Wednesday, June 17, 2009
i miss thee

Finally, send girlfriend off to the airport this morning. It's weird, why do I feel like something big is missing in life (no pun intended). Come this friday, Eugene and group will be leaving for Manado too, leaving the few of us behind. Girlfriend sang me this song when we talked about it... "All by myself, don't want to be all by myself..." It sure fits lah~
Wanted to turn up for training tonight, but the lack of sleep and forgetting to take boots from home changed the plans. Helped girlfriend with her packing and whatnots till 4ish in the morning before popping to sleep and wake up at 6 to wake her up. Want to train your patience? Try waking her up without irritating the hell out of her. Came back from airport and slept till 4ish in the late afternoon. Lynn tried to wake me up cause she's hungry, her plan failed. When Grace is sleepy, food doesn't matter.
I haven really been to work these past few days. Tomorrow, if I stay throughout, would be the first official work day this week. There's mini camp in Church this Friday, would love to go if there are no urgent plans.
Shit man, why is this emo-ness taking over me now? I wonder what would happen when I go away for 2 years... The urber missing-people feeling will kill me.
Come back soon people...