Monday, September 13, 2010

The other day sitting at Nando's, it suddenly hit me or all of us that we are getting older. Seems like yesterday when we were all still in secondary school; talking about term test, youth fellowship and 'O' Levels.. Where did the time go? Not to mention those years when we were still in... primary school... children camps, church camps, sunday school. Seriously, where did it all go? We have moved from having drinks at Carl's Junior to Hard Rock Cafe.
Attending service at GMC is like attending church in a foreign land. I am too not bothered to know people, and would prefer to walk away when Gloria's there talking to her church mate.. It's like home, but away from home. We still worship the same God, I like the whole worship and listening to the sermons better.. but there's just this huge chunk missing. I guess this is when the "Home" lyrics from Kit Chan comes in..
This is home, surely
As my senses tell me
This is where I won't be alone
For this is where I know it's home
I saw Janice and Michael the other day when we were at Pan Pacific. We caught up a little and she mentioned how we shouldn't keep looking back at the past, we have to move on. I guess... but still...