed Him?" Stretch out your hand; you are already touching God! God is always there, but it is our eyes that's covered and we can't see Him. Rest assured that He can see us, He will never lose sight of us. Amen!
I'm loving the song, "Just like Heaven". Although I got the audio which last for like only 30 secs, but I just keep replaying it again and again!
Cindy: Add oil! Thanks for emailing me too.
Shirly: All the best for your coming main examination, work hard and shine for God alright!
SOPians: Hang on there, it's gonna be over soon!
BBSians: Where have you all been? Take care yeah!
YCKGHians: Fire up for God, Church, Fellowship and for yourself!
GCCians: I miss Cambodia already!
C116G: School re-opened; help me in my projects!
On the way home from giving tuition just now, some thoughts ran through my mind but I can't really recall them now.. *Shoot me*
What does it takes to be a good worship leader? Sometimes I really wonder, how? Praise and worship are meant to worship God and all for Him; but how many times is it really for Him or for the people that's sitting down and singing? I find myself struggling with that. Whenever I lead, I tend to think of what the people will think of that day's worship, why aren't they singing, is it boring, are they touched? Questions just run through my mind, even today. I closed my eyes, but my heart is still thinking about it. Oh Lord, how? How can I obtain a quiet heart, mind and soul? So many questions are running through. Once I read something about how satan used to be the angel of music back when he was still in heaven. So, whenever we worship it will disturbed him cause it reminded him of the "good old times" he once had. When that guy is disturbed, he will come disturbed us; people who are worshipping and trying to bring people close to God. Bad guy.
As worship leaders, even musicians or even technicians; we have to be close to God and understand His will for our serving. How can we offer our best if we don't even know God and His purpose for us well? God alone is worthy, give Him our very best!
Do you realise that many times we made certain promises to God and can only keep a few but God kept all His? God just love us so much. Each promise broken must have hurt God a lot. Imagine your Dad or Mum promise to bring you on a trip to let's say USA but didn't; it's gonna be so sad. But God never hurt us, He love us way too much to do that. Then sometimes we ask, "How come I can't feel God is around when I needed Him?" Stretch out your hand; you are already touching God! God is always there, but it is our eyes that's covered and we can't see Him. Rest assured that He can see us, He will never lose sight of us. Amen!
I'm loving the song, "Just like Heaven". Although I got the audio which last for like only 30 secs, but I just keep replaying it again and again!
Cindy: Add oil! Thanks for emailing me too.
Shirly: All the best for your coming main examination, work hard and shine for God alright!
SOPians: Hang on there, it's gonna be over soon!
BBSians: Where have you all been? Take care yeah!
YCKGHians: Fire up for God, Church, Fellowship and for yourself!
GCCians: I miss Cambodia already!
C116G: School re-opened; help me in my projects!
The demos for SOP's new CDs are out! It just add in to the anticipation of getting them. I thought "Just like heaven" is going to be a praise song, but it turn out to be a worship song and it's touching even just listening to 30 secs of it. The chinese lyrics above are part of the 30 secs that I catch from the demos of "Just like heaven".
Wanted to write a new song this few days, but the tune doesn't seem to come. Well, if it's from God.. it will come by soon.
Leading praise and worship on Sunday. Got to go rest now.
Do inform me if SOP's CDs are out in the stores already.
The demos for SOP's new CDs are out! It just add in to the anticipation of getting them. I thought "Just like heaven" is going to be a praise song, but it turn out to be a worship song and it's touching even just listening to 30 secs of it. The chinese lyrics above are part of the 30 secs that I catch from the demos of "Just like heaven".
Wanted to write a new song this few days, but the tune doesn't seem to come. Well, if it's from God.. it will come by soon.
Leading praise and worship on Sunday. Got to go rest now.
Do inform me if SOP's CDs are out in the stores already.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Here are somemore pictures that I just got from the Cambodia trip. School is re-opening, back to work again!
We landed in one piece.
Tuk Tuk
We were so happy we landed
We are family; GCC!
