Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Grace's prayer letter
Monday, July 23, 2007
I'm taking the chance to ask the school for permission again; I hope this time it's successful.
Another problem is ticketing. In such a short time, getting tickets is difficult.
In the midst of so many problem; I can only tell Problems...
"My God is bigger then you!"
Trust and believe; God will provide and open the way for me.
Thursday, July 19, 2007

God has His perfect plans for me. I remembered how I prayed to God telling Him that no matter where I am this holiday, He has the most perfect plans for me. Indeed He has, there must be something good for leaving later.. HAAHAHAHAH.

After 2 months of waiting, praying and seeking; the acceptance letter arrived! MV Logos II, here I come! However there's another problem.
The program starts on the 6th August, but I finish my attachment on the 10th. Right from the beginning I requested to join the ship on the 11th, and they were alright with that. However, a few days ago they called to confirm the application and asked if I could fly on the 4th instead..
Reasons being the location of the ship is in Germany, which is easily accessible. If I were to fly on the 10th, the ship's location will then be in Faroes Island; not that accessible. I've check.. Meeting the ship in Faroes Island will need at least 2-3 flights and bus rides before reaching. Whereas in Germany, I fly direct there and a bus ride will take me to the ship. Cheaper. Plus, I will be in time for the whole program. Flying on the 10th will means I lose 1 week of it.
Currently asking school and company if they can grant me the 4 days leave I need. I'm kind of torn apart. Most part of me want to go earlier; but then it is the last week of attachment and that's crucial? Need to hand in the report, supervisor will grade me, LO will come visit.. Oh Gosh!! But flying to Faroes will cost so much more because of the flights and I lose one whole week of the program...
Well, keep praying!! PRAY PRAY PRAY! P-U-S-H = Pray Until Something Happen.
Oh yeah, flying on the 4th means I can only attend one session of SOP's worship :P
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Can't live a day

I could live life alone
And never fill the longings of my heart
The healing warmth of someone's arms
And I could live without dreams
And never know the thrill of what could be
With every star so far and out of reach
I could live without many things
And I could carry on, but...
I couldn't face my life tomorrow
Without Your hope in my heart I know
I can't live a day without You
Lord, there's no night and there's no morning
Without Your loving arms to hold me
You're the heartbeat of all I do
I can't live a day without You
I could travel the world
See all the wonders beautiful and new
They'd only make me think of You
And I could have all life offers
Riches that were far beyond compare
To grant my every wish without a care
Oh, I could do anything, oh yes
But if You weren't in it all...
Oh, Jesus, I live because You live
You're like the air I breathe
Oh, Jesus, I have because You give
You're everything to me
After all these years of searching, going through the wrong doors, struggling, pain and tears; all that I've ever wanted is God in my life. I could do all that I want, but if God is not in them; it's meaningless. God's will be done.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Ich habe früh heute aufgewacht!

For a non-morning person; that is a great achievement! I climbed out of bed at 6.30a.m and was down jogging by 6.50a.m. Morning's air somehow isn't as fresh as the evening's air; I wonder why. I sure do hope I can keep this going; somehow jogging in the morning is better than evening.
I'm still waiting for the Logos2 result; such a long wait. Will I get to know the result by this week, next week or the week after? Will I be going? Will I be able to get tickets if I'm going?
Why ask so many questions? Just trust in God; and will be alright. No matter where I'll be this holiday, God has His most wonderful plans for me :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Report says that summer came early, I wonder will winter come early too. Seriously, each year's summer is getting hotter and hotter. So hot, it's unbearable.
Suddenly I'm missing the Spring weather of Shanghai, thought the air quality there wasn't good. I miss that one week of not sweating a drop, wearing layers of jacket and drinking hot soup. How I wish Singapore have 4 seasons like other countires. Hmmmm... I think I would rather die in coldness, then burn to death :P
Hot, hot, hot!!!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007

从未忘记自己是一名基督徒。 深知,信仰不是生活的一部分,而是生活的全部。 但生活在时代,真的很累。 作为一名基督徒的我们,更累。 很多的时候,有很多的事情,是不信的所不明白的。我们的一些行为,是他们无法理解的。 当灵再次苏醒, 当心再一次被祢触摸。 我才明白,我多么需要有祢在我生命中。多么希望我这光再亮一点点, 这盐再咸一点点, 多么盼望祢从天而降的那一刻, 多么希望全地的人都尊祢为大。 又多么期待那只有喜乐的新天新地。
想起它的时候,心被深深地触动,泪水再次疯狂而下。这是为我写的吗? “主啊,这苦何时是个尽头啊?祢看见孩子了吗?我真的需要祢的帮助,我真的好想看见祢,好想永远躺在祢怀里,一直到永永远远。”
一觉醒来,好多了。但在教会还是抬不起头,难免会伤心。回到家里跟奶奶谈话后心情好很多。加上 Lydia 的关心于开导;很快轻松起来!感谢神在我生命中赐给我很多的好朋友。同时神也赐给我一些较有挑战性的朋友,让我从他们身上学到宝贵的知识。
渐渐地,自己的灵开始平静。 神的爱总是那么深,神的话语带着能力。 当自己最难过时, 神总能安慰我。
Saturday, July 07, 2007
I've found out that over the years I've learn to pick up and let go. I used to care so much of what others will think of me (I still do now, but not as strong), how would others feel about me.. Now, I know that I can't please everyone. If God doesn't do that, how can I ever?
I've also learn that many of us learn from making mistakes. In this world we've been condition to not make any mistakes; do it right the first time was the motto... But come to think of it, how is it possible?
So, the next time when people make mistakes; I wanna learn to forgive and compromise.. So do others!! HAHAAHAHHA
Friday, July 06, 2007
I'll stand by you

