Thursday, July 19, 2007

After 2 months of waiting, praying and seeking; the acceptance letter arrived! MV Logos II, here I come! However there's another problem.
The program starts on the 6th August, but I finish my attachment on the 10th. Right from the beginning I requested to join the ship on the 11th, and they were alright with that. However, a few days ago they called to confirm the application and asked if I could fly on the 4th instead..
Reasons being the location of the ship is in Germany, which is easily accessible. If I were to fly on the 10th, the ship's location will then be in Faroes Island; not that accessible. I've check.. Meeting the ship in Faroes Island will need at least 2-3 flights and bus rides before reaching. Whereas in Germany, I fly direct there and a bus ride will take me to the ship. Cheaper. Plus, I will be in time for the whole program. Flying on the 10th will means I lose 1 week of it.
Currently asking school and company if they can grant me the 4 days leave I need. I'm kind of torn apart. Most part of me want to go earlier; but then it is the last week of attachment and that's crucial? Need to hand in the report, supervisor will grade me, LO will come visit.. Oh Gosh!! But flying to Faroes will cost so much more because of the flights and I lose one whole week of the program...
Well, keep praying!! PRAY PRAY PRAY! P-U-S-H = Pray Until Something Happen.
Oh yeah, flying on the 4th means I can only attend one session of SOP's worship :P