Friday, June 29, 2007
I have no idea what to blog about. Office life is never interesting; except for the occasional pranks I played on Freddy. Just last friday I nearly burn down the office with the experiment I treid to carry out in the pantry. I placed 2 cookies into the oven and wanted to make it hot. But then, within minutes the cookies burnt and smoke came out.. So, imagine the whole office filled with that smell. I think I pissed the people sitting near the pantry off; but who cares.. office life is too boring; needed some smell to purge them up.
Oh, some office politics too. Damn, it hurts to be involve in them. Guess it always happen in big companies. So many spies around me; not sure who are friends and who are foes. So what if we are young and interns? Ain't we working like ya'll and doing sai kang that you guys think it's too simply and lowly for experts like you to lay your hands on?
I can't imagine spending the rest of my life in office. I salute those who worked in office for all their life.. Good endurance! I miss the sun, I miss fresh air, I miss getting tanned, I miss sweating, I miss wearing what I like wearing. Everyday I wear formal, walk nicely because I'm on heels, stare at the computer and each day my skin gets whiter and whiter... My back hurts for sitting too long; it really do.
Oh anyway, enough or whinning..
Bozo is back! I'm so glad to see him on sunday. Just when I was missing him on the way to Aunty Florence's place; I saw him the moment I was at the gate! AHAHAHAHA, Bozo, I really missed you when you went missing! Took a walk with him, he poo-ed alot! Bozo, oh Bozo.. Though you don't belong to me.. I felt sad when you went missing. It's so unexpected to see you once again!
I have no idea what to blog about. Office life is never interesting; except for the occasional pranks I played on Freddy. Just last friday I nearly burn down the office with the experiment I treid to carry out in the pantry. I placed 2 cookies into the oven and wanted to make it hot. But then, within minutes the cookies burnt and smoke came out.. So, imagine the whole office filled with that smell. I think I pissed the people sitting near the pantry off; but who cares.. office life is too boring; needed some smell to purge them up.
Oh, some office politics too. Damn, it hurts to be involve in them. Guess it always happen in big companies. So many spies around me; not sure who are friends and who are foes. So what if we are young and interns? Ain't we working like ya'll and doing sai kang that you guys think it's too simply and lowly for experts like you to lay your hands on?
I can't imagine spending the rest of my life in office. I salute those who worked in office for all their life.. Good endurance! I miss the sun, I miss fresh air, I miss getting tanned, I miss sweating, I miss wearing what I like wearing. Everyday I wear formal, walk nicely because I'm on heels, stare at the computer and each day my skin gets whiter and whiter... My back hurts for sitting too long; it really do.
Oh anyway, enough or whinning..
Bozo is back! I'm so glad to see him on sunday. Just when I was missing him on the way to Aunty Florence's place; I saw him the moment I was at the gate! AHAHAHAHA, Bozo, I really missed you when you went missing! Took a walk with him, he poo-ed alot! Bozo, oh Bozo.. Though you don't belong to me.. I felt sad when you went missing. It's so unexpected to see you once again!
Friday, June 22, 2007

