Sunday, July 01, 2007

Closer than a brother
I have felt Your touch
More intimate than lovers
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, friend forever
What a hope I've found
More faithful than a mother
It would break my heart
To ever lose each other
Have you ever wondered what is the sweetest name ever? Might be Mary, John, Peter or Grace to some; but to me it's Jesus. Jesus' name is ever so sweet. Singing His name over and over again brings sweetness in my heart. Sitting in worship today singing the song, brought back many memories I shared with the Lord.
I have always vision myself walking with Jesus along a path like the picture above. Jesus would always walk beside me, holding my little hand. When I'm tired, He'll carry me. When I walk off track, He'll be searching for me till I'm back. When I fell and hurt myself, He'll be there to pick me up and heal my wound. When the storm drew near, He'll hold me close and protect me. No matter what situation, I can always run back to Him. He welcomes me with His big big hands, hug me close to Him and I could feel His warmth. He runs with me, play with me, teach me life lessons, disciplines me, laugh with me, cry with me. When I get angry with Him, He calms me down and comfort me. His smile is brighter then the sunshine, His hands is so huge; He covers me. He accept me as who I am, but loves me too much to let me remain as it was. He answers all my questions, even the most stupid ones. He's ever so paitient, understanding and caring. I can go on and on and on and on with this... How great is out God!
Even though I'm 19 now, but I feel like a little child when I come forward to meet Him. Maybe in God's eye I'm His little precious still. Like how earthly parents cared for their new borns and young children; God care and love us even more, even if we are 90.
1st July, 6 more days till the person in Germany return to work. A few more weeks to knowing the result of the application. GST increase, tighter wallet. I'm sure God will provide for those in need :)
Monday's coming... SIP!!