Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sad to say.

As much as I want to and for as long as I have dreamed, I really wondered if it will all work out. It's been so for long, the distant I have gotten so familiar with. When you tried to come close, my only reaction was to move away. I know you only want to be involve and get to know what's going on, but somehow it feels like you're invading the life that I've already pictured without you. I really don't see it as a problem and I can't fathom what are your fears and worries. Pardon me for saying, if I don't see it as a problem, it's not, to me. Made known to me your fear and insecurities, don't make me guess. All these years I've tried and trust me, I've grown numb and given up.

I don't want to walk away, but that's the only thing I know. I still maintain my "distance is good" theory on you. When will the day come, that I can open my heart and tell you things?

The thought came; maybe my life wouldn't be any difference if you were here or not. Sad to say.

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