Sunday, June 03, 2007

I got a new webcam. So, when there's camera; it's picture time! Grandma and me, isn't she cute? Ahahaha!
I think it's stupid. How can someone be so negative yet had high hope on something? The recent Sheng Siong show got people talking, hoping and commenting. I guess it's the typical singaporean spirit that got it talking. If you didn't watch the show, watch it for once and you're realise why people are talking about it. The huge amount of prize money given out is the main thing and catch of the show. Other then that, the games part is meant for idoits who didn't know how many colours a rainbow has and the children singing competition is horrible. I guess there weren't any auditions before the kids could appear on TV; my hair stand at it's wits end when they sang out of tune and danced out of beat. Oh yeah, they are kids. Goodness not adults!
I have this typical singaporean uncle who was also talking about the show.
"Look at the amount of receipt in that box! We will never get a chance to win. Why didn't they dig deep into the box? No chance already lah!"
If you are so negavtive and sure that you won't win; why still watch the damn show?
Typical singaporean spirit. Negavtive yet held high hopes. Now Sheng Siong is so bloody crowded because of the show. I even withness uncles digging into the receipt box to "steal" other people's chance. TALK ABOUT IT!

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