We flew the plane back alright!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I have time for a short post; anyway my post are never short :P
Went for Singapore 2006 training this morning and it was worth going. But still the bad thing about Singaporeans; coming and turning up late. Well, I tend to be late sometimes too. The singaporean culture (and we are known for it), I think. What culture do we have actually? The trainer raised this question in class today. Singapore 2006, the big event that's coming up in Singapore where IMF and World Bank is coming to Singapore for days of meetings and other important stuff. Once in a life time experience to be part of it. 16000 delegates, 45 hotels' involvment, 8000 staffs and volunteers and 6 years of planning; cool or what. However, that means I have to give up my Australia study trip! Wasted; but anyway there's the Korea/Japan/Thailand/Hong Kong trip to choose from.
Been doing video editing for the past few days; it really takes a lot of time and butt-power to sit on the chair and edit the same thing over and over again. Imagine having to edit 6 hours worth of video into 45 mins worth of short clip? That's Gerald's and Grace's job.
Lord, teach me to forgive and forget. Just this morning on the way to school, I remembered what a pastor once mention in CHC, " You are bond to get hurt someday (in church)". Well, I'm not sure if that's comforting or a reminder. For all that I know, we do get hurt; be it outside or in church. Why? We are all humans and we sometimes say things that will hurt! Now, I'm hurt. Seriously, maybe this is the first time I'm feeling hurt (in church) for years. It did woke me up, but at the same time instilled some pain and wound in me (and satan is happily poking at my wound to make it hurt). Lord, teach me how to heal and recover. Thank God for waking me up too..
We all have to learn to accept each other; for God accepted us as who we are; and we suck when God accepted us, we were no angels.. Thank You God..
I'm recovering.
Went for Singapore 2006 training this morning and it was worth going. But still the bad thing about Singaporeans; coming and turning up late. Well, I tend to be late sometimes too. The singaporean culture (and we are known for it), I think. What culture do we have actually? The trainer raised this question in class today. Singapore 2006, the big event that's coming up in Singapore where IMF and World Bank is coming to Singapore for days of meetings and other important stuff. Once in a life time experience to be part of it. 16000 delegates, 45 hotels' involvment, 8000 staffs and volunteers and 6 years of planning; cool or what. However, that means I have to give up my Australia study trip! Wasted; but anyway there's the Korea/Japan/Thailand/Hong Kong trip to choose from.
Been doing video editing for the past few days; it really takes a lot of time and butt-power to sit on the chair and edit the same thing over and over again. Imagine having to edit 6 hours worth of video into 45 mins worth of short clip? That's Gerald's and Grace's job.
Lord, teach me to forgive and forget. Just this morning on the way to school, I remembered what a pastor once mention in CHC, " You are bond to get hurt someday (in church)". Well, I'm not sure if that's comforting or a reminder. For all that I know, we do get hurt; be it outside or in church. Why? We are all humans and we sometimes say things that will hurt! Now, I'm hurt. Seriously, maybe this is the first time I'm feeling hurt (in church) for years. It did woke me up, but at the same time instilled some pain and wound in me (and satan is happily poking at my wound to make it hurt). Lord, teach me how to heal and recover. Thank God for waking me up too..
We all have to learn to accept each other; for God accepted us as who we are; and we suck when God accepted us, we were no angels.. Thank You God..
I'm recovering.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Certain things can be put across nicely if you try hard enough and take a minute or two to think about how to put it across. Profound words takes only a few seconds to come out of a person's mouth but it may take years for the wound that it has caused to heal. How many times have we opened our mouth and only to realise how wrong we had been? We tried to apologise, but the pain and scar is already there? I've been through and done that. It truely hurts.
We all agree that we have weakness and will sin. It takes courage to admit one's wrong, a lot of courage; how many of have them? We apologise, but in our heart are we really sorry? Often we say we shouldn't compare; but many time we did. Often we say to forgive and forget, but many times we forgave but not forget. Jesus said love everyone around you, we do; but we choose who we want to love. O Lord, there's so many weakness in us.
