Saturday, May 15, 2010

I wished there was a 40-day challenge of some kind that I can force myself to take. 40 days challenge to get myself hired with a 2.2k job, maybe. That might just work for me :) So, with things getting back on track with the one I've been worrying about.. It should be my turn. I need to be stronger, I need to be on my feet and get things going again.. I need God back in my life's central stage.
Maybe God is telling me to fireproof my
Caleb Holt: Marriage isn't fireproof.
Michael Simmons: Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it.
I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Takingevery step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait
I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting