Monday, September 27, 2010

I guess, when you know where you're going after you're gone.. you wouldn't feel that alone. Have a little more faith in what you're doing, friend. Even if you had only touched one soul out of so many people you've helped.. you would have achieve what you've set out to do in the first place. And I know, you already have one on the name list :) I promise what I promised you.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
First day went well. Practically spend the entire day playing with the dogs and getting to know their names. It's like working in a child care, but replace screaming children with running dogs. It melts my heard to see how they play and enjoying the simplest thing. I have dogs yearning for attention all the time, but instead of calling out for you like children or student would, they just walk really close to you and wherever you turn, you will see that dog. Oh Sparkle, you one sweet sweet dog. And then there's Latte, who would come in between your legs from behind, it's like the perfect hiding place for him and perfectly normal for him to do that.
I didn't know labradoodle existed until I saw them today, they are like the cutest thing ever. Not that I'm a fan of poodle, but this labrador and poodle mix is sweeeeeeeeeeet. Buddy is like a huge giant curly cotton bud and milo is just so milo-ish. There's this giant snouser, the biggest dog I've come into contact so far, but he's a sweety pie.. a gentle giant. He's about my waist height, if he stands he's gonna go beyond me. So many dogs, so many names...
We'll see how far this will go :)
Gloria texted me before departing, saying she didn't know she needs a visa for Australia.. Well, if it was me... I would have assumed I wouldn't need one too, singapore passport what! But Eugene was saying entering Australia has always require visa, no matter which country.. Opps.. But knowing she, she will get by.
I'm kind of ready for bed...
I didn't know labradoodle existed until I saw them today, they are like the cutest thing ever. Not that I'm a fan of poodle, but this labrador and poodle mix is sweeeeeeeeeeet. Buddy is like a huge giant curly cotton bud and milo is just so milo-ish. There's this giant snouser, the biggest dog I've come into contact so far, but he's a sweety pie.. a gentle giant. He's about my waist height, if he stands he's gonna go beyond me. So many dogs, so many names...
We'll see how far this will go :)
Gloria texted me before departing, saying she didn't know she needs a visa for Australia.. Well, if it was me... I would have assumed I wouldn't need one too, singapore passport what! But Eugene was saying entering Australia has always require visa, no matter which country.. Opps.. But knowing she, she will get by.
I'm kind of ready for bed...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
So, this is my last day of unemployment. I don't quite know how I'm feeling about embarking on a full time job after such a looooooooooong break. It's been nearly a year since I left my last job; so many things had happened, it's almost surreal. Straight after KC was staff trip, last season dive, preparing for Cambodia, Cambodia for 5 weeks, zoo camps, Bali, working with Eugene and not to forget the tough tough period with Gloria. It was a roller coaster ride, if given a choice... once is enough. But all that said and done, it was an interesting journey of learning, self discovery, exploring and experimenting. I'm sure it will take a while for me to get use to not being at Rambai all the time and waking up past afternoon at every chance. Here comes days that I'll be dead tired by midnight and waking up before sun rise.
I'm quite nervous about it, actually. I don't quite know what to expect, what to feel and what's coming my way. I'm 22 man... no longer 18 and exploring. It's like, life starts now! This isn't just gonna be a job for experience anymore, it's gotta be a career. How far it will go.. I have no idea.. Let's just leave it to God and His perfect plans.
Eugene is getting all excited about his new realization, I'm excited too but it's gonna take a lot to make it come true. It will be exciting if it comes true and if our other plan comes true too.. it will be all together very exciting! It's starting, it's starting...
I should start getting use to sleeping at normal timing now..
Every body, say hello to the dog handler!
I'm quite nervous about it, actually. I don't quite know what to expect, what to feel and what's coming my way. I'm 22 man... no longer 18 and exploring. It's like, life starts now! This isn't just gonna be a job for experience anymore, it's gotta be a career. How far it will go.. I have no idea.. Let's just leave it to God and His perfect plans.
Eugene is getting all excited about his new realization, I'm excited too but it's gonna take a lot to make it come true. It will be exciting if it comes true and if our other plan comes true too.. it will be all together very exciting! It's starting, it's starting...
I should start getting use to sleeping at normal timing now..
Every body, say hello to the dog handler!
Happy Birthday Sweet Sunshine
Filled with angst and tears
A million times we talk
But it never seems to stop
Then one day we snapped
That's the end we thought oh no
Someone held our hands
We chose to brave it through
That's one heck of a chapter
None will survuve the ordeal
But we did, just because
We are Gloria and Loo
Your whininess still gets me
Over the years I've learn
The proper way of waking you
How to make you your coffee
And when to claim my piggyback ride
Your armpit juice still so familiar
I could never find another
Your arms are still so short
You'll forever be my special t-rex
I really couldn't comprehend
The world was against us
The satan was for us
Who could understand this smelly bond
So unique that none can grasp
Walked pass hot bubbling larva
And crossed the cobra trench
This friendship so surreal
It's worth another zillion tries
My travel partner, dive buddy and smelly booboo
I'll love you till your nehneh sags
Then buy you push-ups
And still... love you
Monday, September 13, 2010

The other day sitting at Nando's, it suddenly hit me or all of us that we are getting older. Seems like yesterday when we were all still in secondary school; talking about term test, youth fellowship and 'O' Levels.. Where did the time go? Not to mention those years when we were still in... primary school... children camps, church camps, sunday school. Seriously, where did it all go? We have moved from having drinks at Carl's Junior to Hard Rock Cafe.
Attending service at GMC is like attending church in a foreign land. I am too not bothered to know people, and would prefer to walk away when Gloria's there talking to her church mate.. It's like home, but away from home. We still worship the same God, I like the whole worship and listening to the sermons better.. but there's just this huge chunk missing. I guess this is when the "Home" lyrics from Kit Chan comes in..
This is home, surely
As my senses tell me
This is where I won't be alone
For this is where I know it's home
I saw Janice and Michael the other day when we were at Pan Pacific. We caught up a little and she mentioned how we shouldn't keep looking back at the past, we have to move on. I guess... but still...