Friday, September 04, 2009


I feel like my life with Church is on a standstill. Nothing much is going, nothing perks me and nothing to look forward to. Gone were those days that I looked forward to every weekends even though it's jam-packed with church activities. Now, even when there are, I'm thinking twice before getting out of the house. What just happened, someone enlighten me?

I know I used to be in Church every Sunday, well almost. People know me, speak of my name and people went "Ah.... I know who's that Grace!" I'm one of the kid that grew up in and with Church. Every single thing is about Church; most friends I have were from Church, most activities I have relates to Church and nonetheless my favorite hang out place was Church.

And so now with new momentum in my life, family members are commenting that I've changed. I admit, yeah, I did changed. But what's the big hoohaa about it? Did I changed to become a bad person? Once or twice a month I have to be away on dive trip, and that made me a backslider, drifted away from God? Just because I'm spending time with friends other than church people, I've become a worldly person? Just because I'm a tad more outspoken now and you're not use to it, means I've changed?

If I say I still do read the Bible everyday; that I would be lying. But who are those people (even the family) to judge and say I've drifted from what they see? Is my relationship with God the same as yours? What I personally experience, will it be the same as yours? So, I would appreciate that you keep your judgment and leave it to God. If I don't judge you, you don't judge me. Maybe you have a big crown of thorns stuck in your eye when you saw the splinter on my finger.

Like seriously, does going to Church every Sunday makes you a better Christian? It's the same theory as the car. A Toyota sitting in the garage for 30 years wouldn't turn it into a Lamborghini. God is all around, so why restrict Him to the 4 walls and only on Sundays. Not that I'm trying to say Christians don't need Church, it was nonetheless a place of worship and fellowship. But all the judging and methodology that not attending Church regularly means you're a wayward Christian just irks me. Church think twice about supporting you, committee think twice when your case is brought up, members go "Who's Grace?" when your name is mention... If I were to go back to Church regularly just because of the recognition.. what's the purpose of going church then? To worship or to show face?

Church is suppose to be a place of comfort and a home. Why does it turns me off now, especially when I spend so many years and memories in..

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