Thursday, June 08, 2006

The weather is getting crazier each year. A moment the sun is blazing hot and next came heavy downpours. When it's hot, it's really HOT! When it rains, it's really HEAVY! This is Singapore. Take care of your health people.

Finished my last paper today; wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. BUT, I didn't really study for it. I losted all my notes, wonder where they are! I went home yesterday after the funeral and couldn't locate it! I search high and low, but it doesn't seem to be around. Feeling tired, I went to bed. Thank God that I managed to study a little the week before, and thank God again that what I studied came out :P Papers this term was alright, except for STMD and DBSY.. Well, I didn't study hard enough.

Two deaths around me this week. The first one was Aunt Irene's father and next was a church member. Both died of cancer, they were not that old either. Suddently I remembered something I read online a few years ago, " When you came to the world, you were crying but the people around you were smiling. When you leave, you will be smiling but the people around you crying." Quite true huh? A friend always ask questions about life, why this and that. I answered almost most of her question, until one day I told her, "Life is simple, we made it complicated by questioning it". Agree? I don't know, maybe you don't. But to me, life can be simple and good. Yes, there will be ups and downs in life; but trust in the Lord that He will bring you through! When you choose to believe, do it! Don't doubt anymore.

That's a little though of this entry. Let me continue. After the last paper, I went up with Gerald to collect the Camera and stuff from Mrs Chow, but she wasn't there. So, we went down again. The class wanted to move off already, but I had to get my camera!! So, I went up again. I must really thank the inventor of lifts; seventh floor! Meets WooBS outside the staff room and he asked me about the Cambodia trip tomorrow. I was somehow shocked, even he knows about it? Well.... then Mrs Chow came out with all the camera and stuff. I had to checked and signed out for them. Then, Mr Garluck the course manager came out. He was asking me to take more video and pictures of the trip; and REMINDED me that I have to do a presentation when I'm back. Oh, when was I told I must do a presentation? I'm starting to wonder; why is this cambodia trip such a "BIG" event to IND? I think the whole staff of IND knew about it. Mrs Chow even asked if we want her to send us to the airport tomorrow! *Grasp*

Alright, I haven pack my bag and go to give tuition later. Arggg.... So, do I need visa to enter Cambodia? Airport tax for USD 25!! That's killier!! Guess that's how Cambodia earn huh? USD, not SD!

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