Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I figured, there will be a time when disappointment in someone wouldn’t hurt anymore. Not because you don’t care or couldn’t be bothered, it’s just that nothing can be done there and then. Perhaps, like what Eugene said; 10 years later, the clouds will clear. I could only imagine.

Apart from scratching and itching from the recent hydroids attack from the last dive trip, there’s really nothing going on in my mind. Maybe there is, but I just couldn’t put them in words. I guess Cambodia will have to wait till the last live aboard trip in October, hopefully by then I’m more than ready to go. Half of me want to give looking for a career here one more try, the other half is telling me I need to go. If only Eugene hasn’t place me in charge of live aboard trips this year, maybe leaving and not coming back in a year or two will be easier. I have half a mind to fly back 6 times a year, just to run live aboard trips for him, just because it’s decency to. Now, if that is going to happen, I will need a USD1200 job or more.

I’ve got an interview with Harvest school in Cambodia, I have no idea what school is that but they said they’ll keep the position for me till I come. Yeah, right… Oh well, we’ll see when I get there. Besides working hard looking for an international school on my own, God has actually open another door for me; teaching in a Methodist school in Cambodia. Of course, it’s not going to be paid, but as far as I am concerned… food, lodging and airfare will be covered if I choose to go. The only thing I have to figure out is my allowance there. It’s not a bad idea, really. Besides, it will sure keep me nice, on track and maybe in check. But one question I ask myself is, am I ready for all these again? OM Cambodia didn’t work out well and believe me, it wasn’t a very good experience… though I would love to visit the kids when I’m back there but there are people I just don’t want to see. One thing that I look forward to in Cambodia, attending the international church: D We’ll see how things go; I believe there will be a way.

Live aboard trips have been fun, we went to dive sites we’ve never been before and for the fist time seeing sharks is not as exciting anymore. Alright, maybe just the bamboo sharks. I guess I’ve seen more sharks then anyone else in the crew this year, in Malaysian waters. 4 more live aboard trips to go and I’m done for this year’s dive season…

I need some excitement in life now.

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