Saturday, March 20, 2010

" Eh you piece of sh*t, can you fu*king pass the bottle to me.. na*be*s"
And of course, don't over do it lah huh... Just for the fun of it. HAHA!
Got woken up in the morning for breakfast. At first thought was like.. "What... you woke me up on a perfect cold morning induce for sleeping just for MacDonald's?" Then Grace said we are going up the Hill.
"Bukit Timah ah?"
"The Hill lah!"
So, off to Dempsey Hill we went. Man... it was worth it! The best breakfast I've had so far, well maybe there wasn't much breakfast in my life to begin with.. HAHA! Strawberries waffles with maple syrup, 2 sunny side up, sausage, beacon, toast, bake beans, ice chocolate and ben & jerry's to wrap every thing up. My gosh.... what a great weekend to begin with! Woohooo!!
Dempsey is a nice place, it doesn't feel much like being in Singapore. It reminded me of those rainy summer days in Germany and Faeroe Islands.. How we would gather outside after out shift for ice creams or do grocery shopping during our off days at the nearby super market. Ahhh... I miss being in Germany again..
I'm so lazy to move now, I'm just looking forward to the beers at night and chilling the night away. But then, I know I need to be in Church... It's about time...
So, the day was kind of bad yesterday... But I guess everything that happened thus far today has made it up. Now, who says God doesn't exist.. He must have send all these people around me, though it's not always who I expected to be.. He works in His own way, best for me :)