When everything came crashing down, you just feel like giving it all up. What's the point of trying again or holding on to hope; you may ask. I did just that moments ago. A text message and it send me to tears. The words hurts; but truths always hurts don't they? Maybe I just wished that the text was put across in a nicer manner. Just when I was all dwelled up in tears and anger; a voice inside was promting me to give up and leave. I had so much wanted to; it was like my final decision. But I knew that wouldn't be it. I waited, and waited. Looking for someone to talk to; and God really did send someone. Though we didn't talk much, but he directed me to a web link; that was the answer and advice I was looking for. Now I know where did the voice came from; it's not from God but the evil one.
As Christians we go through many ups and downs with fellow church mates and even church leaders. Do you remember then when we are all bottled up with anger and misunderstanding with the rest; satan is smiling all the way? Don't ever let him win.
We put up with people, with things, with situation and sometimes even ourselves. Don't bear them all in your heart; give it all up to God. This is a message to myself too. God allows breakthroughs one at a time in His time.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Z for the unintented advice you offered.
We all agree that we have weakness and will sin. It takes courage to admit one's wrong, a lot of courage; how many of have them? We apologise, but in our heart are we really sorry? Often we say we shouldn't compare; but many time we did. Often we say to forgive and forget, but many times we forgave but not forget. Jesus said love everyone around you, we do; but we choose who we want to love. O Lord, there's so many weakness in us.
When everything came crashing down, you just feel like giving it all up. What's the point of trying again or holding on to hope; you may ask. I did just that moments ago. A text message and it send me to tears. The words hurts; but truths always hurts don't they? Maybe I just wished that the text was put across in a nicer manner. Just when I was all dwelled up in tears and anger; a voice inside was promting me to give up and leave. I had so much wanted to; it was like my final decision. But I knew that wouldn't be it. I waited, and waited. Looking for someone to talk to; and God really did send someone. Though we didn't talk much, but he directed me to a web link; that was the answer and advice I was looking for. Now I know where did the voice came from; it's not from God but the evil one.
As Christians we go through many ups and downs with fellow church mates and even church leaders. Do you remember then when we are all bottled up with anger and misunderstanding with the rest; satan is smiling all the way? Don't ever let him win.
We put up with people, with things, with situation and sometimes even ourselves. Don't bear them all in your heart; give it all up to God. This is a message to myself too. God allows breakthroughs one at a time in His time.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Z for the unintented advice you offered.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Another funeral; total funeral in the month of June = 4. That's a record. Let me recall; first was Aunt Irene's Dad, Xue Fen, Uncle Lee Chin Seng and the lastest is Fatty Aunty. Is the whole funeral thing making me numb of death; or death isn't that scary anymore? Just a goodbye and *poof* you went? I'll know soon.
For the first time in months I finally turn up for a Pacesetter's event. As usual I was quiet and talk when I am needed. Glad to have a sharing session with Ramily; we both are somehow going through the same thing. Well, we had thoughts of dropping Pace and focus on other things since the motivation to be actively involve with Pace is fading away. But coming to think of how much effort and work we have gone and put through; it's such a waste. Went of after the interview session, was supposed to stay for some meeting but I can't cause of Lee Ying's tuition. For no reason and information I was placed in some unknown committee again.
GCC BBQ tomorrow; should I go? Howe Luen asked me along, but I'm really wondering should I go. It's for the main and sub committee members; and I'm not even confirm to be one yet. Plus, I have Church tomorrow.
In my heart, I had so much wanted to go for this BBQ. "Just leave after leading Praise and Worship. The whole discussion thing is going to be boring and dull anyway", was in my mind. Someone I know I must put God first, plus I'm a committee member myself. Somehow I'm not really looking forward to what "short bonding camp" again. When I got the text for it, I was like "ANOTHER bonding camp?". How many bonding camps do we need if we really want to and can bond? Why waste effort and time to plan where in the end; you know what the results will be? How much do we learn each time, how much deeper do we get to know each other? Or maybe we meet up just for the sake of meeting up or gossiping?
Strong spiritual growth together as a fellowship? Forgive me for being rude and straight to the point? I don't even see that we are getting anywhere. I doubt we will meet the objective. Strong spiritual growth; don't make me laugh. Maybe not STRONG spiritual growth, spiritual growth will do... still; don't make me laugh. I know I'm not doing all right at this point. Everyone has his/her weakness; we are not perfect.. Some really... when I look at my own church members and leaders, I don't know to cry of laugh. We are more of a "Hi- Bye" relationship. Aren't we? DO WE REALLY CARE FOR EACH OTHER? DO WE CARE BECAUSE WE HAVE A NAME "CHRISTIAN" ON US; OR DO WE CARE BECAUSE WE REALLY DO?
Maybe I have given up on the youths and maybe on the Church as well. Seeing all that the rest and what you have done is no impact and works nothing. Sometimes, you just want to walk out and join someone else in the party.
For the first time in months I finally turn up for a Pacesetter's event. As usual I was quiet and talk when I am needed. Glad to have a sharing session with Ramily; we both are somehow going through the same thing. Well, we had thoughts of dropping Pace and focus on other things since the motivation to be actively involve with Pace is fading away. But coming to think of how much effort and work we have gone and put through; it's such a waste. Went of after the interview session, was supposed to stay for some meeting but I can't cause of Lee Ying's tuition. For no reason and information I was placed in some unknown committee again.
GCC BBQ tomorrow; should I go? Howe Luen asked me along, but I'm really wondering should I go. It's for the main and sub committee members; and I'm not even confirm to be one yet. Plus, I have Church tomorrow.
In my heart, I had so much wanted to go for this BBQ. "Just leave after leading Praise and Worship. The whole discussion thing is going to be boring and dull anyway", was in my mind. Someone I know I must put God first, plus I'm a committee member myself. Somehow I'm not really looking forward to what "short bonding camp" again. When I got the text for it, I was like "ANOTHER bonding camp?". How many bonding camps do we need if we really want to and can bond? Why waste effort and time to plan where in the end; you know what the results will be? How much do we learn each time, how much deeper do we get to know each other? Or maybe we meet up just for the sake of meeting up or gossiping?
Strong spiritual growth together as a fellowship? Forgive me for being rude and straight to the point? I don't even see that we are getting anywhere. I doubt we will meet the objective. Strong spiritual growth; don't make me laugh. Maybe not STRONG spiritual growth, spiritual growth will do... still; don't make me laugh. I know I'm not doing all right at this point. Everyone has his/her weakness; we are not perfect.. Some really... when I look at my own church members and leaders, I don't know to cry of laugh. We are more of a "Hi- Bye" relationship. Aren't we? DO WE REALLY CARE FOR EACH OTHER? DO WE CARE BECAUSE WE HAVE A NAME "CHRISTIAN" ON US; OR DO WE CARE BECAUSE WE REALLY DO?
Maybe I have given up on the youths and maybe on the Church as well. Seeing all that the rest and what you have done is no impact and works nothing. Sometimes, you just want to walk out and join someone else in the party.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
This trip to Cambodia was both a meaningful and most memorable trip as compared to those I have been to. Not only did we see the good side of Cambodia, but also the bad side. We met at the airport on Friday's late afternoon and boarded the plane at around 6.45p.m. Reach Cambodia at around evening (I forgot the time). We were welcomed by a weird smell from the hotel when we check-in that night. Put down out stuff and went for late dinner. It was almost 12a.m, when we finished out dinner.
Woke up early next morning, we had a long day ahead of us. First we went to Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA), for commissioning of library books. Then to COSI and Tuan Oh Primary School to tour the school, presentation of books and view the water filter installed by TP's student. After lunch, some went to Healthcare center for Children, Villageworks Songkhem Shoppe or Canaan Technical School. I went for the Canaan Technical School. That's a brieft summary of the second day. When we first arrived at RUFA, we were shocked to see some small and run down buildings were actually a University! We toured around and had chance to interact with some of the students there. Aren't we fortunate to have good schools with good things for us to use? Then came the next shock of the Primary School, everything was run-down and simple. Though I always see those sights in Television, but seeing them in real life gave me a whole new different feeling. Singaporeans are so fortunate.
Day 3, a relaxing day; cause it's shopping day! Went to Russian market and did most of our shopping there. Jesher is the bargain king of GCC; he bargain and bargain and bargain! I bought a lot of things there. Spend half a day there and went over for comissioning of CTS' library and Villageworks Songkhem Shoppe's library in the afternoon. After the last commisioning was done at the Villageworks Songkhem Shoppe, we went to Tuol Sleng Museum: known as the Museum of Genocidal Crimes. It was used by the Khmer Rouge as a detention and torture center in the late 1970. Today the building houses exhibits, paintings and photographs of many of the victims. Visitors can see the crude cells built in the classrooms and the torture devices used to extract confessions in Stalinesque purges of the regime. It was a disturbing place to go to. The worse place I have been to; what make it worse is the pictures of the victims that was being held there. I saw a picture of a woman carrying a baby; there was tears in her eyes. I asked one of the local there, she said once people go in, they will never come out. Both Gerald and me felt it was disturbing just looking at the victims' photographs. I took so video, but had to overwrite them; it was way too much. You won't want to know how they are tortured and killed; worse then what was done during Japanese Invasion in Singapore. Visit there if you are not easily scared of faint hearted. I took quite a long time to get over it. It's hard to accept that such things have happened or is happening. Some of us are happily enjoying life, where others are suffering.
Additional information on Tuol Sleng Museum:
Day 4, we took a three hours long bus ride to Barray for commisioning of the mobile Library there. Met a lot of VIPs there; eye opening. I was already feeling sick on Day 4's morning. Ate medicine and went on for the trip. Journey there was alright, it was the coming back that's killing me. Took the front seat as Alvin wanted me to do some filming. The children in Barray was very cute and innocent. Saw some naked babies tool they are just too poor to even have shoes on. My fever came back in the evening; I didn't want to join the rest for Dinner. Told Jonah to tell Alvin that I'm not going for dinner and news spread. Many came to my room to see how I was; but I was too sick to do anything; I only remembered a lot came to my room. Howe Luen and April even stayed to look after me and didn't join the rest for dinner. Thanks guys, thanks to all who came to my room and for the prayers and concern!
Day 5, I was well enough to fly. Off I went home.
Those few days in Cambodia, not that good life but I tasted life in a whole new way. Saw many beggers, some without legs, with arms, children, mother with young children and one whose face is totally disfigured. Wanted to give them money, but how many can I help in this way? Once I start giving, a lot will come asking from me! My heart hurts when I see them and when I turn them down when they asked for money. Deep inside me, I was wondering where do they live, what do they eat and how do they carry on with life? There I was sleeping in a air conditioned hotel and still complained that the air con wasn't cold enough and water pressure was too small. Life is good for us man.. All I can do now is to pray for you guys. I look forward to going there again, or any other places. This time, I make sure I have enough water, vitamins and rest.
Woke up early next morning, we had a long day ahead of us. First we went to Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA), for commissioning of library books. Then to COSI and Tuan Oh Primary School to tour the school, presentation of books and view the water filter installed by TP's student. After lunch, some went to Healthcare center for Children, Villageworks Songkhem Shoppe or Canaan Technical School. I went for the Canaan Technical School. That's a brieft summary of the second day. When we first arrived at RUFA, we were shocked to see some small and run down buildings were actually a University! We toured around and had chance to interact with some of the students there. Aren't we fortunate to have good schools with good things for us to use? Then came the next shock of the Primary School, everything was run-down and simple. Though I always see those sights in Television, but seeing them in real life gave me a whole new different feeling. Singaporeans are so fortunate.
Day 3, a relaxing day; cause it's shopping day! Went to Russian market and did most of our shopping there. Jesher is the bargain king of GCC; he bargain and bargain and bargain! I bought a lot of things there. Spend half a day there and went over for comissioning of CTS' library and Villageworks Songkhem Shoppe's library in the afternoon. After the last commisioning was done at the Villageworks Songkhem Shoppe, we went to Tuol Sleng Museum: known as the Museum of Genocidal Crimes. It was used by the Khmer Rouge as a detention and torture center in the late 1970. Today the building houses exhibits, paintings and photographs of many of the victims. Visitors can see the crude cells built in the classrooms and the torture devices used to extract confessions in Stalinesque purges of the regime. It was a disturbing place to go to. The worse place I have been to; what make it worse is the pictures of the victims that was being held there. I saw a picture of a woman carrying a baby; there was tears in her eyes. I asked one of the local there, she said once people go in, they will never come out. Both Gerald and me felt it was disturbing just looking at the victims' photographs. I took so video, but had to overwrite them; it was way too much. You won't want to know how they are tortured and killed; worse then what was done during Japanese Invasion in Singapore. Visit there if you are not easily scared of faint hearted. I took quite a long time to get over it. It's hard to accept that such things have happened or is happening. Some of us are happily enjoying life, where others are suffering.
Additional information on Tuol Sleng Museum:
Day 4, we took a three hours long bus ride to Barray for commisioning of the mobile Library there. Met a lot of VIPs there; eye opening. I was already feeling sick on Day 4's morning. Ate medicine and went on for the trip. Journey there was alright, it was the coming back that's killing me. Took the front seat as Alvin wanted me to do some filming. The children in Barray was very cute and innocent. Saw some naked babies tool they are just too poor to even have shoes on. My fever came back in the evening; I didn't want to join the rest for Dinner. Told Jonah to tell Alvin that I'm not going for dinner and news spread. Many came to my room to see how I was; but I was too sick to do anything; I only remembered a lot came to my room. Howe Luen and April even stayed to look after me and didn't join the rest for dinner. Thanks guys, thanks to all who came to my room and for the prayers and concern!
Day 5, I was well enough to fly. Off I went home.
Those few days in Cambodia, not that good life but I tasted life in a whole new way. Saw many beggers, some without legs, with arms, children, mother with young children and one whose face is totally disfigured. Wanted to give them money, but how many can I help in this way? Once I start giving, a lot will come asking from me! My heart hurts when I see them and when I turn them down when they asked for money. Deep inside me, I was wondering where do they live, what do they eat and how do they carry on with life? There I was sleeping in a air conditioned hotel and still complained that the air con wasn't cold enough and water pressure was too small. Life is good for us man.. All I can do now is to pray for you guys. I look forward to going there again, or any other places. This time, I make sure I have enough water, vitamins and rest.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I'm back from Cambodia! I nearly died there. Update more later; I'm tired. More pictures at my MSN space. Go to my links and click on "Grace's space"

Friday, June 09, 2006
A few more minutes and I will be leaving for the airport. Went back to school just now to settle some printing and binding stuff. As usual from what I always have heard from Aisha and the rest; Gerald was late! Suppose to meet at 12p.m, but he came at 12.30p.m! Asked what time he left his house, he told me 11.50a.m! *Tsk*Tsk*Tsk*
I'm somehow a little scare this time round; maybe because this is the first time I went on a trip with my school and to a place I have never been before. I prayed last night, I know God will protect me; the devils can't touch me! I'm protected by God's angels alright... Looks like a lot of things have top be done!
I'm done with my packing last night. This time I'm carrying a hand-carry bag and a bagpack; bagpack for the video camera and stand. Still, when I think of the airport tax I have to pay at Cambodia's airport; it's a killer! USD 25, that is like.. 100 000 riel!
Please pray for me and the video production of this trip! Pray that I'll go in one piece and come back in one piece, plus I don't lose the camera; it's a few thousand dollars!
Got to go.. Time is ticking by.. Bye Singapore; see you again in 5 days time!
I'm somehow a little scare this time round; maybe because this is the first time I went on a trip with my school and to a place I have never been before. I prayed last night, I know God will protect me; the devils can't touch me! I'm protected by God's angels alright... Looks like a lot of things have top be done!
I'm done with my packing last night. This time I'm carrying a hand-carry bag and a bagpack; bagpack for the video camera and stand. Still, when I think of the airport tax I have to pay at Cambodia's airport; it's a killer! USD 25, that is like.. 100 000 riel!