I'll stand by you
Oh, why you look so sad?
The tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now
Don't, be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
'Cause I've seen a dark side too
When the night falls on you
You don't know what to do
Nothing you confess
Could make me love you less
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
I won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
So, if you're mad get mad
Don't hold it all inside
Come on and talk to me now
Hey, what you got to hide?
I get angry too
Well, I'm alive like you
When you're standin' at the crossroads
And don't know which path to choose
Let me come along
'Cause even if you're wrong
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
I won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you
And when, when the night falls on you, baby
You're feelin' all alone
You won't be on your own
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
I won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you
Oh, I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Have you ever went for a buffet lunch and stuffed till you thought you're gonna explode? It's dinner time, you have no idea what to eat because there's too much to choose from? You skip breakfast, because you are on diet? You threw leftovers away, to make room for new leftovers?
I've done that. Everyday for lunch I have no idea what to eat; there's just too much to choose from. We eat till we swore never to eat again, we play with food, we waste them, we threw them away, and some even hated food.
It's funny eh? How one side of the world have too much to eat while the other have almost nothing? How one side of the world have to deal with being-fat issue and the other have to deal with surviving each day?
We have more than enough food; we really do have enough to feed every one in this world. And I think we do have enough clean water to feed everyone too.
You can start by donating to me.....I mean support my mission trips HAHAHAHAH.. serious.
Or sponsor a child, donate to worldvision, volunteer in needy countries.. A little hep goes a loooooong way. You're a shinning star!
Monday, July 02, 2007

Just read an article in W magazine on the interview of Ellen Degeneres. Amazing story of how and why she became who she is today. I guess every rich and famous have his/her own heartfelt stories behind their success. I really look up to those who came from not well-to-do family, faced problems in their life, once being called failures yet now able to stand up straight facing the world. People like Elim Chew, Ellen Degeneres, Bill Gates and many more. Those born with a golden spoon in their mouth but still able to shine in the right way; good for you.
My dream is to travel and reach out to those in need. Travelling needs money, reaching out needs money, building churches needs money; everything need money in the world now. I want to be rich, not fully for my own comfort but also to support this dream of mine. I want to be famous for the right reason, so that people can see God's grace in me. I've seen poverty in my eyes, having nothing left in my wallet; I don't want to live in that all my life. But will being rich and famous draw me away from God? I don't want to be stuck in the office working 16 hours a day, attending coperates meetings on Saturday, deal with office politics. Can I deal with something of my passion and become rich and famous still?
Of course I can! In God, all things are possible. Why worry now? Cast the worry aside, God has it in His hands!! Lord, all of my dreams and plans... let it come from You. All the decisions that I made, let it be wise. All the events I will go through, let me and others learn.
I know I can excel in my future career and still able to fulfill my childhood dreams of being a missionary :)
Sunday, July 01, 2007

Closer than a brother
I have felt Your touch
More intimate than lovers
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, friend forever
What a hope I've found
More faithful than a mother
It would break my heart
To ever lose each other
Have you ever wondered what is the sweetest name ever? Might be Mary, John, Peter or Grace to some; but to me it's Jesus. Jesus' name is ever so sweet. Singing His name over and over again brings sweetness in my heart. Sitting in worship today singing the song, brought back many memories I shared with the Lord.
I have always vision myself walking with Jesus along a path like the picture above. Jesus would always walk beside me, holding my little hand. When I'm tired, He'll carry me. When I walk off track, He'll be searching for me till I'm back. When I fell and hurt myself, He'll be there to pick me up and heal my wound. When the storm drew near, He'll hold me close and protect me. No matter what situation, I can always run back to Him. He welcomes me with His big big hands, hug me close to Him and I could feel His warmth. He runs with me, play with me, teach me life lessons, disciplines me, laugh with me, cry with me. When I get angry with Him, He calms me down and comfort me. His smile is brighter then the sunshine, His hands is so huge; He covers me. He accept me as who I am, but loves me too much to let me remain as it was. He answers all my questions, even the most stupid ones. He's ever so paitient, understanding and caring. I can go on and on and on and on with this... How great is out God!
Even though I'm 19 now, but I feel like a little child when I come forward to meet Him. Maybe in God's eye I'm His little precious still. Like how earthly parents cared for their new borns and young children; God care and love us even more, even if we are 90.
1st July, 6 more days till the person in Germany return to work. A few more weeks to knowing the result of the application. GST increase, tighter wallet. I'm sure God will provide for those in need :)
Monday's coming... SIP!!