Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My forbidden tooth forces me to visit Reggie today. Though it’s not as scary as it was to me when I was younger, still I was a tad nervous about it. I came late and it was my first time at his clinic. It was almost lunch hour and almost all the patient left, I was the only one there. When it was my turn to go in, I didn’t want to think twice about it at all. Thinking twice means I’ll be wasting some time. Reggie looked professional, never seen him in his doctor’s attire, it’s always him in his wetsuit or tee-shirt and shorts. I don’t know why, but his professional image puts me at ease. He wanted to take an x-ray of the tooth at first to see how deep the root is and at that moment I know it’s going to cost me quite a bit. Then he forgoes the x-ray plan and wanted to open up my roots or something like that I heard. All I had in my mind was, anesthetic. As long as I don’t feel any pain, whatever you want to do, I don’t care. Reggie started drilling at that tooth, and before that he said no anesthetic unless it’s really sensitive… It was a good 5 minutes of that, and then he began digging and screwing metal bits in and out of the teeth… All these done and no pain.
Second treatment next week… and I’m so looking forward to it… I just hope it doesn’t cause me any pain for the LOB trip.