Please pray for me and the video production of this trip! Pray that I'll go in one piece and come back in one piece, plus I don't lose the camera; it's a few thousand dollars!
Got to go.. Time is ticking by.. Bye Singapore; see you again in 5 days time!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
The weather is getting crazier each year. A moment the sun is blazing hot and next came heavy downpours. When it's hot, it's really HOT! When it rains, it's really HEAVY! This is Singapore. Take care of your health people.
Finished my last paper today; wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. BUT, I didn't really study for it. I losted all my notes, wonder where they are! I went home yesterday after the funeral and couldn't locate it! I search high and low, but it doesn't seem to be around. Feeling tired, I went to bed. Thank God that I managed to study a little the week before, and thank God again that what I studied came out :P Papers this term was alright, except for STMD and DBSY.. Well, I didn't study hard enough.
Two deaths around me this week. The first one was Aunt Irene's father and next was a church member. Both died of cancer, they were not that old either. Suddently I remembered something I read online a few years ago, " When you came to the world, you were crying but the people around you were smiling. When you leave, you will be smiling but the people around you crying." Quite true huh? A friend always ask questions about life, why this and that. I answered almost most of her question, until one day I told her, "Life is simple, we made it complicated by questioning it". Agree? I don't know, maybe you don't. But to me, life can be simple and good. Yes, there will be ups and downs in life; but trust in the Lord that He will bring you through! When you choose to believe, do it! Don't doubt anymore.
That's a little though of this entry. Let me continue. After the last paper, I went up with Gerald to collect the Camera and stuff from Mrs Chow, but she wasn't there. So, we went down again. The class wanted to move off already, but I had to get my camera!! So, I went up again. I must really thank the inventor of lifts; seventh floor! Meets WooBS outside the staff room and he asked me about the Cambodia trip tomorrow. I was somehow shocked, even he knows about it? Well.... then Mrs Chow came out with all the camera and stuff. I had to checked and signed out for them. Then, Mr Garluck the course manager came out. He was asking me to take more video and pictures of the trip; and REMINDED me that I have to do a presentation when I'm back. Oh, when was I told I must do a presentation? I'm starting to wonder; why is this cambodia trip such a "BIG" event to IND? I think the whole staff of IND knew about it. Mrs Chow even asked if we want her to send us to the airport tomorrow! *Grasp*
Alright, I haven pack my bag and go to give tuition later. Arggg.... So, do I need visa to enter Cambodia? Airport tax for USD 25!! That's killier!! Guess that's how Cambodia earn huh? USD, not SD!
Finished my last paper today; wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. BUT, I didn't really study for it. I losted all my notes, wonder where they are! I went home yesterday after the funeral and couldn't locate it! I search high and low, but it doesn't seem to be around. Feeling tired, I went to bed. Thank God that I managed to study a little the week before, and thank God again that what I studied came out :P Papers this term was alright, except for STMD and DBSY.. Well, I didn't study hard enough.
Two deaths around me this week. The first one was Aunt Irene's father and next was a church member. Both died of cancer, they were not that old either. Suddently I remembered something I read online a few years ago, " When you came to the world, you were crying but the people around you were smiling. When you leave, you will be smiling but the people around you crying." Quite true huh? A friend always ask questions about life, why this and that. I answered almost most of her question, until one day I told her, "Life is simple, we made it complicated by questioning it". Agree? I don't know, maybe you don't. But to me, life can be simple and good. Yes, there will be ups and downs in life; but trust in the Lord that He will bring you through! When you choose to believe, do it! Don't doubt anymore.
