Saturday, December 19, 2009
Where to begin...
So, 36 days in Cambodia wasn't a breeze. For sure, and I'm going to be frank, that I don't quite enjoyed it as I did on Logos II. Maybe Logos II was more organized and I'm surrounded by people I could interact with. Oh please, not that I don't love the Cambodians and the Koreans around me, but sometimes it's just so overwhelming. Lots of stories and I shall not blog about it in public.
I spend 3 weeks teaching in the Youth Center. Classes are from 9a.m to 10p.m at night, of course there are a lot of breaks in between. Breaks so long that I can take naps and watch all the HBO cartoons that I've missed. Youths there were great. Very polite and respectful. When they get use to me, they treat me like a teacher and at the same time their friend. How cool is that. They brought me around, let me try local food and became my translator whenever I needed one.
Rest of the time I visited slums, other ministries and talking to other missionaries. Thank goodness for Sarah and Pauline, they were the ones who kept me in check and sane during my stay in Cambodia. I can still remember that faithful day we went out for lunch. I was feeling all lousy and lonely, sulking in bed when they came and took me out for lunch. God-sent, they came at just the right moment! Both of them made my stay in Cambodia fulfilling.
During my time there, I had a few Singaporeans who came over for short term. I hosted some of them and even brought one family to Sihanoukville. Just in time for the get-a-way I really needed from OM Cambodia.
The best thing that happened and it summed up the whole Cambodia-mission-cum-year-end-trip was having Gloria come visit! If she hasn't come, I wouldn't have gone up to Siem Reap. If she hasn't come, the rest of my stay in Cambodia would be so draggy. I love this woman to bits for taking the effort to come even thought it was a short trip for her... I hope it was a good trip!
During the trip, we realized we were in Laos at exactly the same time last year. So, it was more or less our anniversary travel trip! We took it nice and easy this time. Gloria needed a get-a-way and I just want to relax. No planned schedule of what to do and where to go. Our day starts at almost 10a.m everyday, no rush to visit or go anywhere. We spend the night drinking cheap beers and sitting out to chill. On the night that we were suppose to head back to Phnom Penh from Siem Reap, we made a last minute decision to continue the bus journey to Sihanoukville. Trust me, we made the decision while boarding the bus.. HAH! I love this woman...