Friday, June 04, 2010

It's a pretty toilet, and it's huge as well... like HUGE! Almost like a toilet playground. Fancy fancy toilet bowls. I was walking around and not know how to use them.. Hahahaha! I saw some that you can even lie on it and pee, some that looked like a dentist chair, some you can rinse your mouth after use (don't ask me where the link is)... it's totally high tech!! I remember I was working in an advertising company or creative arts for that matter. Even my director's office is cool..
After work, I don't know why it got all gloomy.. And I went to fly kite.. Like those huge kites with nylon lines.. But the strange thing was, there's lots of electrical cables in the skyline.. I was flying and running with it, saw it hit one of the cable, caught the electricity, watch the electricity flow down and it burned my line... That's all... Hahaha! COOL!
The toilets rock my socks...