Monday, May 18, 2009
We went to help out at Jerry's and Fion's charity event. Gloria was suppose to be the photographer and I was there... to pass her the camera. End up she brought her camera, so we both became photographers :D Because of sensitive issues and privacy of the beneficiaries; selective pictures were posted on my Facebook and blog. None of the humans here are from the beneficiaries.
I likeeee this picture. Faith reminds me of Jacqueline when she was younger. I wonder how is she now.
The 2 little tigers. I lost count how many face painting they had over the day.
Somehow she stood out in this picture. The black amidst the sea of green.
I looked really happy here.. HAHAHAHAHA! It's a green green day.
First time up and I think it's enough. 30 minutes is a little too long.
Girlfriend said this looked like a city underwater. Now, we need some bubbles, fishes and corals to make it look real. Anyone?
I always travel on this expressway, but never figured it looked like this.
Ooooo.. are you scared of heights?
It's the Grace and Gloria picture again :)
The city out of a window in that cabin.
Jerry and Fion, very happy and excited to see coming down, like finally!
Nothing beats sunset shots right. Especially when it's not and photoshopped. :D
Giant lines!
Seriously, I wouldn't pay $30 for this ride. Just not my ride lah huh. Nothing's bad about it.
I shoot you!
This little box of thing. I fought my life to get it. Open it up, quite the disappointing. Super salted. We shared one.
There she is. Contended with that box of chicken. Note: It's chicken and not chickens.
The food we had that day. Our breakfast cum lunch. Of course there were other snacks. But we seriously lacked proper food that whole day, until supper time.
The new wang wang spokesperson.
Beware the Gloria monster power sucking you into her... er.. mouth!
Are you hallucinating?
I kill you!
That bike is almost the same height as her!
And so the day ended :) Nice laksa steamboat near girlfriend's place after that. Before that we nua a little in the carpark waiting for Jerry before driving back to look at the hand me downs. Long, tiring but nice day.