Wednesday, October 06, 2010

I know this feeling. As much as I hate to admit it, there's still that essence in it. Bitter sweet, I suppose. It's a change too sudden, too sudden cause I didn't even had a second to see it coming. And when it happened, there are issues I want to deal with first. I pushed those emotions and granted period of bewilderment aside, there's something more important to be done. Now, I guess it's finally setting in. I don't like this feeling.
As much as I have planned the escape route, it still bites on me if it is the wisest choice I could make. It's like you are not quite use to it, but had to smile... cause in your heart, you have made that promise and this is what and maybe the only thing you could do. For now, I'll just put on the best smile till it settles. I just hope the smile doesn't tear... cause it couldn't affort to.
God, teach me and show me what You want to show me... Is this another lesson for me to learn?

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