Friday, June 15, 2007
Oh yes, it's the time of the year again. Stream of Praise produced 2 albums this year once and again! They will be in Singapore on the 3rd, 4th and 5th August 2007. Check out more details.
This year there will be conference at Bethesda Cathedral, both at 9AM in the morning.
我們時常在敬拜中訴說神的聖潔,神的全能卻不常提及神的榮美我們的神 全然尊貴美麗在 "永遠尊貴" 專輯裡面,一覽無遺這張充滿恩膏的專輯收錄了對神的全心愛慕也收錄了澎湃的敬拜浪潮邀請您一同藉著敬拜,瞻仰神的榮美
雖然我們看自己的時候時常是有缺陷,或是不完美但因為知道我們的神好美而我們又都是以祂榮美的形象所造所以我們也可以是美麗的讓我們深入心中最珍貴的角落將心裡的話,毫無保留地,向神傾吐,訴說"主你好美麗,祢造我們,也好美麗 "一起展開這個尋找內心珍貴角落的旅程吧
All Honor to You
During our worship, we often mention God’s holiness and God’s power.Yet, we seldom refer to God’s awesome beauty.Our God is altogether beautiful and glorious.You will definitely notice words about God’s beauty everywherein the album "All Honor to You"This anointed album captured the whole-hearted and passionate worship of God.We invite you to gaze upon God’s glorious beauty while worshipping with the songs inthis wonderful album.
When we look at ourselves, often time, we see flaws and imperfection.But knowing our God is a beautiful God, and we are all created by Him, we canagain see ourselves as the beautiful ones.Let us visit our precious corner and confess our deepest love to God."God, You are so beautiful. You made us beautiful!"Let us enjoy this journey of searching for the most precious corner of our hearts!
This year there will be conference at Bethesda Cathedral, both at 9AM in the morning.

我們時常在敬拜中訴說神的聖潔,神的全能卻不常提及神的榮美我們的神 全然尊貴美麗在 "永遠尊貴" 專輯裡面,一覽無遺這張充滿恩膏的專輯收錄了對神的全心愛慕也收錄了澎湃的敬拜浪潮邀請您一同藉著敬拜,瞻仰神的榮美
雖然我們看自己的時候時常是有缺陷,或是不完美但因為知道我們的神好美而我們又都是以祂榮美的形象所造所以我們也可以是美麗的讓我們深入心中最珍貴的角落將心裡的話,毫無保留地,向神傾吐,訴說"主你好美麗,祢造我們,也好美麗 "一起展開這個尋找內心珍貴角落的旅程吧
All Honor to You
During our worship, we often mention God’s holiness and God’s power.Yet, we seldom refer to God’s awesome beauty.Our God is altogether beautiful and glorious.You will definitely notice words about God’s beauty everywherein the album "All Honor to You"This anointed album captured the whole-hearted and passionate worship of God.We invite you to gaze upon God’s glorious beauty while worshipping with the songs inthis wonderful album.
When we look at ourselves, often time, we see flaws and imperfection.But knowing our God is a beautiful God, and we are all created by Him, we canagain see ourselves as the beautiful ones.Let us visit our precious corner and confess our deepest love to God."God, You are so beautiful. You made us beautiful!"Let us enjoy this journey of searching for the most precious corner of our hearts!
- 專愛
- 祢的愛
- 最珍貴的角落
- 只因祢
- 哀哭變為跳舞
- 我要向高山舉目
- 祢使我生命美麗
- 生命的話語
- 耶穌的愛
- 因著十架
- 勇敢走出去
- 祢永遠活著
- 選擇相信
- 神是我們的避難所
- 耶穌我愛祢
- 生命活水充滿我
- 祢是何等榮美
- 祢是配得
- 震動天地
- 再一次
- 我們呼求
- 永遠尊貴
- 賜生命的主
- 我獻上感謝
- 我要歡唱
- 我敬拜祢