That's a little though of this entry. Let me continue. After the last paper, I went up with Gerald to collect the Camera and stuff from Mrs Chow, but she wasn't there. So, we went down again. The class wanted to move off already, but I had to get my camera!! So, I went up again. I must really thank the inventor of lifts; seventh floor! Meets WooBS outside the staff room and he asked me about the Cambodia trip tomorrow. I was somehow shocked, even he knows about it? Well.... then Mrs Chow came out with all the camera and stuff. I had to checked and signed out for them. Then, Mr Garluck the course manager came out. He was asking me to take more video and pictures of the trip; and REMINDED me that I have to do a presentation when I'm back. Oh, when was I told I must do a presentation? I'm starting to wonder; why is this cambodia trip such a "BIG" event to IND? I think the whole staff of IND knew about it. Mrs Chow even asked if we want her to send us to the airport tomorrow! *Grasp*
Alright, I haven pack my bag and go to give tuition later. Arggg.... So, do I need visa to enter Cambodia? Airport tax for USD 25!! That's killier!! Guess that's how Cambodia earn huh? USD, not SD!
Stream Of Praise 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
It always feels good to meet up with old friends and catching up again. Though we don't always meet, but I guess is the "distance" that kept us together for such a long time. Went to Si Yun's special birthday celebration today at Commenwealth; it's my first time travelling there. Such a long way from church; I slept and woke up a lot of time, the journey never seems to end.
Term test starts tomorrow and right after it, I'm off to Cambodia! Just a day after the last paper, I wonder if I'll have the time to pack. Si Yun and Cleo will be going away on the 9th as well, but they are returning earlier; on the 12th.
It's glad to see how many common thing I shared with Si Yun, even though we are 5 years of age apart. Who says age matters when it comes to friendship? Well maybe for a few it do. I'm quite sad that SOP is having only 2 events in Singapore as compared to 5 last years. This year, they have more places to go; New York and Europe were a few of them. Imagine that there's Chinese people in Europe! Chinese are all over the world, even at places you can't imagine.
Downloaded the WNW Praise and Worship, so happy that they finally put it up instead of just the sermon. Good job, Will! Can't wait to hear it on my MP3.
Just a note to JY: Relationship with God or with anyone is just like a roller coaster ride. Sometimes there's up and down; that's the fun of riding a roller coaster right? Haa. If life is all peacefull; where's the kick then? It's only through hardship that we learn to cherish and tresure. This point has always been mention and I understand words are always easy to say but hard to do. But, what's not hard in the beginning? Don't lose hard, when all doors are close; God will open a fresh one for you. When opportunity don't knock on your door, create a new door then.
I have a lot to say, but looking at the time... I better get some sleep so that I can wake up to study tomorrow. Please pray for me.. My coming Cambodia trip from the 9th to the 13th June, Term Test from the 5th to 8th June, and the following week. It's gonna be so packed, I don't have much time to rest when I touch Singapore.
Add oil!!
Term test starts tomorrow and right after it, I'm off to Cambodia! Just a day after the last paper, I wonder if I'll have the time to pack. Si Yun and Cleo will be going away on the 9th as well, but they are returning earlier; on the 12th.
It's glad to see how many common thing I shared with Si Yun, even though we are 5 years of age apart. Who says age matters when it comes to friendship? Well maybe for a few it do. I'm quite sad that SOP is having only 2 events in Singapore as compared to 5 last years. This year, they have more places to go; New York and Europe were a few of them. Imagine that there's Chinese people in Europe! Chinese are all over the world, even at places you can't imagine.
Downloaded the WNW Praise and Worship, so happy that they finally put it up instead of just the sermon. Good job, Will! Can't wait to hear it on my MP3.
Just a note to JY: Relationship with God or with anyone is just like a roller coaster ride. Sometimes there's up and down; that's the fun of riding a roller coaster right? Haa. If life is all peacefull; where's the kick then? It's only through hardship that we learn to cherish and tresure. This point has always been mention and I understand words are always easy to say but hard to do. But, what's not hard in the beginning? Don't lose hard, when all doors are close; God will open a fresh one for you. When opportunity don't knock on your door, create a new door then.
I have a lot to say, but looking at the time... I better get some sleep so that I can wake up to study tomorrow. Please pray for me.. My coming Cambodia trip from the 9th to the 13th June, Term Test from the 5th to 8th June, and the following week. It's gonna be so packed, I don't have much time to rest when I touch Singapore.
Add oil!!