Monday, August 31, 2009

Grandma and my parents finally communicated. Which is good, I've been waiting for this to happen since when I can remember. It irks me that they wanted to restrict my diving to only holidays and a curfew to reach home by midnight. I know your intention for me is good, so that I wouldn't tire myself out; but come on, trust me for once that I can manage. If I choose to lose a few hours of sleep, it's my choice. Don't come breathing down my neck, treating me like a teenager. I told you, the pain in my ear is making me grouchy...
Aside from that, last weekend's trip was fun and good! The last dive was to die for! I remembered praying for equalizing problem and seeing shark. Oh man, just before we wanted to surface, we spotted 3 black tips! To top it up, we saw 3 turtles, 9 1 meter long barracudas and a heap of million other things. The previous dive at marine park, girlfriend spotted a huge ass stingray and grouper side by side each other under the wreck. We turn to each other and instantly we had the same thoughts going through our mind; barbecue :D
It was a good dive trip, topping it up with good company and not bad food. We even had a few surprises :D
Ear pain, ear pain!!
Alright, to distract myself..
Managed to catch Taken and Ice Age 3 on the bus, 70% of Ice Age 3 actually. It will be cool if I had a father like the one in Taken, ultimate coolness. It's been awhile since we last stopped at KK for supper; the good old feeling. On the way back to Singapore, girlfriend flipped me over from the chair... hurhur :)
It's a nice weekend lah!
pain, pain, pain..
Monday, August 24, 2009
When there's too much going on in the head
When there's too many logos, photoshoping, silhouettes, websites and others to do...
Girlfriend say we should wear mask to make it more real...

Conjoined twins
Overloaded head
5a.m scare..
Girlfriend trying to kiss herself

Bunny teeth and a tumor inside girlfriend's face

Monday, August 17, 2009

Woke up at 2ish the next afternoon. Continued with the website before finally getting my ass off to Liana's birthday. Borrowed girlfriend's victorian looking top just for Liana, didn't even dare wear it out. Took a cab down to Holland, man... didn't know Holland was that far. For the first time, the taxi I took came with GPS and even a remote for its radio! The uncle went 120km/h on ECP, I likeeeeee! Felt like a secondary school gathering when I saw so many ex-classmates there. Too bad, ass twin wasn't there :(
Left shortly, Lynn came to pick me up for Jerry's. Weekend is always good with Jerry's steamboat :) Durian, pudding and silent hill to wrap up the night. Thank you, TINTIN, for the ride home.
Church was as usual. Talked about my Cambodia trip, what's gonna happen and what's plan. Went AMK to meet Lynn. That Ah Soh was 38 minutes late in picking me up. Drove to JB for late late lunch, walked around for a bit before going over to pass car to Eugene. Followed him back, unpacked, dinner, transformers 2 for 46 minutes, talk, supper and finally home. Got home at about 2ish. Maybe that explains why I'm so zoned out now :S
Many thoughts in my head, but it's not forming into sentences. I want to sleep...
One part of me tells me I'm not over you. The other part of me says... "It's not the same, you have overcomed it."
Almost fell into it. Don't.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Flipping Pooling
Went for a swim yesterday and got girlfriend to teach me some proper breast stroke. She's an evil instructor, made me do 136543697 laps and tread water for a good 10 minutes. But I'm glad I finally gotten my breast stroke done correctly, now what I need is speed and stamina to hit 8 minutes for 400m timed swim :P
So after her lesson ended, we stayed behind waiting for yao to finish his pool session. Out of no where we starting playing all the childhood game we would play when we were young. Actually it started when she did a hand stand on my back while I was watching the open water. Hurhur! That's when all the somersaults, handstand, flipping in the water, see who spit water the furthest and bla bla bla came about. Sounds stupid, but we had fun :D We should do that often to stay in tune with the inner child. Yeah!! Let's do that again, girlfriend!
Macdonalds for dinner, add on the child hood feeling. It was a fun night :D
So after her lesson ended, we stayed behind waiting for yao to finish his pool session. Out of no where we starting playing all the childhood game we would play when we were young. Actually it started when she did a hand stand on my back while I was watching the open water. Hurhur! That's when all the somersaults, handstand, flipping in the water, see who spit water the furthest and bla bla bla came about. Sounds stupid, but we had fun :D We should do that often to stay in tune with the inner child. Yeah!! Let's do that again, girlfriend!
Macdonalds for dinner, add on the child hood feeling. It was a fun night :D
Friday, August 07, 2009
The Unfinished Prayer Letter

I finally got down to start my prayer letter. As I reference through David's prayer letter and my Logos II prayer letter, it seems like I have so much to say yet nothing to say this time. I am sure God has called for this trip and that is the only reason why I resign with obedience. Please don't tell me I have heard God wrongly or it was a wrong choice made...
Once in awhile the thought of spending 6 weeks in Cambodia scares me. After all, it's a country I didn't dare go back to, I told myself. The fear within is so spiritual, I'm scare yet I know I must be strong. I need about $2500-$3000 to cover everything for that 6 weeks, where is the money coming from?
Looking back at Logos II, I didn't have any money a week before departing yet I trusted that God will provide. Why am I of little faith this time? If God could provide for that amount that I could never imagine, what more this time, right? Have more faith, Grace.. Trust Him like you did before, trust Him even more this time as you step into your land of fear.
Gosh, I haven break the news to my family that I've resign and planning for Cambodia. What will their reaction be? Maybe I'm crazy enough to quit now with such economy, with a stable job and a stable income. If only they could understand that "hey, I'm young. I only live once!" Well, maybe they do :) Just like how grandma understood rugby and diving HAHA!
Twin say at least I'm living my dream now, while she is still hanging and drifting. We talked about how working life sucked, how wrapped a child's thinking use to be and all the crap about studying hard, get a good job theory the teachers have endlessly tried to drill into our young innocent minds. It's good to reminisce those forgotten old times. It's been awhile since we chatted, brought me back to those times we would talk while walking from class to technical block for her D&T and my Art lesson. Man, been 5 years since I left secondary school...
Alrights, got to go collect my contacts and meet Siang at OM office. Diving this weekend, I will be singing 'Count on me Singapore' in malaysian waters :D