I should have emailed Imelda earlier...
I will only get to know how my Logos2 application went after 6 July. The person in charge would only be back by then from her break. Let's see, when she come back on the 6 July, application may take up 3 weeks to process.. Which means I may only know the results on 23-27th July or earlier.
Such a long painful wait!! Oh my, it's like the longest wait in my life, long and taxing!! What if by the time the person come back to process applications only to find that it's full like Doulos?
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
Just as I was sooooooooo "devasted" by imelda's email, this verse sitting on my office keyboard made the heavy stone melt away. Yes, wait for the Lord. WAIT. So many great people in the Bible waited, I should too.
Wait for the Lord. I can wait.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Painful Memories
Last night as I tucked my tired body into bed, strange memories came back to me. Not so pleasant, not so nice. It's been years, but the pain is still there whenever I think about it. I guess I am still waiting for the apologies which will never come.
What's a Church suppose to be? Full of love, care and concern, happiness and encouragements. I remembered the times when I first went to Church; some happiness and some tears.
Last night were flashed back of the times I was bullied in Church. I joined the Church when I was around 8 or so. I wasn't popular, maybe because of my size or maybe I didn't like to talk much. There seemed to be a gang of children that was having fun, and yes.. I wanted to be part of them to. However, blending in was hard. Often I was the outcasted.
Once, Leonard and gang kept our bags away. I don't remember why, maybe my friend and I told them off or something like that. We couldn't find our bags, we were panicky. Later on the teacher had to get Leonard to bring the bags out. That sunday was to celebrate my birthday.
The tables where all the children sit for meals during Church camp were always full with others, not a space for me. I get to sit when they didn't want someone to sit with them. They taught younger kids to call me names; I laughted along with it but tearing inside me. Gathering at nights were made unknown to me.
Once we cycled during Church camp. I rode near to Gracia and soon after she fell. I was blamed for cycling near her. When I tried to talk to Leonard, he screamed at me and told me not to talk to him.
I brought a guitar to Church when I was older. To get it tuned, to learn some skills. I rushed out of the room going somewhere with the guitar in my hand. I returned only to hear from Valerie "Did you see the way she ran out with the guitar...." I heard those, but it's enough to hurt.
During worship practices when I sang out of tune, requested for something more, thinking, planning.. I get weird stares and people talking. So, in their dictionary it's wrong to "speak" for God?
Hurting smses, hurting words, hurting actions. Might have been forgotten by most who did it.. I forgave, but won't forget. I won't forget, so that I know that people are not perfect.
All because I don't laugh along, all because I don't think the same, all because I want to be me, all because I came in late, all because I wasn't quite the same as the rest. All these pain came from the ones I thought would be the bestest friends, all these came from the ones I have known for years. Well, it's gone. But the scars remain. As long as the scars remains, the pain will still linger for some time. Whenever the memories came, the pain will bring a tear.
After all these years, many things changed. Strangely, I see almost the same thing happening to young children like what happened to me. Boycotting, bullying, outcasting... Is this the tradition? Or because it's what was picked up from the older ones; us?
What's a Church suppose to be? Full of love, care and concern, happiness and encouragements. I remembered the times when I first went to Church; some happiness and some tears.
Last night were flashed back of the times I was bullied in Church. I joined the Church when I was around 8 or so. I wasn't popular, maybe because of my size or maybe I didn't like to talk much. There seemed to be a gang of children that was having fun, and yes.. I wanted to be part of them to. However, blending in was hard. Often I was the outcasted.
Once, Leonard and gang kept our bags away. I don't remember why, maybe my friend and I told them off or something like that. We couldn't find our bags, we were panicky. Later on the teacher had to get Leonard to bring the bags out. That sunday was to celebrate my birthday.
The tables where all the children sit for meals during Church camp were always full with others, not a space for me. I get to sit when they didn't want someone to sit with them. They taught younger kids to call me names; I laughted along with it but tearing inside me. Gathering at nights were made unknown to me.
Once we cycled during Church camp. I rode near to Gracia and soon after she fell. I was blamed for cycling near her. When I tried to talk to Leonard, he screamed at me and told me not to talk to him.
I brought a guitar to Church when I was older. To get it tuned, to learn some skills. I rushed out of the room going somewhere with the guitar in my hand. I returned only to hear from Valerie "Did you see the way she ran out with the guitar...." I heard those, but it's enough to hurt.
During worship practices when I sang out of tune, requested for something more, thinking, planning.. I get weird stares and people talking. So, in their dictionary it's wrong to "speak" for God?
Hurting smses, hurting words, hurting actions. Might have been forgotten by most who did it.. I forgave, but won't forget. I won't forget, so that I know that people are not perfect.
All because I don't laugh along, all because I don't think the same, all because I want to be me, all because I came in late, all because I wasn't quite the same as the rest. All these pain came from the ones I thought would be the bestest friends, all these came from the ones I have known for years. Well, it's gone. But the scars remain. As long as the scars remains, the pain will still linger for some time. Whenever the memories came, the pain will bring a tear.
After all these years, many things changed. Strangely, I see almost the same thing happening to young children like what happened to me. Boycotting, bullying, outcasting... Is this the tradition? Or because it's what was picked up from the older ones; us?
Friday, June 15, 2007
Oh yes, it's the time of the year again. Stream of Praise produced 2 albums this year once and again! They will be in Singapore on the 3rd, 4th and 5th August 2007. Check out more details.
This year there will be conference at Bethesda Cathedral, both at 9AM in the morning.
我們時常在敬拜中訴說神的聖潔,神的全能卻不常提及神的榮美我們的神 全然尊貴美麗在 "永遠尊貴" 專輯裡面,一覽無遺這張充滿恩膏的專輯收錄了對神的全心愛慕也收錄了澎湃的敬拜浪潮邀請您一同藉著敬拜,瞻仰神的榮美
雖然我們看自己的時候時常是有缺陷,或是不完美但因為知道我們的神好美而我們又都是以祂榮美的形象所造所以我們也可以是美麗的讓我們深入心中最珍貴的角落將心裡的話,毫無保留地,向神傾吐,訴說"主你好美麗,祢造我們,也好美麗 "一起展開這個尋找內心珍貴角落的旅程吧
All Honor to You
During our worship, we often mention God’s holiness and God’s power.Yet, we seldom refer to God’s awesome beauty.Our God is altogether beautiful and glorious.You will definitely notice words about God’s beauty everywherein the album "All Honor to You"This anointed album captured the whole-hearted and passionate worship of God.We invite you to gaze upon God’s glorious beauty while worshipping with the songs inthis wonderful album.
When we look at ourselves, often time, we see flaws and imperfection.But knowing our God is a beautiful God, and we are all created by Him, we canagain see ourselves as the beautiful ones.Let us visit our precious corner and confess our deepest love to God."God, You are so beautiful. You made us beautiful!"Let us enjoy this journey of searching for the most precious corner of our hearts!
This year there will be conference at Bethesda Cathedral, both at 9AM in the morning.

我們時常在敬拜中訴說神的聖潔,神的全能卻不常提及神的榮美我們的神 全然尊貴美麗在 "永遠尊貴" 專輯裡面,一覽無遺這張充滿恩膏的專輯收錄了對神的全心愛慕也收錄了澎湃的敬拜浪潮邀請您一同藉著敬拜,瞻仰神的榮美
雖然我們看自己的時候時常是有缺陷,或是不完美但因為知道我們的神好美而我們又都是以祂榮美的形象所造所以我們也可以是美麗的讓我們深入心中最珍貴的角落將心裡的話,毫無保留地,向神傾吐,訴說"主你好美麗,祢造我們,也好美麗 "一起展開這個尋找內心珍貴角落的旅程吧
All Honor to You
During our worship, we often mention God’s holiness and God’s power.Yet, we seldom refer to God’s awesome beauty.Our God is altogether beautiful and glorious.You will definitely notice words about God’s beauty everywherein the album "All Honor to You"This anointed album captured the whole-hearted and passionate worship of God.We invite you to gaze upon God’s glorious beauty while worshipping with the songs inthis wonderful album.
When we look at ourselves, often time, we see flaws and imperfection.But knowing our God is a beautiful God, and we are all created by Him, we canagain see ourselves as the beautiful ones.Let us visit our precious corner and confess our deepest love to God."God, You are so beautiful. You made us beautiful!"Let us enjoy this journey of searching for the most precious corner of our hearts!
- 專愛
- 祢的愛
- 最珍貴的角落
- 只因祢
- 哀哭變為跳舞
- 我要向高山舉目
- 祢使我生命美麗
- 生命的話語
- 耶穌的愛
- 因著十架
- 勇敢走出去
- 祢永遠活著
- 選擇相信
- 神是我們的避難所
- 耶穌我愛祢
- 生命活水充滿我
- 祢是何等榮美
- 祢是配得
- 震動天地
- 再一次
- 我們呼求
- 永遠尊貴
- 賜生命的主
- 我獻上感謝
- 我要歡唱
- 我敬拜祢
Be Still

1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
Psalm 139: 1-10
O LORD, You have searched me and You know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
You know when I sit and when I rise;
You perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
You discern my going out and my lying down;
You are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue You know it completely, O LORD.
You hem me in—behind and before;
Before a word is on my tongue You know it completely, O LORD.
You hem me in—behind and before;
You have laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from Your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, You are there;
If I go up to the heavens, You are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, You are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there Your hand will guide me,
even there Your hand will guide me,
Your right hand will hold me fast.
I will be still; know You are God.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Wish List
Wish list... I wonder when I can get them. Spending my own money makes my heart ache; maybe some angels will give them as gifts to me :D
Been wanting to get this Havaianas trekking for a long time. The other time it was not sold and I bought one that last me for last then 2 months. This time, I'm gonna get the right ones.
A laptop I can call my own. I would prefer a light-weight and small size one; for easy carrying. Is there such a laptop that's light, small but have equally good functions as normal ones? A laptop that can support huge programmes like Photoshop, Macromedia and many more.

