Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sermon Notes
Facing your giants
-Story of David teaches us to face our giants
-Story of David reminds us that God loves us even when we make mistakes
-If you focus on giants, you will fall. If you focus on God, the giants will
-Keep your mind on God and not on your giant(s)
-Face your giants like David face his; think about God
5 stones David pick up
- The stone of the past
- Remember the victories of the past.
- The stone of prayer
- David went low into the valley before going high into the battle. Don't face giants without first facing God.
- The time David was successful, David prayed.
- The stone of priority
- Know what matters.
- The name of the living God matters to David.
- The priority of life is the name of God
- God is letting you face the giant so that He can display His strength.
- Our priority is not our comfort but God's glory
- The stone of passion
- Run towards your giant, not run away.
- Don't run backward, run forward.
- The stone of persistence
- Stay at it, keep going, and keep trying.
- In time, the giant will come down.
- No giant is too big, if God is your God.
- Face your God and your giant will fall.