Friday, September 18, 2009


It's a mixture of feelings; I don't know. Maybe I need to get away, it wasn't how it was initially already. The simplicity of it is almost gone yet the complications have become part of my life. So many things have happened, so many changes and a loads of events. Sometimes I still do ask myself, "What have I gotten myself into?"

For one thing I know, life would be the same anymore, at least that's what I've realized happening for the past few months. My point of view changed, my take on certain things and events changed, my outlook changed, plans changed and whole load of others. It's funny how it was just a few months back I'm a plain old simple me, now... maybe still simple but not that simple.

I've gotten use to it, how not to when it's almost part of your everyday life. It used to be a few days and I see your face, now it's almost everyday. The excitement and anticipation of seeing each other is almost vanishing. Not that it's a bad thing, but I miss those perks of excitement. It hits me when it's mentioned that how some people don't want to meet some people for coffee; it made me wonder if I could still can have coffee tea with you.

Oh come on, Grace! It's not a bad thing, really. Just that I'm missing how it used to be. Now that we are closer; we still do talk, play, tease and make fun of each other.. Actually, I'm quite happy about it. I really enjoyed those alone time we had (I'm still very much a quality time person), all the fun and teasing and the occasional disputes. As much as I know and understand, these changes came unexpectedly... and in times I'm still fine tuning to it.

Why these mixture of feelings...

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