I've been wanting this camera since I can remember. Taking good shots is one of my interest and passion. Since Uncle Ben's camera brokedown in Cambodia; I've been camera-less. This thing is gonna cost me... $1329 for a EOS 400D

Went to PS with some churchies after service. Saw sports connection and went in to try out the bags. I tried on a 70L bag, it felt good and light. The sales person then introduce another one meant for female; but I don't like the colours. This kind of bag is gonna cost me around $300.

I've been wanting this camera since I can remember. Taking good shots is one of my interest and passion. Since Uncle Ben's camera brokedown in Cambodia; I've been camera-less. This thing is gonna cost me... $1329 for a EOS 400D

Went to PS with some churchies after service. Saw sports connection and went in to try out the bags. I tried on a 70L bag, it felt good and light. The sales person then introduce another one meant for female; but I don't like the colours. This kind of bag is gonna cost me around $300.
Oh my... where can I get people to "sponsor" these things? Or should I say, where and when will I get the money for these. Maybe if I had a rich god-mother; that will help. Wahahaha!
I'll pray!! Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for the Logos results from OM.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
The ports are out! If I'm going for Logos 2 STEP, these are the places that I will be going.
Tvøroyri/Drelnes, Faroe Islands (Denmark)
Bremerhaven, Germany
Reykjavik, Iceland

Ahahahaha... This is so exciting!! Waiting period~ HURRY HURRY! Ahahahaha
What if after all I've gone through and done; I can't go? Well, I believe God has His will and plans.. Not to forget time. These are really beautiful countires! Plus it's autumm, it's gonna be cold like Shanghai.
Monday, June 04, 2007

Once I dreamt of Imelda (before I met her or even knew what she looked like). She was an indian in that dream, and I didn't like her. She wasn't friendly. So, I was a little nervous about seeing her today. And.... the scene in the office were like those in the dream, just that Imelda isn't indian! Gave her the huge x-ray file, talked awhile and she got me to help her solve some EXCEL problem. Friendly, different from my dream :D So far, I had a few dreams related to serving on Doulos/Logos.. and most wasn't pleasant. I think too much during day time...
Then when on to discuss my major project with Terence. Sounds simple enough, I wonder would it be qualify as a major. The office was much crowded then I expected; saw some familar faces too :)
I asked when can the application be comfirmed. Imelda say it can only be confirmed once the April's batch of STEPers finish their servings (10th June); then application will be process. Guess it's waiting time again! The soonest is next week, or so I calculated.
Meanwhile, 2 months left for internship. It's driving me crazy, not the workload but the boredom and the restriction of sitting at my desk.
I can wait, I can wait.. I must wait, I must wait.. I MUST PRAY AND BE FAITHFUL!
Thanks to all who encouraged me along this way.. It meant alot! Just keep praying!
Sunday, June 03, 2007

I have this typical singaporean uncle who was also talking about the show.
"Look at the amount of receipt in that box! We will never get a chance to win. Why didn't they dig deep into the box? No chance already lah!"
If you are so negavtive and sure that you won't win; why still watch the damn show?
Typical singaporean spirit. Negavtive yet held high hopes. Now Sheng Siong is so bloody crowded because of the show. I even withness uncles digging into the receipt box to "steal" other people's chance. TALK ABOUT IT!
Friday, June 01, 2007
I like lavenders; can't say I love them because I have never gotten one and never knew how they really smell like. I like their colour; so peaceful yet enough to shine. Lavenders can calm you down, often it's use for relaxation purpose. I hope that one day someone would give me lavenders!! So far, I drank lavender milk tea in Shanghai before; not bad.
Have you thought about what you'll do when you retire? Where you'll be, what you'll feel and who you want to be with?
Hmmmm... I want to retire happy (who doesn't ?). Spend my last few years sitting on the deck with my hubby enjoying nature and the gentle breeze. Smell lavenders growing in the open fields and smelling the rest of the flowers all the same. Watch the sheep walk by, chicks running around and my house puppies having fun with the kittens. Bake cookies and cakes in the afternoon. Slow evening walks with him by the country road, picking flowers and watch the sun set each day. Fall asleep watching the stars. Grown up children to drop by when they are free, grandchildren to play in the house. Create memories books for the next generation. Blog!
HAHAHA! Sounds like fantasy. BUT IT WILL COME TRUE!
Plan for it NOW.

Plan for it NOW.