Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sometimes I miss you, not in the i-want-to-see-you-nownownow kinda way, but simply knowing that you are there yet not... there. Basically I miss the friend I had in you, how simple it was and how we had no expectations and emotions from each other. This is not some sad mopey emo post because I know that after I’m done with this, I’m not going to feel any different nor is it gonna change my plans which I've been meaning to tell you. You're always the first one that came to mind whenever I have things I wanna say, events I want to rant or simply when I need a hand to hold and a hug to make things feel right. There’s no special reason for posting this, except for the fact that I’m feeling a little helpless and lost from a day to day basis since I-don't-know when. You're not exactly the right person to talk to, you might not have the time for me now and maybe you're getting a little tired of all this... but you're like the smelly pillow I hate to part.
Where are you?